Anyone have experience with a Flycraft raft?


Dec 10, 2015
Hey guys,
I have been thinking about upgrading my old beater canoe for something that might be slightly more versatile. Something I could float trout streams, throw a small motor on and use on lakes, use for hunting access as well. I keep coming back to the Flycraft package with a small 3.5 motor. It's probably on the expensive side for what it is, it would be about 7k out the door for a new one with motor. Anyone have one? Whats your experience with them? Would I be better off going a different route?

My uncle bought one and stores it at my place. I use it a lot! It’s narrower than a traditional raft and doesn’t steer/track as easy as a drift boat, but I really like it for skinny water. I see them used all the time for much cheaper than msrp.
A good friend owned one briefly. This guy grew up on the water and has been floating western rivers as long as I’ve been alive. I lucked out and wasn’t along for the second trip in it, when it flipped in something a little bigger than a riffle. Too narrow for anything but still or frog water was our conclusion. The water master bruin that replaced it has been solid.
I have an X. Really like it. Very stable and moves well. I will add an electric outboard this year for flat water. Handled class 2+ rapids very well.

The wind does push it around quite a bit.

I can load it on the top of my pickup with topper by myself, or haul it in the truck bed depending on whether or not I have my camper.
Last time I looked at Flycraft they were not self bailing and that's a no go for myself. The saturn triton series in 12'6 is cheaper and could strap a NRS frame on it.

Both of these are very narrow however, and can get top heavy if you get sideways in any bad chop. Personally I run a wide 14' Star raft and have rowed many Aire and NRS systems which are all fantastic and great in white water.
Last time I looked at Flycraft they were not self bailing and that's a no go for myself. The saturn triton series in 12'6 is cheaper and could strap a NRS frame on it.

Both of these are very narrow however, and can get top heavy if you get sideways in any bad chop. Personally I run a wide 14' Star raft and have rowed many Aire and NRS systems which are all fantastic and great in white water.
I think 3 of the 4 models they have now are self bailing.
I have an aire tributary 9.5. Works well for all you listed and much more comfortable for me and how i use it. Far cheaper as well.
I bought a Dave Scadden Assualt XX Provo River Guide's a fraction of the price of the Flycrafts and others like it.

I'm quite happy with it. It's great for trout streams and rivers. Maneuverable and stable. Easy to throw into the truck bed. There are bigger versions as well. Haven't put a motor on it yet.

Full disclosure: Scadden gets flamed on the white water forums for being trash. Does it compare to an NRS raft/frame, probably not. Do I intend to take it on any sort of "white water"? Hell no. There are also complaints out there about customer service. I had no issues. Had a couple of questions when I got it and Dave picked up the phone right away and we even texted back and forth a couple of times.

On it's maiden voyage the flows were a little higher than I expected and went through a few sections of stream that were pretty rough and I was nervous about my ability to row through them. I have no idea what class rapids these would be...2 or 3? Anyways we went through at least one or two of these sections either sideways or backwards because of my inabilities. Floated right through and never felt like the boat would flip.