Any male models???

I vote more pictures of her, less talking about dudes.

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.
If you really want to impress your wife, get action shots done of you folding laundry, washing dishes, putting away groceries, etc. in minimal clothing. That way you give her two ways to be impressed. I know my wife would be impressed by at least one part of those photos from me. Best of luck and props for trying so hard to impress your wife. She's gonna love whatever you do just because of that.
A little bit, yeah.


She & her husband are actually really good friends of ours. She did a photo session of Jules & I just before Christmas, as a gift for Jules' Mum back in England.

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.
so after a day of laughing and enjoying the thread I figured ill help you out. im 6'4' 250 and have one big ab... somehow I managed to find a damn fine woman that tells me im sexy (could be lies... idk, idc) and over the years ive learned its not so much what I look like that makes me sexy to her and so I would assume it might be the same for you and your wife....(they love us for some reason right?)
I think us guys don't elicit that tingly sensation in the same manner that women do for us.
1) grab a paint roller, a step ladder and paint a wall. use water so the camera catches the roll marks and the photographer can shop the colors in. wear a pair of coveralls with one strap dangling and plenty of action shots that represent the hard workin man she loves and admires. also seductive side shots that hint that theres nothing on under the coveralls.
2) something similar with a leaky pipe under the sink... you getting soaked but manning up and fixing shit.
3) set up some saw horses in the garage or out back and skill saw or metal grinder something with a good high speed shot of the saw dust or sparks coming off while youre all sweaty... action shot followed by a sip from a tall humid glass of lemonaid (or whatever)
4) you in pajamas sitting on the bed with a dozen roses waving her towards you.

shit like that

or put on a thong and flash a big wad of hundreds.... bitches love money...

Besides the 'bitches love money' comment, I think this guy is on the right path with his advice....

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This is probably going to end up in the 'manscaping' bin.......

I can't believe I'm asking this.

So, right. To start of, no, I'm not gay.

To continue:
I know that there are guys on this forum that're buff. Like, model buff (I see you, Snyder....) & I was wondering if there were anyone here that's done a professional modeling/photo shoot.

Ok, so a little background;
My twelfth anniversary is coming up & The Wife's going to be out of the country for a couple of weeks. I have a photographer lined up, plus a really, REALLY good indoor/outdoor location & I'm wanting to do a boudoir (dudeoir) shoot for an anniversary gift.

Are there any photo models on here could give me any advice?

Fyi....I'm a mid-40s, average-pudgy shaped guy with SERIOUS self confidence issues. This is THE single most terrifying thing I've done in my life (including being shot at in Bosnia & northern Ireland & actually shot twice) I'm trying to do a sexy (for her) photo shoot & I have no idea what I'm doing.

Any tips at all would be hugely appreciated.

Sorry for the weirdness......

Stop living a lie.
Robbie and Ryan should make it mandatory for all FNG's to read this thread and "Manscaping" before being allowed to post. That way they know exactly what they are getting themselves in too. Great info on hunting and gear, relationship advise, emotional support and a lot of BS. LOL
Welp.....I have the session booked now. Monday the 10th. I'm a little wiser about what's going to happen & you guys have given me some good ideas & direction. I've also spoken to Andrea (photographer) & she's made me a little more comfortable about my decision.

Gawd help me.
Welp.....I have the session booked now. Monday the 10th. I'm a little wiser about what's going to happen & you guys have given me some good ideas & direction. I've also spoken to Andrea (photographer) & she's made me a little more comfortable about my decision.

Gawd help me.

Best of luck, and I'd still clean the house spotless.
Not sure I have the stones to do the sort of thing you're contemplating, but best of luck to you. Remember, a lot of great stories, start with bad decisions. My suggestion is to go with it. You got this!!
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