anyone know of a good first compound bow guide, start to finish?


Mar 28, 2012
SE Wisconsin
I have a friend that approached me about buying his first bow. He knows absolutely nothing. I've explained alot and told him where I recommend shopping for it, but he was kinda hoping I knew of like a guide for dummies type of website.

not in depth on how to do it all yourself, just basically what stuff is. he's trying to educate himself a little before going and shopping for a bow. ive found some OK stuff online, but looking for something more all encompassing. anyone know of a good online guide that explains a few things?

he didnt know what a D loop was, release, peep sight, arrow spine, etc....basically everything lol

any links would be appreciated, thanks
Last edited:
Feb 26, 2012
Annapolis, MD
What you need to do with your buddy is to sit down and explain the basics to him. That will be better than any book. Cover the parts of the bow, different kinds of arrows, spine and how it affects arrow flight, the various accessories you put on a compound bow and what they are for. Then hook him or her up with a good pro shop who can advise on what to look for in a bow.

The next step would be to shoot a variety of bows, in different designs to see if he/she likes a long or short axle to axle length, how much let off they prefer, draw length (can they handle something shorter than their natural draw length...some bows may not be able to fit what he/she needs, etc.), and so on. Your buddy won't know what his/her preferences are until he/she has shot a number of different styles of bow.

Good luck, and also think about getting your buddy to take the International Bowhunter Education Course, your state DNR should offer it as their bowhunter education course. Lots of good basic information for newbies and even for experienced folks.
