Am I stupid for wanting to cut/thread a cheap gun?

Like others have said, it depends on what it’s going to cost to chop it and thread it. I’ve seen prices all over the place on here for smith work. I threaded a single shot .243 for my son years ago and that firearm became a family favorite afterwards. I say do it.
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Don't do this.

I had a coworker try a similar kit and he had horrible accuracy with the brake on. Sure enough....he's kissing the brake.

This is a baffle strike waiting for you to pull the trigger.

How do you plan to form the shoulder on the tennon? How will you validate concentric?

There's a reason everyone does barrel work on a lathe.

Coming from a guy who does barrel work on a lathe.....and it's not a sales pitch, I am not taking any work.
How did your coworker form a shoulder when he did it?
What if a 30 cal brake was used for say a 24 cal rifle?
I understand that a lathe and a smith is the way to go. I agree with that totally.
But sometimes it’s kinda nice to try stuff on your own.
And for me personally there is 1 gunsmith within about 100 miles of me and he’s a douche. Also a driving factor for me.
That’s why I cut my own barrel.

Sorry for the hijack OP.
How did your coworker form a shoulder when he did it?
What if a 30 cal brake was used for say a 24 cal rifle?
I understand that a lathe and a smith is the way to go. I agree with that totally.
But sometimes it’s kinda nice to try stuff on your own.
And for me personally there is 1 gunsmith within about 100 miles of me and he’s a douche. Also a driving factor for me.
That’s why I cut my own barrel.

Sorry for the hijack OP.
He used a kit that runs an annular cutter on a stub.

If you want to do rifle work and cannot buy the tooling from Dave Manson or Greg probably should stop.

$60 for a kit to do it yourself.
I cut the barrel on my .308 and if I ever decide that it needs threaded, I’ll buy a kit and do it myself.
+1 to everyone saying this is awful advice for a suppressor host (what the OP asked for)

Muzzlebrake only? Do what you like as there is little risk there

It's probably $150 total to ship a barrel both ways and have muzzle threading done anywhere in the country on a lathe.

OP nothing wrong at all putting threads on a "cheap" barrel that does everything you need it to. For most hunting applications, a custom barrel will not add any measurable success
My apologies to the OP. I don’t want to give advice/suggestions/opinions that may cause injury to one’s self or damage to anything.

I’m a DIY person and the route I would take my not be recommended for others.
I just had this Ruger American 260 rem rechambered to 260 ackley cut down to 17.5” and fluted and also had the bolt fluted. It was a rifle I already had and since my boy just finished his hunters safety he needs a rifle for deer next year and I thought this would be perfect for himIMG_1958.jpeg
I did the same thing to an axis I got to mess around with. Actually put a new stock and barrel on it for cheap. Check out Northland Shooter Supply for take off savage barrels. You can likely find a threaded one there for the same cost as getting yours cut and thread. That's what I did. Bedded it, and it's the perfect beater.
lol, I was just having this same conversation with myself. I bought a 200 dollar 6 arc upper and put it on a lower I had around. It shoots very well for what it is. Now that I know it shoots I wanna suppress it and put a accupoint on it. But how do you put 1200-1400 in scope an suppressors, or more, on a 200 dollar gun.
lol, I was just having this same conversation with myself. I bought a 200 dollar 6 arc upper and put it on a lower I had around. It shoots very well for what it is. Now that I know it shoots I wanna suppress it and put a accupoint on it. But how do you put 1200-1400 in scope an suppressors, or more, on a 200 dollar gun.

Because that’s the best move if the $200 gun shoots. FAR better to do that than put a $200 scope on a $1400 rifle!

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