Anyone ever sell a car to Carvana or Carmax?

After the dust settled the final offer came in $400 under the initial offer and its another $500 to have them pick it up. We've got the option of delivering it to their location but at the end of the day its not worth my time to spend half a day with 2 people to bring it to the metro. All in all for what the market seems to be on them its more than any other offer had been on it and trying to sell it private party netted literally zero interest.
I'll definitely keep them in mind in the future for this type of thing.
I sold one through Carvana and it was seamless, as long as you represent the car well. They were there for less than 15 mins, drove the car, handed me a check for the agreed upon price, and loaded on their transport truck and drive away.
I put my 2021 4Runner TRD Pro on CL and FB Marketplace for $49k, which was on the higher end of private party value from KBB and Carfax. My Carvana offer was $41,800, which was more than any local dealer would offer. I had some company in TX reach out to me and offer me $46k and I got them up to $47k. They said they would fly in tomorrow, meet at the bank, pay off my loan, dot the i's and cross the t's and drive away. If I were you I would have them give you a quote and see what they say?!? If I'm not responsive after 1pm tomorrow you know why lol. Google review are 5 Star and almost 7k of them.
Just closed the deal with Texas Auto Value and will say it went as smooth as butter! Highly recommend getting a quote from them before you sell.
We sold one through Carvana. Super easy. Got exactly what was expected as we were super honest on the condition representation. As Doug above said, 15 minutes and we were done with a check in hand for a car that didn't have a note.
Summer of 2022 I sold a truck to Autonation. They offered about $10k more than I paid. Carmax & KBB offered much less.
My beat up truck is apparently woth $2800 to Carvana, $2900 to Carmax, and Edmund TMV trade in was supposedly $4800. Private sale was $5800. The closeness of the CV and CM quotes suggests that I discribed the truck similarly. The Edmund's TMV prices came from the same app as the CM quote. Will see what reality is next week.
My mom passed away in early 2021. So I listed her almost brand new Nissan Altima with 5000 miles on Autotrader and Craigslist for $24k. With the way the used car market was going during covid, I figured that would be a real fast sale. I had it listed for months and kept getting low-ball offers from dealers around the country for around $17k, and a few others like Carvana etc for around $20k. I finally just took it to our local Carmax and they gave me just over $23k for it on the spot. Way more than the next closest offer.
I have sold 2 to carmax, got less than selling it myself but more than I was offered for trade in.
Looking at this same option, as my local dealership is not willing to come off MSRP on the vehicle I want and I can get 10-12k off MSRP going to a different state and having the vehicle delivered. So far Autonation is in the lead. I also reached out to the Texas Auto Value recommended by @LFC911, we will see what they offer.
Similar situation. Family member passed away and left a car. Carvana offered 1000 less than what was paid on invoice. It was a year old and had 3000 miles on it. It was more than any other place and no hassle of test drives and the trove of “is this available” marketplace dealings. I put all the info in and then checked every once Ina while. Price came up after a couple weeks and that’s when I pulled the trigger.

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Done Carmax it's ok, local guy gave more.

Everyone has a ton of inventory.
I did a carmax sale and it was smooth as could be. I watched the listing and it sold for ~12% more than they gave me.
I did a carmax sale and it was smooth as could be. I watched the listing and it sold for ~12% more than they gave me.
Yeah they gotta make a buck.

I have done Carmax a couple of times. They gave a good price on every vehicle I sold to them except one. You have to be careful with their pricing.

On the other hand, the money deal was done within a day or two, every time if not that day.

Other dealerships jerked me around for a month or two. It is a damn challenge for sure.

It depends on where you sit on your vehicle financially. If you own it, you might get more outside of Carmax. If you don't own it outright, Carmax is very fast with the creditor.

I have had both scenarios and both worked very quickly with Carmax.

With other dealerships I have been jerked around.
Also try "" They have dealers all over the country. They also have a radio show here in La on Saturdays. He says if he doesn't beat your Carmax offer, he will give you $100. A co-worker sold a truck to him and they beat all offers he got elsewhere. They came and picked it up with a flatbed and handed him a check.
Looking at this same option, as my local dealership is not willing to come off MSRP on the vehicle I want and I can get 10-12k off MSRP going to a different state and having the vehicle delivered. So far Autonation is in the lead. I also reached out to the Texas Auto Value recommended by @LFC911, we will see what they offer.
Have you heard back from TxAV?
I sold my 2011 4Runner to Carvana prior to our move across the country. Toyota offered 8k, Carvana 13k. No brainer.