President Trump and his foreign policy regarding Israel was setting up like "Cyrus the great"
We are witnessing live time, events the bible predicted. This is all part of the Abrahamic covenant, in May 14th 1948 David Ben-Gurion citing Ezekiel as his authority Named the Jewish homeland Israel.
President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on December 6, 2017 (next will be the rebuilding the temple)
Trump is not a Godly man ( neither was Cyrus) nor do I think he is using the bible as a guide, but he is being used by God none the less
With his brokering of the peace deals, other nations are recognizing Israel as a sovereign nation, He has them siding with the United States and isolating Iran and other rogue nations at the same time.
President Trump clearly won this election, whether or not he's able to prove it means everything to this nation. We are about to enter a time to which the bible says more about than any other point in history, think about that. So you guys that want to come in someone elses yard and kick over snowmen, you would be better suited brushing up on eschatology because the 70th week of Daniel is at our front door.
As someone once said, when you see Christmas decorations going up in the mall, you know Thanksgiving is almost here.
Time to start paying attention because things aren't what they use to be.