I am my insurance agent so no not really. You are not following the point. Insurance is in place to help you avoid financial hardship when the unfortunate happens. I don’t think the two have the same premise. If you don’t think there is already pressure to sell off public lands and political pressure from anti hunting groups then you have your head in the sand. If you alienate NR hunters your support to push back on that dwindles. Obviously CPW has things that need attention and corrected, and they have been on that slippery slope for a while. It’s not just one issue but a domino effect of several. Some of them seem like very common sense fixes like required reporting, pred control etc. so why don’t they address them? I bet most can figure that out. Sound science says you need to control the predators. So why would they not manage it and want to introduce more? Pressure from the non hunting community maybe?
My response was at the continued jabs at the NR. And they FACT that we as hunters need to be united not divided. If the above isn’t reason enough I’ll give you a different angle. The forestry service had a budget of nearly 6 billion dollars in 2019. What’s to stop people from saying ok if I can’t use it then I’m damn sure not gunna pay for it. Let the residents of the state fund it since they want to be the only ones who get to use it. You don’t think people won’t start pushing that agenda into the political environment...? I for one don’t want to take that chance.
Personally I raise my kids to enjoy the outdoors and hope they have the chance to raise their kids the same way.
The land is public, yours and mine along with everyone else on this forum. I’ve hunted many years now in Colorado where they graze cattle on federal land. The cattle are owned privately. The ranchers pay to graze them. I don’t mind after years of going I rather enjoy visiting with them year after year, plus they have always been good about intel. The mindset that wildlife is owned by the people of the state is fine. But you aren’t raising your wildlife on just your land, or state land, but federal land just like the ranchers. Yet the ranchers pay and you don’t. Why is that? Should the state be paying the fed? The rancher is running a business on public land and so is the state, the rancher pays but the state does not, in fact the state gets money from the fed. At what point do people get fed up with it? Remember the western hunting states aren’t as populated as much of the rest of the country. The funding is decided by people who want and need votes, it’s self preservation for them. Again I hope that day never comes. But we will need to stay on the same team if we are to keep it at bay.
Are there some NR’s who need rubbed in the dirt for the way they behave your damn right, but I’ve seen some residents who need the same treatment. Maybe we shouldn’t pigeon hole people by their residence and more by their actions. A shithead is a shithead regardless of what’s on their license plate!
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