I had some buddies out there with horses and ran into a few more muzzleloading.
I ran into some of you Texans on Gore Trail (I think) after dark returning to camp from an evening hunt. I had my pack on and minimal gear in it. We just did the long hike from the truck that day and I didn't want to go to bed with a sweaty, wet Merino First Lite so I took it off. The moon was out so I was conserving headlamp fuel by trudging uphill in the dark with Hawk in tow. I heard some voices and then saw a light. So I turned mine on and we met these two guys that were amazed that I had no shirt on. They said, "Where ya'll from?" "Michigan." I replied. They were like, "No wonder you have no shirt on." I was sweating and steaming but dry come rack ops.
Yeah i understand the tolerance for chilly weather. I grew up in SC but lived outside Chicago for 4 years. First warm day (above 40) with the sun shinning and people broke out the shorts and t shirts. Some nice people but I thought they were completely nuts.. Of course when it was 95 and I was running 2 miles at noon, I'm pretty sure they were looking at me the same way..
Yeah, I usually run after work when it is bag drag weather. We used to call our sniper rifle cases (drag bags) bag drags. I cannot even talk without referencing something along that line. LOL