Any male models???

There are lines that should not be crossed. Chaps are on the far side of that line!

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.

This is the kind of photo she takes.
I'm looking to do a male version. Not nude, nothing weird, just classy traditional boudoir stuff.
With me instead of her.....

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.

This is the kind of photo she takes.
I'm looking to do a male version. Not nude, nothing weird, just classy traditional boudoir stuff.
With me instead of her.....

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.

But I think I like her better.
Honestly, I don't know what you want from this crowed. This is something personal between you and your wife. She loves you. We don't know you. Be you. It doesn't matter what poses or situations you choose for the photos, you have to be you or you aren't being honest with her, yourself, or your relationship.

Guys are visual. Women are more emotional. I know the allure is there because we love seeing our women in sexy clothes or provocative ways. Women aren't built like us, they are more emotional. If you are set on the pictures think of ways to make them emotional to her. Maybe touch on past experiences you had or activities you have shared. Or, make it represent you in ways she imagins you. I like the idea of professional photos of you doing the things you normally do on a hunt. It would give her a connection to you and the outdoors.
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Ballsy move brother. I actually think she'd dig it simply because its unique and totally unexpected. She married you so obviously shes into you so that should give you some self confidence. I'd probably have a shot or two of tequila to settle the nerves. Also, maybe make sure its not cold in the room....
Incidentally, the model in that shot is her sister.

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.

Ummm....why do you have your sister-in-laws bedroom pics? Never mind. I don't want to know. Wait. I'm guessing this is the photographers sister? Thank god! I was really grossed out for a second

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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so after a day of laughing and enjoying the thread I figured ill help you out. im 6'4' 250 and have one big ab... somehow I managed to find a damn fine woman that tells me im sexy (could be lies... idk, idc) and over the years ive learned its not so much what I look like that makes me sexy to her and so I would assume it might be the same for you and your wife....(they love us for some reason right?)
I think us guys don't elicit that tingly sensation in the same manner that women do for us.
1) grab a paint roller, a step ladder and paint a wall. use water so the camera catches the roll marks and the photographer can shop the colors in. wear a pair of coveralls with one strap dangling and plenty of action shots that represent the hard workin man she loves and admires. also seductive side shots that hint that theres nothing on under the coveralls.
2) something similar with a leaky pipe under the sink... you getting soaked but manning up and fixing shit.
3) set up some saw horses in the garage or out back and skill saw or metal grinder something with a good high speed shot of the saw dust or sparks coming off while youre all sweaty... action shot followed by a sip from a tall humid glass of lemonaid (or whatever)
4) you in pajamas sitting on the bed with a dozen roses waving her towards you.

shit like that

or put on a thong and flash a big wad of hundreds.... bitches love money...
I was thinking along the lines of the previous poster, only more domestically. Photos in various stages of undress, but doing actual stuff around the house she'd really appreciate - cleaning the countertops, mopping the floor, folding or ironing laundry, etc.

This is the kind of photo she takes.
I'm looking to do a male version. Not nude, nothing weird, just classy traditional boudoir stuff.
With me instead of her.....

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.

maybe KUIU could use her for marketing.........:rolleyes:
(Me bad)


so.......I used to run with a group of gals who said that there was nothing sexier than a guy wearing a tool belt. As in wearing work related clothes, shirtless. I agree with yourself. I really think it will just come to you.
There really is! Thanks so far for the help guys & I'm glad y'all are getting a good laugh! It's certainly making me giggle every time I come back to it!

Sent from a mountain somewhere, using telepathy.