Anticipated impacts of COVID-19 on hunting this year?

Mar 14, 2013
I am in the WY draw for general tag. I was sort of assuming if NR’s were not allowed to hunt there this year that I would be refunded the tag fee if I end up drawing one. Buzz and others, do you think that’s a safe assumption? Or are there already regs that address this and would indicate I would not be refunded? If that were the case I’d withdraw my app.


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
Here is an email I got from WY Fish and Game yesterday, don't know if it really answers any questions:

Dear hunters and anglers-

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department understands many of you are unable to travel to Wyoming for spring hunting and fishing because of stay-at-home orders in your home state and the recent 14-day quarantine directive for people entering Wyoming through the end of April. Due to this directive, we ask nonresidents to stay home at this time, unless you can observe the quarantine. These are unprecedented times with rapid changes - but we are here to help.

If you’ve bought a spring bear or turkey license that you are unable to use, we can help. Call us at (307) 777- 4600 between 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MDT Monday - Friday.

We have no plans to cancel any seasons. However, we understand some of you may want to withdraw hunting applications you’ve already submitted. The deadlines to withdraw are:

  • Moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, bison: April 15
  • Elk: May 8
  • Deer and pronghorn: June 1
Applications for fall hunts remain open and June 1 is the deadline to apply for:

  • Deer
  • Pronghorn
  • Sandhill crane
  • Beaver
  • Fall turkey
  • Springer and Glendo special pheasant hunts
Annual fishing licenses are valid for 12-months from the purchase date to maximize your opportunity. If you’ve bought a fishing license, know the fish will be waiting for you and growing big. We continue to stock Wyoming’s waters with over 20 species of fish.

Our website offers 24/7 access to information to help you plan your hunt - and you can watch Wyoming’s wildlife from wherever you live.

Stay safe, and we’ll see you soon.

-Wyoming Game and Fish Department
Apr 8, 2019
I am in the WY draw for general tag. I was sort of assuming if NR’s were not allowed to hunt there this year that I would be refunded the tag fee if I end up drawing one. Buzz and others, do you think that’s a safe assumption? Or are there already regs that address this and would indicate I would not be refunded? If that were the case I’d withdraw my app.

No they will draw and use the 14 day quarantine rule to keep your tag money if it's still in effect. I just bumped my vacation request from 2 weeks to 4...YMMV
Mar 14, 2013
Decided to call WY game and fish. I was told there are no plans to cancel any fall seasons and they anticipate them functioning as normal. The answer to my question above about refunds was- any disruption to the fall elk season due to travel restrictions, quarantines, season cancellations and the like that would prevent someone from using a drawn tag, would be handled through their current system of review. Appeals for refunds can be made through this review board on an individual basis. Some examples given to me where people were able to get refunds were: hurricane Katrina scenarios, health emergencies or unplanned surgeries, etc...
I think I'll keep my app in for elk season.