Alaska - Wrangell Mountain Dall sheep hunt

Thanks for the story and pics, hope like hell im still in the mtns at 61, nice effort! How did the lamb crop look out there??
R Miller: that was an encouraging part of the trip. over 100 ewes and lambs seen, many of the ewes had twins. gotta be good for the future. with that many ladies seen there had to be some mature rams around, we just never found them. they may have been in the next drainage that we could never find a way into...
Great to see a couple "youngsters" treading the high places,, may you both share many more such hunts. I can tell from your story and pics that we share the same passion for sheep and sharing where they live with them.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing your adventure, it was a great read. Anytime you get to walk the mountains with sheep your a lucky man! Congratulations on a great hunt!

Thats awesome that you're still doing it like a kid, but old enough to truly enjoy it. Your variety of pictures attest to that. Thanks for sharing
Thanks for that Flatbow. Trekking around the mountains in search of the Great White Ram is a fantastic thing for sure. We too came home sheepless this year but have got our share over the years, got close on a couple stalks, had a close call with my slip but saw so many wonderfull sights. This kind of hunting holds so much more than just the "spot, stalk and shot". It's everything else that gets you to those points and the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of it as well.

It always amazes me how much life is in the seemingly barren mtns at times. The flowers, birds, small game, etc.

I did see one thing this year I've never witnessed. I watched a ewe coax her lamb out onto a snow ledge/cornice a few times as though she were teaching it. He seemed timid at first but fter a few times the lamb started doing what lambs do... jumping around like a little lamb! Even sliding down it a few times.

Here's hoping you (and I) :D make it to the sheep mountains again next year!

Thanks again for the great flora and fauna photos. It would be fun to figure out the names of those flowers. You certainly hit the peak of the fall bloom!
glad you enjoyed the pics. when I post these it is always with the intention that they may be shared and enjoyed by those that may not ever make it here, or to inspire some of those 'sitting on the fence' to do so....

Amazing scenery for sure...thanks for sharing with us lowly "lower 48ers". I surely hope to make it up to Alaska while I am able.
Great pics Billy!!! Thanks so much for sharing sir!!! Really enjoyed the whole story and your attention to detail in the pictures to everything that one sees while sheep hunting but very few take the time to capture. Looks like a wonderful time indeed and look forward to hearing about more of your adventures in the futures. Thanks for taking the time to put the pics and story together and best of luck to you!