Anticipated impacts of COVID-19 on hunting this year?

Like I said I’m not applying til I know for sure I can go. Dave Ramsey and ken Coleman seem pretty optimistic which makes me feel optimistic. I’m gonna call my hunting partner n tell him I wanna hold off on applying til the deadline and give him my backup plan idea if we don’t know by draw deadlines. I have a state job n my wife is in healthcare but we’re sitting on any extra money til everything stabilized.
I had no doubts I could return here for my daily dose of doom and gloom. I can only speak for myself, but I’ve found that if I spend less time online engulfing myself in this nonsense, I can pretty much navigate thru my daily life unaffected by most of this. I see a lot of people trying to take the stance of being optimistic and “level headed”, yet they seem to be both feeding from and fueling the drama in threads such as this......on the daily.
I didn’t put in for any New Mexico hunts.

it’s just the straw that breaks the camels back, but how BHA kicked NR in the nuts, i’ll Avoid both at all costs.
Elk, Barbary, Deer, and BHS!!!!!! @ 53y/o I cant afford to waste a hunting season.
Let the chips fall where they may.
Glory be to God!!
What I find interesting is the number of people who will predict what's likely to happen in the next 2 or 3 months. I've been completely amazed by the events we've witnessed and the speed at which they've occurred. Three weeks ago basically nobody thought we'd be where we are today....yet it happened. The LAST thing I'd be willing to do is place a financial bet on where we'll be (and what we all might be able to do) in the next 6 months.
Yeah, I agree. Every day there are drastic changes that will affect our lives for months and years to come. Right now, our house is fine but that can change in a second. Living in Colorado, I’ll still hunt but it may affect my Out Of State plans.
We're going into a depression with massive layoffs and job losses. Out of state hunting will decline this year. Not even a question.
Who knows how many of us will be on lockdown in the coming months or for how long.
When Fox, CNN, and the Treasury all say the exact same thing - expect 20% unemployment, you can bet a lot of people are not going to be to hunting. I hope and pray that doesn’t happen, but I already know people that it has happened to. If you’ve still got the security of a paycheck, roof over your head, and your family is healthy; count your blessings. Many of our fellow countrymen can’t say the same right now, and many many more will be in that boat soon.

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That they shut down unsupervised boat ramps? At least to me. I don't even talk to most idiots at the ramp.
Oh yes that is totally out of line. I think they should have just made them temporarily free access so there isn't and germ distribution via parking slip/money transfer if they are so worried about it.

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I may refund my MT general tag and plan for next year. F That getting on a plane and getting the kung flu up in the mountains. For real tho, I wish this crap would just go away but I think we are in the beginning still and this may be here still or come back by hunting season. I may cancel hunting out west all together or at least move my October rifle hunt to early archery to avoid flu season.

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Despite having zero public health qualifications I've been tasked with staying "in the know" on this, so what do I do...reach out to those who do and try to read as much credible info as possible. Of course everyone is guessing to a degree here but what's seemed to become consensus just over the past few days is the most likely scenario is intermittent periods of lockdown and relaxation over the next 12-18 months as they try to stay in front of localized breakouts and try not to turn our ICUs into CF that Italy has on their hands. Get used to this. With politicians involved naturally everything will be more dramatic than it needs to be, but the worst case scenario is scary bad. Personally I think after SARS and MERS its ridiculous we weren't at least a little better prepared for this. There is practically zero chance this goes away within 6 or 8 weeks or even by September. May or may not die down to a degree over the summer, might be better long term if it doesn't because some models that account for that have this peaking next winter. For those traveling to hunt there is a pretty high likelihood we'll be dealing with these lockdowns still in some capacity. Local stuff should be pretty normal. We are going to come out of this with a different economy and social habits, nothing will ever be the same again.

Where's the source of this info?
Where's the source of this info?
There isn’t one. Anyone who says this will be gone or still a major concern, either way, months from now, has zero credibility. Everyone that now says it will be long lasting, would have never said we’d be where we are now if asked 3 weeks ago.

And staying in front of localized outbreaks? It’s now active in all the CONUS. I’d say that ship has sailed.
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Where's the source of this info?

Yeah dude not sure what your expectations are but I know I am not putting together a bibliography for a social media post. Mostly conversations I've had with people in risk management and strategy. Financial and industry journals. There's some variance still, absolutely. It's all just prognostications but this "flattening the curve" has really taken hold and gained virtually unanimous acceptance among the political class and there's no feasible mathematical scenario under which flattening the curve doesn't last at least a year. Trust me I'm not happy about it there's a pretty good chance I'll be looking for a new gig if it lasts that long.
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