Alberta Bighorn Outfitter Recommendation

That’s the issue! It is not 50/50 but that is what is being told to all the hunters coming from out of country! The outfitters need to be honest about the odds! It’s about 8% over the last two years of the outfitter I went with!
There is no better example for doing thorough research BEFORE your hunt than the Alberta bighorn situation. All this information has been pretty readily available for several years now. No one should ever book a hunt at a show or otherwise just based on what an outfitter is telling you. No sane person would knowingly pay $$$ approaching 6 figures to go on what is likely going to be a 10-14 day camping trip.
There is no better example for doing thorough research BEFORE your hunt than the Alberta bighorn situation. All this information has been pretty readily available for several years now. No one should ever book a hunt at a show or otherwise just based on what an outfitter is telling you. No sane person would knowingly pay $$$ approaching 6 figures to go on what is likely going to be a 10-14 day camping trip.
So I did extensive in person research and spoke to people who have hunted in that area with the outfitter that owned the tags before the outfitter that I went with. Both got sheep and raved about the area. All the outfitters at the shows boast about their kill rate being 50% five years I have been talking to outfitters and it was always 50%. OK I can handle that. No outfitter is going to give you a name of a hunter who had a bad time. Yes it is 100% on me that I booked this trip without finding a blog such as this. But there isn't anyone out there talking about it in person. Anyone that knows someone wanting to hunt Alberta or BC for sheep need to know and its all of our jobs to make sure they know that their odds are slim to none. Yes I know guys will get sheep but that's a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of hunters that are going to get scammed next hunting season! It's a money grab like I had mentioned in earlier posts. Yes SCI and sheep shows coming up are gonna be fun informing people standing at these booths of the true adds of spending 110K on a dude ranch trip!
Alberta and BC sheep hunting sounds like a mess. Probably much better hunts in other locations to book out there.

Thanks for the honest information. I enjoy reading these posts.

Happy Veterans Day and Happy Remembrance Day, TheGrayRider a/k/a Tom.
Good morning,
I agree with all you've said. You guys have a great thing there. Maybe what I am trying to point out will help you. I just want to point out how outfitters are misleading the foreign hunters, almost to the point of it being an unethical sales presentation. They all tell us the odds are 50% and that is no where true. I understand hunting and going home empty handed but a money grab is all these outfitters seem to be offering. One out of eight hunters taking a legal Ram this season is no where near 50%. I love Canada and have had some of my most favorite hunts there and I will be back but not for Sheep!
I know who you hunted with.
Awesome response, thank you for the cordial conversation. I agree with everything you’ve said as well. Outfitters are saturating the landscape there. There needs to be a cut in tags or area allowance for them for everyone to be able to harvest a sheep. For residents, if we were to harvest a sheep, we are ineligible for a tag the following year — the outfitters get at least 8 tags every year.
This ultimately screws over you guys wanting a quality hunt, us residents, and ultimately, the sheep. Unable to grow to a legal “squeaker” size, I’m not sure why our province isn’t putting more effort into better management.
The reality is, sheep have moved into very very remote areas where they aren’t hunted, where they can the hunted (mine sites and parks), or live much of their lives in the timber during hunting season.
I agree that many of these outfitters are disingenuous about expectations. If you do buy the ministers tag, shoot me a DM I maybe able to point you in the right direction.
The problem doesn’t lie with the outfitters. They have been doing their same thing for decades. The problem lies with the entitled resident hunters, with poor predator management, zero habitat enhancement, poor regulations, and terrible biologists. I know who the op hunted with, without him even having to say their name. This spring the bios were patting themselves on the back for doing such an excellent job because the sheep harvest rates have been going up. That’s all that they care about. Every year they like to see x amount of rams killed. They don’t care if they are 150” or 190”. They just care about dead sheep. This year has been horrible for the outfitters, I don’t think I know 1 that went over 50%. That’s not from a lack of trying or a lack of sheep. One outfitters friend seen 44 different rams on a 6 day hunt. None were legal. All the mature rams they found were broomed short. Resident hunters weren’t much better. I only heard of a couple higher scoring rams. And numbers in general are way down. The only people that have had any luck are the ones who are friends with the biosb

Your comment about the ministers tag is pretty funny, who are you going to call that you don’t think has been called already lol. The current tag holder has bought it two years in a row. He turned down the second biggest ram that’s been killed in Alberta this year by a resident. Before the resident season even opened lol. He’s coming back in a couple weeks to try again.

I also have a friend that bought the resident guided hunt with Carter this year from the wsfab. He killed one after all the non residents had finished their hunts. So the rams are there
Couldn’t agree more. Outfitters are a huge problem, and many of us are resentful for seeing quotas cut in half (supplemental tags 2 to 1, zones slashed for draws, etc.) and yet…. No change to outfitters. Especially the huge outfits. Something MUST change. Outfitters are not bringing much to the table for wildlife management and conservation, and if they are I have no idea what they do other than “stimulate the local economy”.
You’re complaining about reduced opportunities at killing females? Really?
Who do you think make the baby animals?
How they heck do you think a population is going to recover or be maintained if your killing all the females??

Same with the “slashed” draws?
Those are all in zones where they were eradicating animals in the name of cwd. Mostly mule deer. Tag numbers just went back to where they were before the cull. It will take a decade for the populations to recover to where it was before the culls started.

But it’s the typical Alberta resident response…
Me and my family can’t go shoot 20 deer a year anymore…. It’s the outfitters fault!

Give it a rest
That all sounds nice but did you miss the part where he didn’t get a ram? You see if he would have got a ram there wouldn’t be an Alberta bighorn outfitter problem. Likely would have gave the outfitter high reviews. Would of got on here and told other unsuccessful hunters they just need to hunt harder.

This Alberta bighorn hunting sounds like a hunt not a gimmie!
The Alberta bighorn hunt is the hardest sheep hunt in North America. It’s more mentally draining than physical. And it’s an extremely physical hunt. There is a lot of luck involved too. There is a lot of places for them to hide
That all sounds nice but did you miss the part where he didn’t get a ram? You see if he would have got a ram there wouldn’t be an Alberta bighorn outfitter problem. Likely would have gave the outfitter high reviews. Would of got on here and told other unsuccessful hunters they just need to hunt harder.

This Alberta bighorn hunting sounds like a hunt not a gimmie!
I know guys that have gone on 4 guided bighorn hunts before they killed one. Prices weren’t what they are now, and most of those years that outfitter was over 50%. He just couldn’t connect or he missed a shot. Which happens
You’re complaining about reduced opportunities at killing females? Really?
Who do you think make the baby animals?
How they heck do you think a population is going to recover or be maintained if your killing all the females??

Same with the “slashed” draws?
Those are all in zones where they were eradicating animals in the name of cwd. Mostly mule deer. Tag numbers just went back to where they were before the cull. It will take a decade for the populations to recover to where it was before the culls started.

But it’s the typical Alberta resident response…
Me and my family can’t go shoot 20 deer a year anymore…. It’s the outfitters fault!

Give it a rest
Woah what a rampage!

I don’t take all what I said complaining on my end dude, I’m saying the numbers were slashed. You don’t know my background, age, or education and in what I specialize in. You’re assuming I’m another hick that bonks my limit. I harvested one of my first big game animals this year after 8 years of learning how to reload copper, practice stalking, shooting, knowing the landscapes, multiple failed attempts, participating in dozens of hunts with more experienced hunters, talking to cree elders, etc. I started hunting later in life too, so get that stick out of your ass and look at what the issues are instead of insulting me:
1) Numbers are cut for resident hunters, not outfitters.
2) Game management is not ideal, and with multiple environmental factors influence the populations it’s hard to make steadfast predictions.
With that given information, wouldn’t you assume it’d be better to cut tag quotas for everyone and have a reasonable distribution? I don’t give a shit if my tags are cut in half for population well-being. I am not opposed to the science and conclusions that the GoA ultimately decides. I just hate the double standard.
You, being a recent member to this forum, and being so vicious, it makes me think that you’re potentially an outfitter.
Enjoy your day.
Woah what a rampage!

I don’t take all what I said complaining on my end dude, I’m saying the numbers were slashed. You don’t know my background, age, or education and in what I specialize in. You’re assuming I’m another hick that bonks my limit. I harvested one of my first big game animals this year after 8 years of learning how to reload copper, practice stalking, shooting, knowing the landscapes, multiple failed attempts, participating in dozens of hunts with more experienced hunters, talking to cree elders, etc. I started hunting later in life too, so get that stick out of your ass and look at what the issues are instead of insulting me:
1) Numbers are cut for resident hunters, not outfitters.
2) Game management is not ideal, and with multiple environmental factors influence the populations it’s hard to make steadfast predictions.
With that given information, wouldn’t you assume it’d be better to cut tag quotas for everyone and have a reasonable distribution? I don’t give a shit if my tags are cut in half for population well-being. I am not opposed to the science and conclusions that the GoA ultimately decides. I just hate the double standard.
You, being a recent member to this forum, and being so vicious, it makes me think that you’re potentially an outfitter.
Enjoy you
If you thought that was a rampage you need thicker skin
You obviously have no idea what your talking about out. If you just shot your first animal. Then you have no idea what the populations used to be like. Or the number of tags that were issued. The tags that your complaining about disappearing. Should have never been issued in the first place. If you think someone’s thread count has anything to do with their knowledge on this subject you have a lot more to learn than I thought.
If you thought that was a rampage you need thicker skin
You obviously have no idea what your talking about out. If you just shot your first animal. Then you have no idea what the populations used to be like. Or the number of tags that were issued. The tags that your complaining about disappearing. Should have never been issued in the first place. If you think someone’s thread count has anything to do with their knowledge on this subject you have a lot more to learn than I thought.
Do you have the same last name as Vince Carter?
If you thought that was a rampage you need thicker skin
You obviously have no idea what your talking about out. If you just shot your first animal. Then you have no idea what the populations used to be like. Or the number of tags that were issued. The tags that your complaining about disappearing. Should have never been issued in the first place. If you think someone’s thread count has anything to do with their knowledge on this subject you have a lot more to learn than I thought.
I’ve spent my life in the bush watching animals and fishing, mountain climbing, hiking etc. I work in the environmental sector and spend >150 days a year in the bush. I know Alberta well, it has nothing to do with pulling the trigger. So frankly, pound sand bud.
I know what it used to be like and I’ve heard from elders what it used to be like. You’re making claims that you know my character and making personal attacks rather than actually addressing the talking points. Parse what I have said, and make good arguments based with evidence.
I’ve spent my life in the bush watching animals and fishing, mountain climbing, hiking etc. I work in the environmental sector and spend >150 days a year in the bush. I know Alberta well, it has nothing to do with pulling the trigger. So frankly, pound sand bud.
I know what it used to be like and I’ve heard from elders what it used to be like. You’re making claims that you know my character and making personal attacks rather than actually addressing the talking points. Parse what I have said, and make good arguments based with evidence.
Hate to say it but just because you have a certain color of skin. That doesn’t automatically make you knowledgeable on a subject. Neither does someone’s age. If you’re offended that my assumptions are accurate I don’t really know what to say. You’re not the only one who has spent their life in the bush. Your observations are not accurate
Hate to say it but just because you have a certain color of skin. That doesn’t automatically make you knowledgeable on a subject. Neither does someone’s age. If you’re offended that my assumptions are accurate I don’t really know what to say. You’re not the only one who has spent their life in the bush. Your observations are not accurate
I’m 100% white you prick LMAO
Scott’s a pretty good guy. I talk to him whenever I run into him at oiler games.

never said you werent
Your just making stereotypical assumptions and trying to imply that it is somewhat better 🤷‍♂️
Take a chill pill
You’re a funny gal, I don’t know your end goal, but good luck on your endeavour LOL. I’m going hunting for 16 days. Maybe see you out there.
You’re a funny gal, I don’t know your end goal, but good luck on your endeavour LOL. I’m going hunting for 16 days. Maybe see you out there.
Very unlikely
I leave for Tajikistan on Thursday.
I’ve hunted 40 plus days so far this fall in the yukon, bc and states. Spent the long weekend trying to get my buddy’s daughter and nephew their Mulie buck draws. And it reminded me why I would rather work than hunt here. Whiny residents complaining about opportunities. Well those “opportunities” have hammered all the ungulate populations to oblivion.