An Invitation to Prayer & Fasting 1/5/21, 1/6/21

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Feb 15, 2013
“Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or preventing the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press...”

As a patriotic American, I support your right to pray for the guidance of a higher power in the administration of our country’s affairs. Whether you be Christian or Muslim or Zoroastrian or Buddhist. I generally support the ideas of religion with respect to the golden rule and I try vey hard to practice that in my life.

I will point out that fundamentalists of all stripes (especially Christians and Muslims) mistake their opinions about behavior for the will of God. So I beg you to See that if you ever manage to get things to the point where Christianity is the de facto state religion and your ideas about morality become law, then you have created a fundamentalist theocracy just like Iran. Don’t do it. Restrain yourself.

And should you and your friends fail to do so, I and tens of millions of other Americans who love our freedom will fight you tooth and nail every millimeter of the way.

Well... that didn't take long! I knew the minute I saw this someone would be "offended" and just have to make a post like this. Just keep scrolling dude, seriously.


Nov 22, 2016
NW Missouri
While we’re at it... did it ever occur to you for one second that God may prefer progressive leadership with an inclusive and loving view of humanity to your fear and xenophobia based conservatism?
My politics beliefs are not founded in fear, but are based on the founding documents that reference ‘God’ - I believe in the Bible as one of the truest references for the founding documents, and therefore this nation.
If ‘loving humanity’ includes me ‘choosing’ to be a woman tomorrow, count me out. If it includes me loving the sinner, and hating the sin, count me in.


Apr 10, 2015
Well... that didn't take long! I knew the minute I saw this someone would be "offended" and just have to make a post like this. Just keep scrolling dude, seriously.

As a nonbeliever, I appreciate the individual's thoughts and prayers and do not fault them for wanting the best for humanity.

I don't think they were offended...we (free folk of the USA) don't want or need someone's preferred god or interpretation thereof making rules for us. Thus the separation of church and state. One could easily point to religion as both the cause and cure for what is going on in the world.

EDIT: to the OP sorry for the distraction. Thank you for taking time for your prayers and wishes of blessings.
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WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Well... that didn't take long! I knew the minute I saw this someone would be "offended" and just have to make a post like this. Just keep scrolling dude, seriously.
He expressed no offence.

Resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult. (Per Oxford English).

Can you point out the resentment or the annoyance in his post and explain how they differ from stating a different viewpoint?

Perhaps you should have taken your own advice "just keep scrolling dude, seriously" seeing as you are using that advice to shut down a respectfully expressed opinion that differs from yours.
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Feb 15, 2013
He expressed no offence.

Resentful or annoyed, typically as a result of a perceived insult. (Per Oxford English).

Can you point out the resentment or the annoyance in his post and explain how they differ from stating a different viewpoint?

Perhaps you should have taking your own advice "just keep scrolling dude, seriously" seeing as you are using that advice to shut down a respectfully expressed opinion that differs from yours.
Thanks Webster! The OP posted an invitation for like minded individuals to join him in something he obviously feels strongly about. Nothing more... nothing less. And now those who don't believe as he does feel the need to challenge his beliefs. Why? And furthermore insult him and try to start an arguement by saying his "view of humanity is based on fear and xenophobia conservatism".

I guess that's how things go now... don't like something somebody else believes in? Immediately reject it publicly and follow it up by insulting them.
May 16, 2020
My politics beliefs are not founded in fear, but are based on the founding documents that reference ‘God’ - I believe in the Bible as one of the truest references for the founding documents, and therefore this nation.
If ‘loving humanity’ includes me ‘choosing’ to be a woman tomorrow, count me out. If it includes me loving the sinner, and hating the sin, count me in.
Just FYI, god is not mentioned in the Constitution.

And, for clarification, you want to hate the sin as long as you get to decide what the sin is?
Nov 14, 2020
I apologize for the fear and xenophobia crack. I assumed the OP s agenda was fundamentalist Christian. Upon re reading I dunno?? Maybe it’s ok to pray for the dems to win?? Maybe it’s OK to pray that.our country is released from the thrall of a man who said “I could shoot somebody in Times Square and they’d still vote for me”

fundamentalists I will fight fo4 your right to believe. And I will fight against elcted officials who want to tell my girlfriend what to do with her uterus or my gay friend that he can be fired because of that.


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Thanks Webster! The OP posted an invitation for like minded individuals to join him in something he obviously feels strongly about. Nothing more... nothing less. And now those who don't believe as he does feel the need to challenge his beliefs. Why? And furthermore insult him and try to start an arguement by saying his "view of humanity is based on fear and xenophobia conservatism".

I guess that's how things go now... don't like something somebody else believes in? Immediately reject it publicly and follow it up by insulting them.
The OP chose to do that on a public forum while touching on a very controversial issue (not religion in this case). The OP did not make it clear which side of the politics he stands on, though that can be inferred with decent odds of being correct. If the OPs beliefs are so fragile as to fall apart when someone expresses a differing opinion he should be wise enough not to wear them on his sleeve. Matthew 7:6. If the OP had asked for prayer for a loved one, I doubt any opposition would be expressed.

Romans 2:24 is a verse that applies to many who claim to be my brother or sister at this point in time. 1 Corinthians 5:11 convicts me for continuing to associate with them and Proverbs 6:16-19 makes quite clear where they stand with God, I don't think prayers (other than for forgiveness) will alter their standing. I feel very strongly about these things, yet I have not started a post asking others to pray about them, and if I did I would not expect everyone who I disagree with to quietly lay down and let me have an unobstructed platform.
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Oct 12, 2020
While we’re at it... did it ever occur to you for one second that God may prefer progressive leadership with an inclusive and loving view of humanity to your fear and xenophobia based conservatism?
My faith certainly informs my mostly progressive politics. Not all Christians are conservative. I’ve been praying for our country as well. Ultimately for Christians our goal shouldn’t be for one party or another to score points but to work towards the redemption of this world.


Nov 22, 2016
NW Missouri
Just FYI, god is not mentioned in the Constitution.

And, for clarification, you want to hate the sin as long as you get to decide what the sin is?
God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and all 50 State Constitutions.

No, I do not interpret what 'sin' is. The Bible handles that thoroughly.
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
While we’re at it... did it ever occur to you for one second that God may prefer progressive leadership with an inclusive and loving view of humanity to your fear and xenophobia based conservatism?
I think it's pretty clear to anyone who actually reads the bible which behaviors and beliefs that God "prefers". Even if you're not a believer humans instinctly know right vs wrong.
For example, there's one practice that I won't go into detail about that "progressives" feel is just fine to inflict a final judgment on another living being without that person having any say so. Is that really your "loving view of humanity"?

With respect to inclusiveness, God's word states numerous times that "WHOSOEVER" chooses to accept Christ SHALL be saved. (John 3:15-16, John 4:14, Romans 10:13, Revelation 22:17). Whosoever means EVERYONE. It means me and you. From the purist heart to the most vile & evil person you can imagine. You can't get anymore inclusive than that.
May 16, 2020
God is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and all 50 State Constitutions.

No, I do not interpret what 'sin' is. The Bible handles that thoroughly.
But not the constitution. Copy.

Your bible, as interpreted by men with agendas. Double copy.
Nov 14, 2020
Even Jesus apparently supported a separation of church and state when he said “who’s picture is on the coin? Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”. I’ve read the Bible cover to cover and there’s some good stuff in there, but some of you would make it our national operations manual. That’s what I’m objecting to. Implicit in your lovingly couched OP is the subtext that God supports the Republicans and he wants it to be OK for Trump and his minions to steal this election and subvert the expressed wil of the majority of the American electorate. You want to post this on a public forum and expect no pushback. Derp.

I used to be a Christian until I realized my denomination was practicing attempted mind control on an egregious and Orwellian level. I believe that most of the fundamentalist groups are even worse. Many of the main stream denominations seek positions informed by science and philosophy so good on them. But others dogmatically thump the Bible and proclaim “it says right here in this book that this book I is true! So it must be! And everyone should follow it! And if you don’t then you are condemned!” And you who do that can’t see how that comes across as arrogant and dismissive?

As I said I support your right to believe. I even support your right to enforce your standards within the social boundaries of your congregation. But as it explicitly states in the very first words of The Bill of Rights ... keep your religion out of my government.
Apr 6, 2015
Even Jesus apparently supported a separation of church and state when he said “who’s picture is on the coin? Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s”. I’ve read the Bible cover to cover and there’s some good stuff in there, but some of you would make it our national operations manual. That’s what I’m objecting to. Implicit in your lovingly couched OP is the subtext that God supports the Republicans and he wants it to be OK for Trump and his minions to steal this election and subvert the expressed wil of the majority of the American electorate. You want to post this on a public forum and expect no pushback. Derp.

I used to be a Christian until I realized my denomination was practicing attempted mind control on an egregious and Orwellian level. I believe that most of the fundamentalist groups are even worse. Many of the main stream denominations seek positions informed by science and philosophy so good on them. But others dogmatically thump the Bible and proclaim “it says right here in this book that this book I is true! So it must be! And everyone should follow it! And if you don’t then you are condemned!” And you who do that can’t see how that comes across as arrogant and dismissive?

As I said I support your right to believe. I even support your right to enforce your standards within the social boundaries of your congregation. But as it explicitly states in the very first words of The Bill of Rights ... keep your religion out of my government.
Your denomination seems like it was the problem.

I don't believe because the Bible tells me so. I believe because Luke tells me so. John tells me so. Mark tells me so. Matthew tells me so. Paul, Peter and James tell me so. They and others had first hand accounts and most died horrible deaths for what they saw and believed. Like those guys, I believe because I have faith that Jesus is the Messiah and that he walked this earth, was tempted the same way that you and I are, died on the cross bearing the sin of the world and was resurrected on the 3rd day.

I also support your right not to believe, but I will pray that you see the light brother.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
And I will fight against elcted officials who want to tell my girlfriend what to do with her uterus or my gay friend that he can be fired because of that.
It's her uterus to do with as she pleases, but it's the living human being inside her uterus that she has no right to kill or have killed. I love it when they say "my body, my choice". soon as that fetus is killed they should do a DNA test on it. If it has the exact same DNA as the mother......fine, she had a growth removed from her body. But if the fetus has DNA that is not identical to the mother's........then they've just committed murder. That's just science. Don't be a science denier.

And if you believe in freedom and liberty, then you should also believe in the same freedoms and liberties for business owners as well to run their businesses in the best way they see fit. It's the elected officials that want to tell those business owners how to operate their businesses that are the problem.


Mar 12, 2012
"As a nation, the United States has moved far from the desire God has for us as a nation."

Can you provide a source to this? Not trying to be a SA as I respect your beliefs and absolute right to those beliefs, however I am genuinely confused as to how you came upon such information. I haven't read the Bible for a very long time, however I don't recall any reference to the United States or Gods desire for our nation?
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