Alec Baldwin shooting

Mr. Game warden, I didn’t shoot that deer. The gun did and I am just making sure the meat doesn’t go to waste and I will hang his horns on my wall as a warning to all my other guns to keep them in line so this doesn’t happen again. (Tear rolling down my cheek)

Bottom line is if I was on that set and that gun was in my hands and I didn’t check to see if it was loaded and pulled the trigger and killed someone I would be sitting in jail and I would be telling myself I was guilty because I was I failed the basic rules of gun safety. And Alec would be on the news saying this event was just another reason we should not be allowed guns.
michigan school shooters parents charged within days......baldwin not charged yet and will walk.....the conservatives of America have become to complacent and accept this type of disparity too easily...
I don't see the link? Apparently they have electronic evidence in the MI shooting case and other evidence to charge the parents. That is like people in the Rittenhouse case saying well they didn't shoot him but shot a black person with a gun.

Not that Baldwin shouldn't be charged but unless there are witnesses or video saying he pointed the gun pulled the trigger or was using it recklessly hard to charge. At least I haven't heard of that actual evidence beside just general knowledge that the gun had to be pointed at the victim and the hammer dropped or trigger pulled for the round to go off.

FYI, I think he should be in jail no questions BUT.....
This is unbelievable. Baldwin knows someone is at fault, but that it is not him - the guy who held and pointed the gun.
michigan school shooters parents charged within days......baldwin not charged yet and will walk.....the conservatives of America have become to complacent and accept this type of disparity too easily...
After what I just watched, the press conference with DA, the parents are without a doubt are in deep doo doo. The kid not only had the means to carry out his plans, he actually had a sketch on his desk of his plans which his teacher took a picture of. He told his mother he was looking for ammo to buy, her response, LOL, don't get caught.Then his parents were called in for a meeting and no body thought, we need to check his backpack or the dad didn't think, I better check to see where the new handgun is. Lots of mistakes made on this one. I'm not even sure I would call them mistakes, rather, flat out ignoring the signs that were staring them in the face.
If Baldwin didnt pull the trigger,,,who did?
His "I did not pull the trigger" defense sounds like more of
the Left's alternative reality.
I bet his defense will be it was a defective gun and somebody else
let that live ammo on to the property and in to the gun. He will
become a victim.
I'm sure Baldwin's acting job in this interview will convince someone he's being real.
Maybe Joy Behar.
After all she can tell if someone's really upset or just faking it, right?
I agree with your comments 100%.

Additionally, it always irks me when I see vocal anti-gun actors making a bazillion bucks playing a variety of roles with guns in their hands, blasting people away as part of their money making character...and now we know at least one who apparently didn't know much if anything about firearm safety, and apparently relied on the "expertise" of he now may be portrayed as also a victim of evil guns.
In addition to what I said over a month ago, I'll add the following....

There are three entities who are responsible for this tragedy:

First and foremost Baldwin...he cocked the pistol, he pointed it at another person, and he pulled the trigger. For him to claim (even metaphorically) that he didn't pull the trigger is insulting and irresponsible on many levels. Furthermore, he apparently didn't take it upon himself to learn basic firearm safety on his own initiative, i.e., always double-check to ensure that any firearm placed in his hand was not loaded.

Second, the armorer who's job duties are to ensure there are no live rounds on hand.

Third, the movie industry, who receives tons of money for making movies with actors holding firearms, blasting away at people left and right. How hard would it be for the movie industry to ensure that every actor holding a firearm on set has at least basic firearm safety to always check a firearm when it is placed in their hand to ensure that it is unloaded, and if loaded with dummy rounds how to check to ensure that it is not a live know, the check and double-check protocol that most of us hunters do all the time. Apparently (some, most, all) the actors who also make a ton of money blasting away at people don't take it upon themselves to learn and implement those basics.
Does anyone know that exact replica revolver?

Does it have a half cock or hammer block?
That model has a half cock which allow cylinder to rotate for loading and ejecting MT's. Not sure about hammer block but, I doubt it.
To me there is only one person to blame. When somebody hands another person a gun regardless if they tell them it's not loaded the person who was handed the gun makes sure the gun isn't loaded. If they don't know how to check this then ask someone who is qualified to show them the gun is indeed unloaded. This one is all on Baldwin in my book. As the Led Zepplin song goes " Nobodys fault but mine"
Baldwin’s response to Clooney’s comment that he checks every gun handed to him on set: ‘"If your protocol is you check the gun every time, well, good for you," he told Stephanopoulos Thursday. "I had a protocol and it never let me down."’

What an absolute dipshit. It never let him down until it did.

Pass the buck, pass the buck, pass the buck. AB is a douche and it’s unlikely any charges get filed. Hollywood elite and all that…
If Baldwin didnt pull the trigger,,,who did?
His "I did not pull the trigger" defense sounds like more of
the Left's alternative reality.
I bet his defense will be it was a defective gun and somebody else
let that live ammo on to the property and in to the gun. He will
become a victim.

Along that same train of thought, the subtitles I read at the gym on a few questions from that interview are presenting him as such. I learned the meaning of softball journalism.

There is a big difference in the word play and suggestiveism between, "is this the worst thing that has happened to you?" (asked and paints as a victim,), and "is this the worst thing you have done?" (assigns responsibility), and "is this the worst incident of your life?" (neutral).