An Invitation to Prayer & Fasting 1/5/21, 1/6/21

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May 17, 2014
I didn’t know this forum was populated by the Christian version of ISIS when I joined a couple weeks ago. Disappointing.

That is horrible you are disappointed...since after all this forum (and everyone on here) exist solely for your pleasure. Please tell us how to appease your majesty.

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May 16, 2020
If you hate what this country stands for, and there is no denying the principles on which it was founded, why are you still here? Instead of 'fundamentally changing' the greatest nation in the history of nations, why dont you find a place where your values align?
I stand for separation of church and state, exactly as the forefathers outlined. I would like to prevent people like the OP deciding what the country stands for. I don't think you see the irony in the things you post? In that case, may you be touched by his noodly appendage, my brother.
May 16, 2020
And the reason he posted is hatred of God or the concept of God, and those who profess to believe or worship God.
This behavior is the norm with virtually every Progressive in this country--from well-meaning threads like this, all the way to anti-US ANTIFA rallies.

Always the same, and frankly it's likely meant to get threads like this locked.

*Wanna give a shout out to the OP for the bravery to post this thread.* I'll ignore further noise here.
I don't hate god at all, I can't even claim to be an atheist. But hey, in 2020, it's all black and white.

BTW, I do like that not only have you capitalized a word like 'progressive,' but you've demonized it.

And with that, I've had my fun for the day too and I'm out.


Aug 25, 2015
I stand for separation of church and state, exactly as the forefathers outlined.
Separation of Church and State does not mean that Christianity is banned from government. That's a new liberal and/or atheists against Christianity twist of words and meanings. It means we don't have church or religion, say like the Roman Catholic Church as part of government like they do in Latin America. It means we don't have a preferred religion, favor one religion over another. Our forefathers were predominantly Christian and their forefathers had left Englend for religious freedom and to escape the Church of England. Separation of church and state means religious freedom from the government. It ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT mean no religion or banning religion in any way shape or form.
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Aug 25, 2015
I would like to prevent people like the OP deciding what the country stands for.
Can he decide for himself and can others decide? You can decide for yourself too. Is free speech not ok? I don't really see why a few come unglued about Christianity? Just look away!! No one is forcing you to look. The majority of Americans are and have been Christian. Judeo-Christian is who we are as a country, and who we have been. Our norms, values, customs, and laws are based on it. Like or hate it. If you don't believe in Christ or God, just look away. My dad and grandad were atheists and never complained or got HURT if they heard or read Christian prayers, but they were Conservative, Libertarian. The Left is a powerful force.
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Oct 8, 2015
I apologize for the fear and xenophobia crack. I assumed the OP s agenda was fundamentalist Christian. Upon re reading I dunno?? Maybe it’s ok to pray for the dems to win?? Maybe it’s OK to pray that.our country is released from the thrall of a man who said “I could shoot somebody in Times Square and they’d still vote for me”

fundamentalists I will fight fo4 your right to believe. And I will fight against elcted officials who want to tell my girlfriend what to do with her uterus or my gay friend that he can be fired because of that.
You want to pray for a party to win that supports the things the dems do??? No one person is perfect and our president has his faults, But you will never convince me that the majority of the things the dems support go with the bible and not against it. You can read Romans 1 and It will describe the democratic party to a tea...


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
I don't hate god at all, ... I do like that not only have you capitalized a word like 'progressive,' but you've demonized it.

That's 'God" with a capital 'g'...... whether you hate Him or not. Deity is always capitalized.

And that is because the word 'Progressive' in that context is a proper noun, ie. Bolshevik, Marxist.
Obviously in the form of a modifier (adjective) eg. progressive would be lower case.
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Mar 29, 2017
Did any body here really believe that as a group, we do not have different spiritual and political views? If the post offends you or is not to your liking, skip over it and let those that believe be. Nobody tried converting you or tried hijacking your posts. A guy, who I must say, expressed a view of concern for our country, but did not say which way to go or suggest anything other than his personal concern for what he felt would help the situation. If somebody put a post up of something I disagree with, I am smart enough and polite enough to just skip over it. I do not elect to trash somebody or become combative if I do not agree with their views. They have every right to their views as I do mine, but I am mature enough to realize that... as many on here are. You don't like a post, skip it and move on to something that doesn't "trigger" you. Easy peasy.
And for the poster that is shocked there are Christians on this post and is regretting recently joining: I never saw anything in the title "Rokslide" that insinuated this was an Atheist or Satanic site. My assumption is that there are good folks from all backgrounds and all beliefs here that share common interests in the love of nature, the physical and mental challenge of the hunt, and geeking out on gear. Most would enjoy sharing a camp together I would assume.
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Mar 8, 2017
Cant we all just get along? A lot of butt-hurt over a few guys that can’t be nice.
Some people should learn to only post what they would say in person. This thread would probably have a lot more respect in it.
Jun 7, 2018
This is the way of America now that a person can be concerned about the future of his or her country and invite others to pray for a good outcome then people just can't help themselves but assume what outcome he wants and start bashing anyone of a differing opinion. If you guys can't handle someone thinking differently then you, get out and hunt more. It might toughen you up.

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Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
That’s more of a “label” than name calling. Applaud your attempt at being cute though 😂
The exact same can reasonably be said for what you condemned, duplicity is not laudable nor laughable.

You want to pray for a party to win that supports the things the dems do??? No one person is perfect and our president has his faults, But you will never convince me that the majority of the things the dems support go with the bible and not against it. You can read Romans 1 and It will describe the democratic party to a tea...
Our President's faults are the embodiment of six of the seven things listed in Proverbs 6:16-19. I don't have to support the things the "dems support" to take a stand against things that "the Lord hates" and are "an abomination unto him." My politics have not changed in the past 8 years, however the party I once voted for changed and decided the values I hold dear are electives to be taken up when convenient and casually discarded when expedient to do so.

My politics can best be described by a quote attributed to Chesty Puller at Chosin “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!” and "Those poor bastards, now we can shoot at them in any direction." The difference is that I don't have the luxury of a unified opposition, rather I stand between to behemoths and whichever takes the field I loose. So, I choose a direction to focus my energy while protecting my flanks and recognizing that on January, 20th those flanks will likely become the focal point.


Oct 8, 2015
The exact same can reasonably be said for what you condemned, duplicity is not laudable nor laughable.

Our President's faults are the embodiment of six of the seven things listed in Proverbs 6:16-19. I don't have to support the things the "dems support" to take a stand against things that "the Lord hates" and are "an abomination unto him." My politics have not changed in the past 8 years, however the party I once voted for changed and decided the values I hold dear are electives to be taken up when convenient and casually discarded when expedient to do so.

My politics can best be described by a quote attributed to Chesty Puller at Chosin “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!” and "Those poor bastards, now we can shoot at them in any direction." The difference is that I don't have the luxury of a unified opposition, rather I stand between to behemoths and whichever takes the field I loose. So, I choose a direction to focus my energy while protecting my flanks and recognizing that on January, 20th those flanks will likely become the focal point.

Your singling out Trump on how he acts or what he says but turn a blind eye on a whole party that likes, supports, and wants the “do what makes you happy” if it’s disrespecting authority, killing babies at the choice of the mother, homosexuality, and the list goes on... you can justify your reasons to not like our president and that’s fine, but you could and should put most politicians in to context on the verses you quoted, not just one man.....

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Nov 22, 2016
NW Missouri
The exact same can reasonably be said for what you condemned, duplicity is not laudable nor laughable.

Our President's faults are the embodiment of six of the seven things listed in Proverbs 6:16-19. I don't have to support the things the "dems support" to take a stand against things that "the Lord hates" and are "an abomination unto him." My politics have not changed in the past 8 years, however the party I once voted for changed and decided the values I hold dear are electives to be taken up when convenient and casually discarded when expedient to do so.

My politics can best be described by a quote attributed to Chesty Puller at Chosin “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us 29:1. They can’t get away from us now!” and "Those poor bastards, now we can shoot at them in any direction." The difference is that I don't have the luxury of a unified opposition, rather I stand between to behemoths and whichever takes the field I loose. So, I choose a direction to focus my energy while protecting my flanks and recognizing that on January, 20th those flanks will likely become the focal point.
This is an eloquent way of saying 'I have no opinion'
Dec 1, 2020
President Trump and his foreign policy regarding Israel was setting up like "Cyrus the great"
We are witnessing live time, events the bible predicted. This is all part of the Abrahamic covenant, in May 14th 1948 David Ben-Gurion citing Ezekiel as his authority Named the Jewish homeland Israel.
President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on December 6, 2017 (next will be the rebuilding the temple)
Trump is not a Godly man ( neither was Cyrus) nor do I think he is using the bible as a guide, but he is being used by God none the less

With his brokering of the peace deals, other nations are recognizing Israel as a sovereign nation, He has them siding with the United States and isolating Iran and other rogue nations at the same time.

President Trump clearly won this election, whether or not he's able to prove it means everything to this nation. We are about to enter a time to which the bible says more about than any other point in history, think about that. So you guys that want to come in someone elses yard and kick over snowmen, you would be better suited brushing up on eschatology because the 70th week of Daniel is at our front door.
As someone once said, when you see Christmas decorations going up in the mall, you know Thanksgiving is almost here.

Time to start paying attention because things aren't what they use to be.


Apr 10, 2015
This one went to garbage and I bummed to have participated earlier...I'm actually surprised it hasn't been locked


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Our President's faults are the embodiment of six of the seven things listed in Proverbs 6:16-19.
If you're going to condemn every man by their faults (i.e. sins), then every man is condemned to start with and everyone is on an even keel. Gee, seems like I've read that somewhere before. Yes, just like every other person ever born, even Trump needs to accept Christ as Redeemer. So remove all that from the equation and all we have to go off of is what Trump has done for the nation as President. It's hard to argue against all the great things that Trump has done (and even continues to try to do) "for the nation". That's all elected officials are supposed to do........."preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States", and govern by doing what's best for the nation as a whole. You don't have to like him (I don't like him as a person), but I didn't vote for him based on whether he had any faults or not......we all have faults.
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