Anchorage Roksliders?

+1! There has to be more! I have been neglecting archery for the last year or so, I usually shoot on JBER when I do.
We are in Wasilla, and shoot at Screaming Eagle some during the winter months. Planning to have an outdoor range set up at our house in the spring....
I’m jealous Becca!

Trust me its not as impressive as it sounds...just 5-6 targets from 20-80 yards with a good back stop and able to shoot from the ground or off of our 15' elevated deck. But better than what we had before....maybe take my bow for spring black bears next year and Becca might two, but being as she can shoot two we'll bring atleast one rifle along as well. :D
I am in Palmer I have shot at screaming eagle and back country. Full curl I always hit on their days off.
Bummer.. They are closed on Mon & Tues and the normal Holidays and of course during the ATA show in Jan (??). Good folks, always helpful, but man has the place been crowed lately.
I live in Anchorage but mostly shoot my recurve in the yard, do the shoots at Kincaid when I'm in town. Always looking for a trad partner.
I'm in between Anchorage and South West AK. Don't shoot archery but it's something I have a desire to get into. Anyone have any tips on a good starter set-up for a compound?
The answer I got when I started was: go to a good shop, tell them your price range and then shoot a few. With bows, it seems the bow finds you vs. you find the bow. Full Curl is a great shop to help you get set up.
Eagle River. Pissed that Archers Den closed. I mostly take my dogs for a walk out to the Birchwood outdoor shoot. Can't beat the price! Plus 20yds is weak sauce.
Bump... Those Colorado guys are all over the group training hikes.. Spring is coming, we should do a few hikes...

I'm down if I'm around...bump I'm not an Anchorage RokSlider so not sure if I get to come. Maybe meet up at Eklutna and do twin peaks or something so its centerally located better? Becca and I try to do that one every once in a while and once we can bike back to bold ridge we do that one as well.