An Invitation to Prayer & Fasting 1/5/21, 1/6/21

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President Trump and his foreign policy regarding Israel was setting up like "Cyrus the great"
We are witnessing live time, events the bible predicted. This is all part of the Abrahamic covenant, in May 14th 1948 David Ben-Gurion citing Ezekiel as his authority Named the Jewish homeland Israel.
President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on December 6, 2017 (next will be the rebuilding the temple)
Trump is not a Godly man ( neither was Cyrus) nor do I think he is using the bible as a guide, but he is being used by God none the less

With his brokering of the peace deals, other nations are recognizing Israel as a sovereign nation, He has them siding with the United States and isolating Iran and other rogue nations at the same time.

President Trump clearly won this election, whether or not he's able to prove it means everything to this nation. We are about to enter a time to which the bible says more about than any other point in history, think about that. So you guys that want to come in someone elses yard and kick over snowmen, you would be better suited brushing up on eschatology because the 70th week of Daniel is at our front door.
As someone once said, when you see Christmas decorations going up in the mall, you know Thanksgiving is almost here.

Time to start paying attention because things aren't what they use to be.
Sounds like the plot for the third installment of "The Da Vinci Code" lol
Your singling out Trump on how he acts or what he says but turn a blind eye on a whole party that likes, supports, and wants the “do what makes you happy” if it’s disrespecting authority, killing babies at the choice of the mother, homosexuality, and the list goes on... you can justify your reasons to not like our president and that’s fine, but you could and should put most politicians in to context on the verses you quoted, not just one man.....

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Please provide evidence of my "turning a blind eye?" You would do better to stick with facts than assuming you know where I stand on issues. You can read through all my previous posts to get a clue, but it would not support your premise seeing as I call abortion murder in at least one post. Killing can be justified (well not to a total pacifist, but I'm assuming that is not really on the table in this company); murder, by definition, is unjustified and always wrong. Seeing as you disregard an entire paragraph to get to a strawman conclusion I'm willing to bet you find such subtilties to not be worth your time.

I do put every person I interact with in the context of that list, along with other tools for judging character. Few people earn the distinction of easily claiming six of the seven, and that includes most politicians. Most people have actions that fit within a few of them, but those are one offs and don't represent the true character of the person.

Was it intentional that you left adultery off your list? Should I apply your standards and take it as "turning a blind eye" and tacit endorsement?

Disrespecting authority is an ironic choice considering Trumps disparaging of SCOTUS, a separate branch of government over which the Constitution gives him no purview and thus an authority to which he is answerable, in select situations.

If you're going to condemn every man by their faults (i.e. sins), then every man is condemned to start with and everyone is on an even keel. Gee, seems like I've read that somewhere before. Yes, just like every other person ever born, even Trump needs to accept The Redeemer. So remove that from the equation and all we have to go off of is what Trump has done for the nation as President. It's hard to argue against all the great things that Trump has done (and even continues to try to do) "for the nation". That's all elected officials are supposed to do........."preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", and govern by doing what's best for the nation as a whole. You don't have to like him (I don't like him as a person), but I didn't vote for him based on whether he had any faults or not......we all have faults.
You sound like someone quoting Matthew 7:1 to defend homosexuality. I'm also not the one who brought up the Bible as a yardstick for measuring politicians first in this thread. Gee, I guess you condemn those who use it to judge "the dems."

Our interpretations are radically different, it is hard to argue that Trump has done anything great "for the nation," though he continues to inflict great harm. He is arguing that Biden could have independently declared Hilary the winner in 2016 by arguing Pence can do the equivalent now.
Rokslide General Discussion is becoming unbearable. Im sure I am not blameless but I pledge to never start another non hunting related thread on this site again. I'm not calling for a ban of non hunting related threads or shaming this thread but I promise not to start one ever again. It's much better than the other half of me that wants to "burn this whole town down".

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I'm also not the one who brought up the Bible as a yardstick for measuring politicians first in this thread. Gee, I guess you condemn those who use it to judge "the dems."
I don't believe most people are condemning "the dems" or other politicians based on character faults. They are judging and condemning them based on what their intentions are and what they actually do with the Constitution and what they do or intend to do "for the nation as a whole".
Grew up in church and still attend on occasion. Any denomination that professes to be right while everyone else is wrong loses me on the spot. So far I’ve been through several and I’m batting 1000. Guess I’m a fence straddler.

I appreciate the OP’s devotion to his or her beliefs. One simple question: Is this a carefully illustrated petition to the All Mighty asking Him to change His mind?
I don't believe most people are condemning "the dems" or other politicians based on character faults. They are judging and condemning them based on what their intentions are and what they actually do with the Constitution and what they do or intend to do "for the nation as a whole".
You are correct that no one is perfect, but some are worse than others. I apologies for using the laughing "Like" to your post. It was inappropriate considering your good faith response.

Character is the foundation of action and character is discerned from action as it cannot be directly measured and is easily obscured by deceptive words. The only difference I see between judging an action and discerning character is that an action can be a one off, but character implies the action will happen again. A person can tell a lie, but be predominantly honest. However, once several lies have been told I am apt to conclude the person is a liar and to instinctively distrust what they say without corroboration.

For me, character is one of two legs I measure people by (technical proficiency is the other). It is not a pass fail measurement (as none of us are perfect), but a continuum. In leadership, while I prefer both; though if I have to choose I will take good character over technical proficiency every time because a leader with a skilled team and humility can overcome a lack of technical skill. However, bad character combined with technical proficiency can have terrifying outcomes.
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