Alice Pack

Feb 29, 2024
Central PA
anyone ever take an old surplus alice pack out for a hunt or trip or anything? I have two and mainly used them for bushcraft/camping.

I know it would be fine for small game but is there a way to make it work for large game with the lower overall volume? Thanks
No but I really want one, I have an old Alice bag but no frame.

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I’ve carried hundred + loads many miles with an alice frame. I remember when we were issued the curved shoulder straps, revolutionary technology 🤓
I carried soul crushing loads wit an ALICE pack Using issue shoulder straps and a waist belt - Mortar components and ammo. cans of 40mm and 7.62 ammo. I also lived out of one for literal weeks at a time. It can certainly be done but there are better options.

in the .mil space, an ILBE or FILBE is a jump up in capacity and comfort. One of those on an old MR NICE frame is a hell of a hauler. A surplus MR SATL or even an old school Dana designs or similar backpacking pack for ~$200 is a heck of an option too.

When you have the funds, you will increase comfort and some utility the more $$ you spend (up to a point) but don’t let that be a n impediment to getting out there. Fill that ALICE pack up with gear and get in the woods.
First couple hunts as a broke infantry man I did, if you upgrade pads to tactical tailor and such they are nice, still not near as nice as just about any of the big name hunting packs though… can’t remember what I did with mine if my little brother has it or if it got donated to good will
Put a load bearing shelf on the frame and pad the shoulder and waist belts adjust everything to ride high on the shoulders used one for many years and as stated they will support any load you can carry. I come from the old haversack,horse shoe blanket roll ,shelter half military days ,my first experience with the A.L.I.C.E. System was a delight.
I never had an ALICE frame, but I used a surplus pack board for 15+ years- as others above stated, modern pack frames are much more comfortable. I’ve got a cabelas alaskan outfitter frame for a meat hauler and it’s 1000% more comfortable than my old frame was.
I packed out several deer and bears with an old Alice frame. When I was a kid my step-dad only ran Alice packs and got me one. I got a cabelas external when I turned 18 and considered that a Cadillac compared to the Alice.