And then there was... None.


Jun 12, 2020
So Sunday. Went to a spot for Doves/Quail. As was said by a friend who turned me on to that place, the Dove weren't there anymore.

My morning starts with after getting decoys set out on this certain special spot, as I'm waiting for legal shooting time... BOOP... skylined on the hill I'm looking towards while stuffed between two Junipers... Big Ol JackRabbit appears, out of shot-gun range. Didn't have a shot, so had to just remain silent in my hidey hole.

After like.. maybe 8:30a I called it that Doves for sure weren't there. So... I set about to moving over to a different part of the area where there is a bunch of Junipers, and doing sets for predators.

Wouldn't you know... first spot I plop down and play my "Pocket Prey" lil hand-held eCaller... within less than a minute a Coyote comes outta the Juniper too me perfectly.. then upon raising my shotgun and clicking off the safety he bolts at about 10-15yds away. My a$$ goes and blows it on the first shot (which was only Upland #6 Steel), then I didn't rack it well enough to eject that cartridge fully, so had to re-rack it and by then it was too late. (Was borrowing the 20ga that's my boys, lighter to carry, not as used to it)

I made several more sets, making sure to walk a ways apart from the last sit each time. Then returned back creepin thru the Juniper spotting Quails that I swear have rocket feet, each and every one of them.

Had some band-tail pigeons fly past. So I watched where they went off to and then headed that way. Saw em fly into the grass/prairie terrain then of course disappear. Decided to drive over to another spot not terribly far away. Did more calling then glassing, then just felt like it was time to call it so it wouldn't be soo late in the PM when I get home.

THEN... after I get home... our little one... (whose bunk-mate we lost last year at 15yo), a 15.5yo 4Lbs. Chihuahua, wasn't doing well.... and passed away... literally in my arms.

I'm supremely touched in my heart, because after replaying everything in my head, I'm convinced she waited for Daddy to get back home before she left. She waited for me!

Bye Little One. Daddy loves you.

(pic from the day we took her home)
Mancha on Desk near Computer Mouse.jpg
(very recent pic)


Sep 17, 2017
Sucks brother. We lost our oldest pup last year around Christmas, in my arms as well. Hardest damn thing ever


Jul 19, 2021
Bummer Gary, sorry to read that. Yes she did wait for you, very special.
Oct 7, 2020
Oh no I just met the little one the week before, sorry to hear that she has passed.
And I thought there wouldn't be much in the way of dove out there now. I'm just not seeing much of any in the area.


Jun 12, 2020
Oh no I just met the little one the week before, sorry to hear that she has passed.
And I thought there wouldn't be much in the way of dove out there now. I'm just not seeing much of any in the area.
Oh Hey! Yes you did get to meet The Cuteness didn't you!

Ya See? Now you see what I mean about how she just brings out the best in everybody, right? I mean, you met her, so you've experienced the sweet and disarming affect she has on people.


Jun 12, 2020
Loosing a doggo is the hardest thing I've ever gone thru.
Phuq I soo feel you on that one. Ugh. Last year we had to put down her bunk-mate my Brizzy at 15yo, because she had developed multiple ulcerating tumors. It was hard in the moment knowing the finality of what was about to happen.. since we decided to put her down when her body weight went down too much and I felt it was time... but knowing full well I waited to give her the most amount of decent days on this Earth that I could. But at least with Brizzy, it was a peaceful and calm and Serene way to go that all of us would wish we could have for ourselves when it's our time to call it.

And in contrast to that, upon picking up Mancha that last time, after I'd laid her back down thinking she'd just passed out as I held her, after the bout of shallow fast breathing she'd suffered just prior to me picking her up. When I picked her back up that second time... she felt ragdoll... and then when I laid her upon my arm, some drops of pinkish liquid leaked out of her mouth onto my arm. At which point I looked down at her bed...and realized there was also a small stain of pink where her head was there...and then in the back... pee as well... and that's when it hit me. And I shouted "no, No, NO!.... Oh Honey.... No......". Sigh... ugh... my very next thought is that my boy is in his bedroom right now so he needs to be made aware of this. So I have to tell him that Mancha just passed away. PHAQ.... that was hard watching my boy get emotional about it. She's been there for the whole of his life up til this point! But.. what we learned from Brizzy, the seeds I planted in my boy during that life-lesson I saw come back out during this one. And that made me smile. As he was quick to make statements like "Well at least we gave her the best life possible, and she always knew that she was loved." to which I replied "Yes we did, Papa, yes we did."

It's gonna take awhile. But I gotta let the dust settle on this hole in my heart first (er... crack in the stone?), and next year I want to focus on getting some back issues fixed, which I have to guess will lay me up to one degree or another. So at the moment my plan is to wait and see how the back/hip stuff goes and play it by ear after I get a better picture of what I'm looking at with that situation first before considering bringing in a new pup into my life just yet. Have to see what can and can't be fixed so I have a good idea of what kind of breeds and temperaments would be realistic choices then. At least that's my figuring anyway. But we'll see. Ya never know, I have a sneaking suspicion, that since this is technically "Mama's Dog" ... that it might not be very long until she starts telling me about somebody at work who's got puppies again someday.


Nov 22, 2021
My Gosdon lost his lifelong dog in his first year of college. Here's my text I sent him. Hey Lee! So sorry for the loss of your friend today. Life is just too hard at times. The Lord never had intentions of a dog to last the lifetime of a man. Dogs are here to teach a young child responsibility, they're here to give us someone to unconditionally confide in, to keep us company, give us laughs, & unfortunately give us many tears. A man who's walked through life & never felt the love of a dog has truly missed one of God's blessings. As you age there will be more dogs, more love, & more tears. Be thankful for each tear. Your life would be less lived without them. 🙏
Nov 14, 2020
I’m 63 and have been through the death of maybe 10 dearly beloved dogs and three horses. I’m sad to report it doesn’t get easier, it just gets harder. All love is destined to end in heartbreak, and yet we keep doing it. Cuz it’s worth it. Sorry for your loss.


Jun 12, 2020
As hard as it is, with most of it I'm doing pretty well. But Sunday when I lowered the little one into my hunting cooler (had to keep her cooled until I could take her to the facility which does the cremation on Monday) that weirded me out a bit because, ya know, I'm used to putting game in there from hunting, so it like crossed this line in my brain and weirded me out a bit, since looking upon her down in there blurred some lines mentally that did not sit well inside me.

This whole thing has caught me by surprise because I felt sure she'd make it another year or two.

The vet happened to mention a couple weeks ago some elevated B.U.N. and Creatinine levels, which are indicators of kidneys not working as per normal.

The recommended I try some "samples" of this food meant to help with kidney disease. First of all they went and charged me for these "samples". Which is kind of a d*ck-move to begin with.

Then.. I'm now kinda thinking it had to be this whack food which jacked her up. At first she was Ok with that food. Then wasn't good about eating it. Then like maybe 3 days prior apparently she just plain erupted out of her rear-end it looked like. Must have gotten outside just before it happened, didn't see any other evidence in the house, just on her bedding. I washed her off that night and blow-dried her so she wouldn't be cold while sleeping. I also noticed there was like this bluish-green vomit-staining in her bed around area her head was at. So that makes me think whatever the heck is in that food is no bueno.

Brand was Royal Canin and it was two different types of special kidney disease supporting food. Also said on the packaging that it's got EAT technology. Aparently something in it to promote appetite? My figuring is that I'll bet this is something that shouldn't be given to senior dogs.

Anyhoo... just wanted to share that info about the food part of it so others have more info when making decisions.


Jun 12, 2020
sorry, for the loss. Always hard to read threads like this.

No other animal shows us the unconditional affection and loyalty a dog can.
There was something soo special about having a creature that's soo tiny Trust you soo implicitly and completely.

I'd often do long walks in our neighborhood off leash. People were always amazed at how well and orderly she walked with me... but it's like I told those who asked about it... if you were that damn small, you'd make darn well sure to keep up with the big guy protecting you from everything too!

It was different with a very little one. You have to always be cognizant of the sky and raptors. And it's for that reason I stopped messing with the crows in our neighborhood and gave them a free-pass, because crows work together and shoo the Hawks away so they're not a threat to their babies and competition for their food sources.

And everywhere you go "Awww! Look at the puppy!" to which I'd reply "Yeah.... my 15yo puppy!"