Alberta Bighorn Outfitter Recommendation

And you got it out with what motor vehicle? sled/argo/truck. How far from the road was it?
Don’t give him any attention, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you. He’s clearly not in Kyrgyzstan, he’s probably on his couch with crumbs on his belly since he’s exerting so much effort slinging shit at you. Congrats on your epic elk man, read about it on AO!
Don’t give him any attention, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you. He’s clearly not in Kyrgyzstan, he’s probably on his couch with crumbs on his belly since he’s exerting so much effort slinging shit at you. Congrats on your epic elk man, read about it on AO!


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Don’t give him any attention, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you. He’s clearly not in Kyrgyzstan, he’s probably on his couch with crumbs on his belly since he’s exerting so much effort slinging shit at you. Congrats on your epic elk man, read about it on AO!
You’re in the same category as the other clown. You two should get a room
nah piss on this guy. This clown needs a lesson
Hey man, sorry you got banned again from AO. The rules are returning members who have been previously banned are not allowed back. Take it up with the mods. Believe it or not, it was not me who outed you to the mods.
Don’t give him any attention, he’s just trying to get a rise out of you. He’s clearly not in Kyrgyzstan, he’s probably on his couch with crumbs on his belly since he’s exerting so much effort slinging shit at you. Congrats on your epic elk man, read about it on AO!
Hey man, sorry you got banned again from AO. The rules are returning members who have been previously banned are not allowed back. Take it up with the mods. Believe it or not, it was not me who outed you to the mods.
Sorry to disappoint you but that wasn’t me
It’s not hard to see why no one likes you and you don’t have many friends.
You’re in the same category as the other clown. You two should get a room
I really could care less about you dude or your opinion. Dirtshooter seems like a solid guy, we’ll continue to hunt Alberta as a couple of knuckle draggers. Sorry you need to shoot book animals to feel great about yourself and have to hire guides to hunt with you cuz you don’t have any friends. Good luck on your hunt, sorry I offended you a couple weeks ago, I just call it as I see it.
I really could care less about you dude or your opinion. Dirtshooter seems like a solid guy, we’ll continue to hunt Alberta as a couple of knuckle draggers. Sorry you need to shoot book animals to feel great about yourself and have to hire guides to hunt with you cuz you don’t have any friends. Good luck on your hunt, sorry I offended you a couple weeks ago, I just call it as I see it.
Obviously you have a different perspective of this converstation than I do. I could care less of your opinion. Guys like you and dirtlicker are a dime a dozen. I hang out with people that make me a better person, and people I can look up to and respect. You guys are neither. It’s funny how many people message me saying how big of clowns you two are. So keep licking dirt or metal poles or whatever it is that you do best. It sure isn’t anything hunting related 🤷‍♂️. I’m off to kill some more wolves
Obviously you have a different perspective of this converstation than I do. I could care less of your opinion. Guys like you and dirtlicker are a dime a dozen. I hang out with people that make me a better person, and people I can look up to and respect. You guys are neither. It’s funny how many people message me saying how big of clowns you two are. So keep licking dirt or metal poles or whatever it is that you do best. It sure isn’t anything hunting related 🤷‍♂️. I’m off to kill some more wolves
I thought you were the wolf. Stone cold killer. North American 29er.

I don't care who likes me on hunting forums. I come for the knowledge, gear deals, small cal match bullets and to have some fun.
Obviously you have a different perspective of this converstation than I do. I could care less of your opinion. Guys like you and dirtlicker are a dime a dozen. I hang out with people that make me a better person, and people I can look up to and respect. You guys are neither. It’s funny how many people message me saying how big of clowns you two are. So keep licking dirt or metal poles or whatever it is that you do best. It sure isn’t anything hunting related 🤷‍♂️. I’m off to kill some more wolves
Funny how you mirror my comments. Yes we are a dime a dozen. No one is special, not even you — no matter how much the guides tell you how amazing you are. Please publicly post these messages with the sender’s names redacted so you can show the public that we’re a bunch of clowns. Anyways, this is my last post on this thread, I had a great chuckle with all the insult slinging, but we’re all adults. I’m off to keep hunting, exploring, and living in “boring” Alberta. Enjoy your quixotic life.
Funny how you mirror my comments. Yes we are a dime a dozen. No one is special, not even you — no matter how much the guides tell you how amazing you are. Please publicly post these messages with the sender’s names redacted so you can show the public that we’re a bunch of clowns. Anyways, this is my last post on this thread, I had a great chuckle with all the insult slinging, but we’re all adults. I’m off to keep hunting, exploring, and living in “boring” Alberta. Enjoy your quixotic life.
what makes you think I’m not a guide?
I don’t need the admiration of anyone, unlike you. I’m here to share the experiences I’ve learned so that others don’t make the same mistakes. You have zero positive information to share. So I have absolutely no idea why you’re even talking?
You’re a liar. Prove me wrong.
wtf are you?
Why would I send pms that others have sent me
Do you have something pertaining to the topic of this thread or are you just another clown sitting in your moms basement with no friends to hang out with ?
I’ve shot a b&c animal of almost every species

nah piss on this guy. This clown needs a lesson
It’s funny how many people message me saying how big of clowns you two are.

Don’t worry I’ll find out who you are, and we will have a great conversation in person
4 posts from “The List of Top 10 Lamest Things to Post on the Internet” in one thread. How precious.