It’s very apparent from many of your other posts you have a personal issue with non residents. That’s totally ok, your right to do so. One might remember that as a whole we are a minority across the country. Take Colorado in 2019, a simply google search (non scientific) shows 38 mil of federal/state grant and loans that funded 16% of CPW budget. 49 other NR states pay taxes to help manage those lands. Regardless of a persons own views of your animals, my animals, our animals (that has been absolutely beat to death), the fact does remain that if you alienate NR to the degree you want the hunting heritage will decline. That is a slippery slope when it comes to the willingness of NR’s to continue giving financial support. Once that goes politicians will start the privatization of federal lands. Why would I keep paying taxes for something that I rarely if ever get to use. To be clear I hope that day never comes. But you might want to be careful what your asking for, bc you just might get it.
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