Any flyfishing raft guys? looking to buy one

Congrats on your upcoming move to Salmon. I lived there in the early 2000s. A raft is a great recreational investment when you consider what's within a 2-3 hour drive from there.

Back then, I had a Down River Equipment fishing frame on a 14' Avon Ranger. On the narrow side at 6' but I felt it worked better than a standard, wider raft when it comes to maneuverability for fishing. I've been out of the game a long time but Avons were considered one of the highest quality rafts made. I don't think they make the Rangers any more, don't know about their other models. I would suggest considering the width carefully.

The DRE fishing frame worked well for me and I could break it down to bare bones for whitewater and overnight trips. I was able to take my raft to Denver and had them build the frame from the precise dimensions of that inflated raft. Made for a great front platform fit, as well as the rest of it.

You mentioned you don't really see yourself doing the Middle Fork-class waters. And I get that, because I don't like whitewater anymore and won't do those. But I'd strongly recommend not shutting the door on that. There is such a rafting culture in Salmon. You can easily build a circle of friends and enjoy the day stretch near Shoup and that will turn into a desire to run the Middle Fork or Main. With the right friends to coach you along, it's a fantastic experience to raft 100 miles through the largest wilderness in the lower 48. And if the flows are right.... fantastic fishing. Just a thought.
Many thanks for all the insight. My buddy has been recommending the SlipStream as best bang for buck. States that floor is a game changer...which has been vetted here.

A question for those still following. Has anyone ever fabbed a platform or "rack" for the stern? I think I saw a Flycraft a while back that had essentially a rear square cooler carrier? I would like an option for a place to chunk a dog when rafting with just my wife and I. Dog will probably make every run with me. A dedicated flat spot would be nice.
As for the "hard" floored boats, I think you'll find you don't ned a platform for your dog, and moreso the platform would probably be a worse place to put him than in the boat with a hard floor. The floor has a foam decking material on it for protection, and you could throw down an additional mat for the pup's comfort and to save your floor if you think it's necessary. Even though they are self bailing, and technically allow some water ingress, the floor in my buddies smith-fly stays remarkably dry as long as you don't get water over the top. I would expect the slipstream to be the same. The floor is basically an inflatable paddle board. Another buddy with a flycraft has a gear rack but it seldom gets actually used and more just gets in the way.
The Aire puma series are solid options. Quick movers, able to hold in current well etc.. fishing frames can be had through nrs or the custom company’s. I found a used super puma, the 13 ft model, and it has been a great boat. On the small side for family overnighters but definitely doable. Enjoy the search!
I have had 2 Aire boats one I bought used and the other new and a Saturn I bought new. The build quality between the Chinese boats and the Aire is very noticeable.

In quality boats I really like the Moravia, Sotar, aire and nrs' domestic boats.

As mentioned the boat shape plays a big role in where it shines. More rise eats waves and catches wind.

There is not a boat that I've seen that can be fixed anywhere close to as quickly as an Aire boat...but Aire boats are heavy. My 10 year old aire lived outside with 303 on it most of its life and was still in great shape when I sold it.

You might try looking at Alaska raft and kayak for pricing. I ordered my NRS frame from them and NRS drop shipped it to me in Spokane at about 40% less than anyone else would sell it to me for.
@Wrench You're another Dude like MtnBiker208....anything you HAVEN'T done or owned?

Rafts, Kayaks, Jet Boats, Dirt Bikes, Land Cruisers....I am decades behind
Tim is a far better resource on sleds and rafts than I am. I spread myself out a lot, he's a very knowledgeable resource in his crafts.....and a great human.
As for the "hard" floored boats, I think you'll find you don't ned a platform for your dog, and moreso the platform would probably be a worse place to put him than in the boat with a hard floor. The floor has a foam decking material on it for protection, and you could throw down an additional mat for the pup's comfort and to save your floor if you think it's necessary. Even though they are self bailing, and technically allow some water ingress, the floor in my buddies smith-fly stays remarkably dry as long as you don't get water over the top. I would expect the slipstream to be the same. The floor is basically an inflatable paddle board. Another buddy with a flycraft has a gear rack but it seldom gets actually used and more just gets in the way.
I haven’t seen or felt the foam floor you’re talking about - and I’m guessing that NRS has assumed people are going to put dogs in their boats - but I’d wonder about how the floor would do with a dog’s toenails, because I’ve seen paddle boards that had a hard foam on top of them shredded from dog’s toenails.
I can tell you that a dogs toenails on a aire boat wouldn't even scratch it without a lot of work.
I haven’t seen or felt the foam floor you’re talking about - and I’m guessing that NRS has assumed people are going to put dogs in their boats - but I’d wonder about how the floor would do with a dog’s toenails, because I’ve seen paddle boards that had a hard foam on top of them shredded from dog’s toenails.
It’s pretty much the same stuff as seadek, but underneath it’s the same rubber as the rest of the boat- at least on saturn/smithfly/flycraft. I haven’t seen the NRS in person.

Personally, if I knew my dog was going to be on it a lot I would throw down a rubber mat for some extra protection
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a few years back, the wife and I had a goal of floating the entire salmon river. We did it in chunks. The last section we needed to do was Clayton to Salmon. The wife is a very serious fly fisher. Me, I would rather go to work than go fishing, One thing i noticed was: when we where floating by ranches, the fishing was good. When we floated by agriculture, the fishing sucked. It was amazing how the irrigated fields drained into the river and the bottom of the river has lots of moss growing, Float by a ranch and the river bottom was rock. Just a wierd thing to see.

It took us 10 years, but we did manage to solo boat float the entire 425 miles of the salmon river. River running gets into you and it is a hard drug to stop. But then again whitewater kayaking ran my life. The wife and i have a solo boat 11 day float in alaska in july.
@3Esski I never see rafts on this stretch of river. When I called the Fly shop...kid kinda giggled when I asked "Why no rafts"

He said "Rafts guides don't want to row them. Drift boats any day"
I've owned a 12' pontoon, rowed a few different drift boats, and a couple of rafts ranging from high-end to old school.
My pick would definitely be drift boat.
I much prefer a hard floor for standing in the casting brace and they just row MUCH better.
My son has an old school bucket (edit-)raft(not self-bailing) and it is serviceable but a modern self bailing raft is a must.
I bought an ATV trailer with a ramp for the raft and the bigger tires and ramp make it easier to load and unload.
Guide boats can be had for a decent price but they show many days and rocks.
I feel I can repair fiberglass better than I could repair raft material, should the need arise.
Now is a good time to shop for a privately-owned db or raft.
Join some of the Missoula-area trading pages on FB, and Craigslist.
Let me know if you're coming to the Bitterroot-I live in Stevensville.
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Obviously I'm retarded but how do you have a self bailing drift boat? Is there an automatic pump?
Drift boats aren’t self bailing, but the slope of the floor in the front and rear of the boat allow water inside the boat to drain towards the middle. There are integrated channels the allow to water to flow towards drain plugs located at the rear of the boat above the waterline, and you need to push the boat up while it’s on its trailer to drain any water.

If you ship in a lot of water while on a float, or it rains hard, you can sometimes pull the front of the boat far enough up on steeper bank to get the rear of the boat high enough to drain, but generally you don’t have to do that.

People getting in and out of the boat after wading, wet anchor ropes, and soggy shoes/clothing put minimal, but enough water in the boat that they should be drained at the end of the day. The only person water really affects is the person rowing because that water sloshes around at their feet and also - that’s where the anchor rope is located. If you keep your boat clean it’s no big deal, but I don’t like to pull up anchor line that’s been marinating in grimy, gritty, copenhagen spit, bilge water all day.
@Jesse Jaymes

I've had boats for a while (15 yrs). You really need to dial in your use case. Is it going to be mostly day trips with 1 or 2 other people? Are you going to want to do long trips and really packs heavy stuff? I'll explain how I chose my boat.

- I was looking for something that would primarily do day trips with 1-2 other people (3 total).
- I wanted a boat that was narrow and could scoot through boulder fields and rock gardens in low water so I could access rivers at certain times of year (low water)
- I wanted to occasionally duck hunt out of it
- I wanted to occasionally overnight or multiple overnight in it, but with the mindset of backpack style.
- I wanted a fishing platform or frame
- I wanted to be able to run whitewater to access different/difficult areas
- I wanted the boat to be light enough to hand launch or retrieve from different access pts
- I wanted a boat that I could potentially use in AK on a float hunt

With those needs I ended up choosing an Aire Super Puma and it has been great.
@Jesse Jaymes

I've had boats for a while (15 yrs). You really need to dial in your use case. Is it going to be mostly day trips with 1 or 2 other people? Are you going to want to do long trips and really packs heavy stuff? I'll explain how I chose my boat.

- I was looking for something that would primarily do day trips with 1-2 other people (3 total).
- I wanted a boat that was narrow and could scoot through boulder fields and rock gardens in low water so I could access rivers at certain times of year (low water)
- I wanted to occasionally duck hunt out of it
- I wanted to occasionally overnight or multiple overnight in it, but with the mindset of backpack style.
- I wanted a fishing platform or frame
- I wanted to be able to run whitewater to access different/difficult areas
- I wanted the boat to be light enough to hand launch or retrieve from different access pts
- I wanted a boat that I could potentially use in AK on a float hunt

With those needs I ended up choosing an Aire Super Puma and it has been great.

This almost literally mimics my use case. Can you please post some pics, specs on the frame, etc?
I made an edit to mention raft
bucket boats, have a solid floor, just a piece of material. Self bailing rafts have a blow up floor that is stiched into the tubes, The outside of the floor, which is inside the boat, has holes that allow water out.
When i started raft guiding, we only had bucket boats, a square bucket worked better for bailing than a round one.