Another Wyoming Fee!


Jul 1, 2014
A heads up--just read that effective Jan. 1, if you use a credit card to purchase/apply for your Wyoming license (which I believe doing it online requires), there will be a 2.5% credit card processing fee added on. You can read the full release on the Wyo. Game and Fish website!
That’s a pretty standard credit card processing fee for any product or service paid for just about everywhere and for everything. It’s just factored into the initial cost

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The last thing any sportsman would ever want is more money going to fund wildlife instead of credit card companies...
Spare the drama. WY point prices are already outrageous, the special draw is money suck.. Virtual Ponzi scheme for anyone even fairly new to sheep, goats and moose draws. Lets not even go the insane license increases that took place in 2018.
If the people that have been pulling the weight all this time want to bitch I think they have ample cause.
Wyoming is one of the worst funded wildlife agencies. Their wardens and biologists makes squat, they have such a limited revenue source. I dont live there but I recreate there. I have no problem taking on a little more of their overhead costs. The crap we spend money on vs. the crap we complain about spending money on is sort of funny. As far as I am concerned I would rather give that money to a wildlife agency than a new pack i dont need. I think most agencies are doing the best with what they have. Prices on everything have shot through the roof. Just putting gas in the vehicles they use practically bankrupts some agencies. That being said, the Banks are charging way too much on the credit card fees, I hope they are negotiating that fee.
I had not heard about the Ponzi scheme but I would like to know more about that.
Well they don't issue enough tags to ever get below the top tier point holders but continue to take money from people that will never draw in thier lifetime I can see the parallels to a Ponzi scheme

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Spare the drama. WY point prices are already outrageous, the special draw is money suck.. Virtual Ponzi scheme for anyone even fairly new to sheep, goats and moose draws. Lets not even go the insane license increases that took place in 2018.
If the people that have been pulling the weight all this time want to bitch I think they have ample cause.

Don't like it, don't apply. They won't miss you. It's assumed the applicant is smart enough to figure out his/her odds for Sheep/Moose/Goats and make the choice. maybe not....
Don't like it, don't apply. They won't miss you. It's assumed the applicant is smart enough to figure out his/her odds for Sheep/Moose/Goats and make the choice. maybe not....
"Maybe not....." One liners on the internet are cool. Puff your chest out a little.

What's not cool is that there is a non sustainable system for funding wildlife agencys in place in many states. And instead of addressing that fact, and building a model that actually achieves the goal of funding the system long term and keeping the funding sorce engaged( hunters), they just keep jury rigging shit.
So when you say dont apply, they wont miss you. Your right, for now. But one day they will miss a lot of hunters and when their money now comes from new sources with voices at the table. Maybe that hunter that was dumping a few hundred a year into the system every year and not using a whole hell of a lot was a good partner to have after all.
"Maybe not....." One liners on the internet are cool. Puff your chest out a little.

What's not cool is that there is a non sustainable system for funding wildlife agencys in place in many states. And instead of addressing that fact, and building a model that actually achieves the goal of funding the system long term and keeping the funding sorce engaged( hunters), they just keep jury rigging shit.
So when you say dont apply, they wont miss you. Your right, for now. But one day they will miss a lot of hunters and when their money now comes from new sources with voices at the table. Maybe that hunter that was dumping a few hundred a year into the system every year and not using a whole hell of a lot was a good partner to have after all.

"They" already have a seat at the table and have for a long time. Wildlife is held in trust for every citizen of the State it resides in, not just those that choose to run a hook or bullet through said wildlife.

Time to find a new drum to beat.

My way of thinking, since they already have, and occupy the "seat" at the table, may as well make them pay for it.

As to the other issues you have with the special fees and point system, talk to WOGA, they're the ones that asked for the legislation. Where were all the concerned NR's when WOGA put the screws to you?

Oh, and for the record, there is no point system for mountain goats in Wyoming.
I like the special draw. Allows me to hunt elk every year and build points at the same time. Money well spent, and even with the increased price, the cheapest vacation I take every year.

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Spare the drama. WY point prices are already outrageous, the special draw is money suck.. Virtual Ponzi scheme for anyone even fairly new to sheep, goats and moose draws. Lets not even go the insane license increases that took place in 2018.
If the people that have been pulling the weight all this time want to bitch I think they have ample cause.

Did it change into a "ponzi scheme" when you started paying more for points? Or has it always been a ponzi scheme?

Don't think should have never even started applying if you knew it was a scheme all along. Math skills must increase in direct proportion to the price of points...should graph that.
Sounds like a lot of people in this thread will no longer be applying in Wyoming. That is great news for me.

Credit card companies charge for using them. The way I see it they can be transparent and give the option to choose a different payment option or they could just charge everyone the fee and hide it. The second option makes those not using credit card pay the cc fee even though they didn't not use it.
Prices on everything have shot through the roof. .

Except resident elk hunting tags.

A two-day lift ticket at the Snowy Range ski area costs almost twice what a Wyoming resident pays to hunt elk for an entire season. You can't buy six hunting arrows or feed a family at Chili's for the price of a resident tag.

I know residents pay property and sales taxes, no income tax, but that does not help their underfunded G&F

I am not bitching about my non-resident tag fees and yes RESIDENTS SHOULD PAY LESS but the disparity is absurd when the department is hurting for $.

If the resident elk hunter paid the same as the two-day skier just for their elk tag, G&F immediately adds almost $2.5 million to their budget (based on 2017 tag numbers) and the resident is still paying less than 15% of the non-resident fee. I don't understand the logic of venison food stamps for residents when the G&F department remains underfunded.
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