Please pm for info
17 year old Percheron gelding
1400 lbs
Cy rides and drives. He was bred and worked by the Amish so he has seen it all! He’s pulled carts, wagons, equipment. He knows how to work and is good at his job.
He is the first to meet you at the gate. He stands for grooming (I’m talking like a statue), loves baths, hops in the trailer like a pro. He will try to do anything you ask him to do.
Argyle, TX
17 year old Percheron gelding
1400 lbs
Cy rides and drives. He was bred and worked by the Amish so he has seen it all! He’s pulled carts, wagons, equipment. He knows how to work and is good at his job.
He is the first to meet you at the gate. He stands for grooming (I’m talking like a statue), loves baths, hops in the trailer like a pro. He will try to do anything you ask him to do.
Argyle, TX