Alaska sheep hunt excitement

I'd be the last guy for sheep advice but if I was a bettin man, I'd say that Beluga Point on the Seward highway after dark is a legit area. Now moose..we can talk. :D
good luck, enjoy your trip and be safe.

I will be touching down in the Brooks Range on 15 Aug.

It's go time!
" The Brooks is actually very tame as far as mountains are concerned in Alaska. "........geez I must be a wimp. From where we were last year in the Brooks Range I would have never made that statement. Have been on a half doz. sheep hunts in the Alaska Range and the Brooks was every bit as hard, maybe steeper. That said, will be doing a hunt in the southern Alaskan range first week of Sept. good luck to all, especially those of you who walk in. those years are long gone for me and the annual sheep fly out has become my calendar high light....
....Hunt with your eyes not your boots. Utilize good intel. Be patient. Big distances do not always produce the animals you want.

I'll check back with you clowns in another week. Hopefully my knees and back will be tired from humping out a sheep and caribou as little distance as possible.

Synd......why do I recognize that red tent? Grin!

You said it. Hunt smart and with your eyes. That is once you get "there", wherever that may be. Ah yes... the red Bunker! It'll be home again next week. That was a nice ram you picked outa there a few years ago. We're headed somewhere else. With our intel from last year we think we can hunt a little smarter and not burn as much energy. I guess it depends on where we find rams.

I just finished packing my pack. Ready to roll. Off work at noon tomorrow and we're outta here. Good luck to ya Bighorse, bring another one home!
Dang you guys are killing me. I'm headed out the second week. There is much to be said waiting until later in August (cooler, less crowded, more flight options, etc), but then I have to deal with watching you guys all pack, leave, and come back with backstrap and stories before I get to go play.

Western DCUA [delta controlled use area] is still heavily socked in with smoke from a large wildfire. Today's winds will continue to keep the smoke in the sheep hills and valleys. Continued warm weather has raised glacial streams [Jarvis & Johnson] to dangerous wading levels.
So bad news on my sheep hunting trip.

After getting about 15 miles into sheep country and starting to see some good rams my hunting partner breaks down on the mountain crying ,literally crying, saying he wants to go home. That was his first time going on a extended hunt in the mountains and he was not mentally prepared for the challenge. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I tried to get him to stick it out seeing that we were only 5 days into a 12 day hunt but he said he was going back to the truck with or with out me. I could have pushed him off the mountain, but back we came. So this weekend I'm headed back to the mountains by myself to enjoy God's creation and chase some sheep.
I would have told him to get it together or walk out alone. If it was just mental exhaustion he needed a little sleep and a slack day. If his feet were hamburger or something I might have been more sympathetic. If he had been forced to walk out alone he would most likely changed his mind about the time he got over the first hill. I used to fish offshore for days on end and there were guys who wanted to quit on day three. I'd tell them to start swimming. They would sulk and bitch for a day but then get over it. After the trip they would all say they were glad I hadn't listened to them. I will say that 21 days alone will do strange things to your mind .
Yeah, that sucks. Worse yet is he gave up on something that many would pay thousands of dollars just to have the chance to do. Hell, I have honestly thought about volunteering to come up and be someone's sherpa just to get to go on a sheep hunt.
Yeah, that sucks. Worse yet is he gave up on something that many would pay thousands of dollars just to have the chance to do. Hell, I have honestly thought about volunteering to come up and be someone's sherpa just to get to go on a sheep hunt.

Thats doable. Many sheep hunts take place in caribou/bear country.
30+ day hitches on a crab boat did the same. Brewed some angry people thats for sure.

Ha! Ha! I bet it does. 30+ days will work on the best of us. How many times did a guy break down and just quit for a day or two then get it together and quite embarrassed get back to work ? All the guys I had with me got over it in a day or so. I had to throw one guy overboard and tell him to swim for it but thats as bad as it got. Even he thanked me for not letting him quit.
I bet you guys don't hunt much together after this... I know it would be tough to have faith in a partner after something like that even if he's good a friend.
