Ammo purchase in new mexico

News to me that California requires a background check to buy ammo. That’s insane. I buy ammo almost every trip to the sporting goods store. Can’t imagine having to get a background check for it. Crazy libs

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I belive it cost a dollar for the background. Its instant no wait time. Not a fan at all but doesn't hamper you from buying other then an extra dollar. I look at it as a money grab nothing more. Where it does screw you is if you haven't bought ammo for that gun caliber in 5 yrs then it would be background check and 10 day wait. Or if you don't have that caliber registered to you then same deal, wait 10 days. Horse shit there.
Thats how I picture it. Your right Nevada doesn't care but california cops do care. You cannot bring ammo back from another state. So I'm assuming california cop sits outside a gun store in Nevada, sees a car with CA plates and either follows or radios ahead to another cop sitting at the california line. The line isn't far, maybe 30mins. They pull you over once you cross for something frivolous and they start asking questions. Id assume they have an agreement with Nevada somehow. This could all be bullshit rumors but I can't put it past CA in doing something like this. Probably has more to due with gang members who can't pass a background check here so they drive a couple hours.

More than likely it’s BS, they said the same here in Colorado about the 15+ round magazine ban, ATF & State Troopers were gonna go undercover to bust people buying and bringing mags across state lines. I’ve got buddies who work for both agencies and they all laughed, basic response was “right, cause we have manpower to do that.” Idiot employees at gun shops were spreading that crap, I had a couple tell me that and I just laughed and walked away.

My BIL is a San Berdo sheriff and A cousins husband is CHP, I’ll ask them next time I see them at Xmas.
Now that you mention it I was told by 2 different gun store owners. Intial thought was BS. But man CA does some stupid stuff that its almost hard not to believe either. My guess is it was based off 1 true story. Where they were watching 1 guy with a questionable past go back and forth to buy ammo and got him and now that turned into the conspiracy of an undercover outside every reno/tahoe store all day everyday. Curious to hear what your family says. Thanks

Edit... did a Google for news about buying ammo in Nevada. Just came back with this about mags.
Here is an article about CA DOJ going undercover at reno gun shows.

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The biggest issue with the California “background check” isn’t the $1 fee and quick check in the store. It was their way to prevent citizens from having ammo shipped directly to their residence. All ammo must be shipped to a FFL now in California and you can’t bring ammo in from out of state without it going through the FFL as well.

Of all the restrictive firearm laws, this is the one that really bothers and annoys me living here in California.
I belive it cost a dollar for the background. Its instant no wait time. Not a fan at all but doesn't hamper you from buying other then an extra dollar. I look at it as a money grab nothing more. Where it does screw you is if you haven't bought ammo for that gun caliber in 5 yrs then it would be background check and 10 day wait. Or if you don't have that caliber registered to you then same deal, wait 10 days. Horse shit there.
There is no requirement for owning a registered firearm in the caliber you are purchasing.
The purchase in the last 5 years at current address merely streamlines the background check as you'll have a nics check done in your name and address.

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They would be better of reinstating the checkpoint they had right about Barstow, then Then License plate gets relayed to the checkpoint and the video pulls your plate up. But as of now they have none so unless you get pulled over it is pretty hard to get caught.
You must have a firearm registered to the address on your licence to purchase any ammo.
Owning a registered firearm is not a requirement to purchase ammo it merely dictates the type of background check performed and the wait

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So wrong
I had to re register my python to be able to purchase ammo. If you do not have a firearm register to the address on your licence you will not clear the background check. I know it happened to me, I had other firearms I purchased and registered to previous addresses and I could not purchase ammo, I had to go into the firearm registry and re register one firearm.

It is California Law
So wrong
I had to re register my python to be able to purchase ammo. If you do not have a firearm register to the address on your licence you will not clear the background check. I know it happened to me, I had other firearms I purchased and registered to previous addresses and I could not purchase ammo, I had to go into the firearm registry and re register one firearm.

It is California Law
You got told bad info by a lazy ffl
The only reason you wont pass a background check is if you fail it.

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OK we are both correct
Because my firearm purchases were before Jan 2014, I had to update my CFARS to do so you have to update a firearm to your present address.
If you have purchased a firearm after Jan 2014 and still live at that address you are already in the CFARS system
Well well it is true, California has Law enforcement in the Border state cities. They monitor the places that sell ammo close to the border watching for California licence plates recording the number down and at the border crossing or inside California a pull over tag is placed on the licence plate. I spoke to two individuals, both were warned by the sales guys to not buy ammo with a california plate. One ignored it and other didn't. the one the listened was pull out of line at a checkpoint for fruit and vegies stop, searched and got let go the other was pulled over almost to Banning, ammo seized and cited, was told a second offence would be arrest and impound of his vehicle. I saw his citation Bad news
Born in Long Beach ca. spent summers riding the horses down to the beach, fire pits, bikinis, and the next weekend hiking camping in the mountains, winter snowboarding. for the young it's a playground, it's not until later that you figure out the playground is full of loonies, petifiles, and out and out commies.