Another Person Hit with a Bison

Sep 28, 2018
So the whole deal was caught on video.. My only thought is "WHY THE F^<K did those people not run away!!??"

Like i get that they weren't near the Bison and that it ran over to their location, but why didn't they start truckin out of there??? Its mentioned over and over and over.... STAY AWAY FROM THE BISON BECAUSE THEY WILL KILL YOU

thats all... Nothing more to discuss
It isn't new. I remember 3 japanese visiters trying to get a picture with a sleeping bull bison in the middle 70s. Same result. You can't fix stupid.
I was in Yellowstone playing tour guide to out of town family a few weeks ago and I'm really surprised this doesn't happen a few times a day. So many people so close to so many bison. And yes, people will walk right up to them to get selfies.

Looks like the guy ran in to save the kid. Good on him!

Agreed. Having just been to yellowstone, there are signs all over the place to stay on the boardwalks or die. From that short video, it looks like they were trying to stay on the boardwalk until the bison made them jump off. Kid was about to get effed up and that guy jumped in. Good job from the little I can see.

Watching again those people were on the boardwalk and looked like 25 yards away. Bison charged and that guy might have saved the kid's life.
Agreed. Having just been to yellowstone, there are signs all over the place to stay on the boardwalks or die. From that short video, it looks like they were trying to stay on the boardwalk until the bison made them jump off. Kid was about to get effed up and that guy jumped in. Good job from the little I can see.

Watching again those people were on the boardwalk and looked like 25 yards away. Bison charged and that guy might have saved the kid's life.
Looks like one guy left the kid first go to save his own tail
One of the last time I was in the park, there were three cow moose with calves and a bull bedded being approached by a couple with two little kids and a yappy dog. It was obvious that the goal was a close picture. My partner asked if I wanted to stay for the excitement or leave before the traffic jam with the ambulances. I opted for the latter - I prefer to avoid a bloodbath I didn't cause. I haven't been back since it burned - my choice.
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