Am I looking for a unicorn?


Sep 26, 2017
I am looking for a high success rifle hunt for a 300" plus bull. I have posted here before about a elk hunt and received several leads. I have applied the last two years in New Mexico with an outfitter. I am 62 years old.

I have been buying points in WY (will have 4 for next year) and have looked at several Montana outfitters as well. I know landowner tags are available in NM, but they push the hunt cost to 16 grand.

I know it's hunting and please don't take my desire for a 300+ bull as my trying to buy an elk. But all of them tell me it's a " possibility" but very few of their gallery pictures look like that caliber of bull.

Am I chasing a dream trying to kill a 300+ bull for under $16-25 grand?
Hell, I can go back to Alaska on another diy hunt for a 60" moose for less than that. And I'm 2 for 2 doing that.

Any insider info is welcome.
If I could find a fair chase situation where success on a 300 bull was the norm, not just a rare occurrence, I'd feel better about paying that kind of money.

I don't want to go to a place where they hammer smaller bulls with only an occasional 300 bull. I know it costs money for outfitters and landowners to manage for bigger bulls.

It just seems most outfits book way to many hunters and the age class , even on private, is pretty low. I have a buddy who's hunted with a couple well known NM guides with hunt costs of $14,000 + and his biggest bull is around 310.
From my experience of hunting elk my entire life in general units is that 300 class bulls do exist but actually killing them on a normal tag is a rarity. With that being said, the only way to increase your chances at a 300+ bull is to draw/obtain a really good tag. If you have the points, there are units in almost every state where you are really messing up to shoot anything less than a 300+ bull. If you don't have the points then it comes down to the money for a LO tag.
300+” bulls are big. The internet makes it seem like they’re are commonality; they’re not. Most people who hunt elk each year don’t kill bulls. Of the bulls that are killed, most aren’t big bulls.

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I would thinks it is plenty doable. Just find an outfit that can maybe make a deal on a trophy fee type basis- no 300” you don’t pay for the elk?

If they don’t think it’s possible they won’t take you.

I guess times may have changed but where I have hunted in Colorado LO and Utah draw 300” was pretty common…

Now for an OTC type hunt that would be big
300+” bulls are big. The internet makes it seem like they’re are commonality; they’re not. Most people who hunt elk each year don’t kill bulls. Of the bulls that are killed, most aren’t big bulls.

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There’s more truth to this than people realize. The number of 300” bulls that are killed each year per hunter day i’m sure is astoundingly low.
My suggestion would be to find a reputable outfitter in Wyoming and see if he can point bank your points with a higher point applicant. Some of them will offer the high point guys a discount if they share their points.
Not a unicorn.

Doable in many spots and states an even DYI with rented stock. But odds are another thing.

For the dollar amount you suggested - I’d expect way bigger than just 300, just saying.

But odds are another thing. Weather is factor (fog snow smoke) and even gun malfunction or inability to get into range for good kill shot.

I always say “IF” there’s a chance at a XXX size animal, then I’ll always take the chances.

Good luck. It’ll happen !!

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I am looking for a high success rifle hunt for a 300" plus bull. I have posted here before about a elk hunt and received several leads. I have applied the last two years in New Mexico with an outfitter. I am 62 years old.

I have been buying points in WY (will have 4 for next year) and have looked at several Montana outfitters as well. I know landowner tags are available in NM, but they push the hunt cost to 16 grand.

I know it's hunting and please don't take my desire for a 300+ bull as my trying to buy an elk. But all of them tell me it's a " possibility" but very few of their gallery pictures look like that caliber of bull.

Am I chasing a dream trying to kill a 300+ bull for under $16-25 grand?
Hell, I can go back to Alaska on another diy hunt for a 60" moose for less than that. And I'm 2 for 2 doing that.

Any insider info is welcome.
If you've got the $, fitness, and mental toughness, consider NW Wyo fully guided. Maybe a horseback hunt to cut down on hiking in rough country. It's griz country but fully guided you should be alright. Lots of big bulls in some of the wilderness areas. A 300 bull is very doable. Do the research and see how many preference points to draw/contact a bunch of outfitters and pick their brains.
Doable, and I think it easier than people think. People chase hard to draw tags and units and think it will be easy and get disappointed really quickly. There are a couple of keys, draw a good unit, then scout, search out information, glass, be patient, be in shape, and some luck (luck is when preparation meets opportunity).

The other way is to find a unit you can draw more than once every 10-20 years and get to know it well. There is more value than people think in just knowing where to go and how to hunt it.

There are units out there managed by the state agencies that are targeting trophy to opportunity. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle. draw every few years and get to know it, those units are getting harder to draw though.

NM, WY, ID, AZ, MT(haven't hunted elk in MT) and some draw Colorado units can get you there. I know an outfitter in Oregon way cheaper than that and I believe you would have a good chance at a 300 bull but unless you're inside a fence nothing is ever a guarantee. For the money you are looking at I would expect way more than a 300" bull, and I wouldn't spend that kind of money on it. I have drawn a few good tags, and I know giant bulls are not behind every tree.

Do some research, and find a good unit to start with, build points, and remember that score is nice, but the experience, hardships, and adventure are priceless.
There are CO OTC units you can do that in no problem. The hard part may be getting on the outfitter's list.

There are for sure units in Wyoming, too, but the ones I'm familiar with will take points.
Being realistic, it’s either going to take time to draw, or LO tag money. At 62 time is against you, so that is something to consider. Finding a 300+ bull isn’t that difficult in a lot of western units. Getting a tag is another story.
First of all TV, internet have made everyone think 300 inch bulls walk around everywhere on the hoof.
They are there but they are not the common bull you will see on normal elk tags.

300 inch is very doable depending on your price limit. If you want high success it is a LO tag or private ranch hunt. Unfortunately you are a long long way from drawing a WY tag with 300 bulls and NM is a random draw with 1% odds for NR>

LO tags are expensive for the most part and still don't guarantee you the 300 bull so still be very careful and vet the outfitter. Private ranches can be good also but some of those can be more of an assassination than a hunt, even if they are not high fenced.

As much as we all love to see big bulls, I still think you need to be careful and embrace that Elk hunting is a great experience, They are incredibly tough bastards who don't stand around waiting to be shot. Lastly any Bull Elk is a trophy.

Good luck but whatever road you choose, make sure you check references and the outfitter. Elk hunting has become a big $$ business and there are a lot of sub par guys looking to take your $$
If wanting archery I would budget more than 1 hunt/season on doing this...but it's doable...even DIY public land.

If you want to just hunt once and be done - a top rifle outfitter hunt is probably the only way to go.

Be careful...once I put my 300" bull on the's a reminder everyday that I need to chase Sept bulls again - full on addiction!

Good Luck!