Of course you totally lack the gonads to bet money on that.
Why would I hunt for my social security check......??? It is deposited automatically every month into my checking account. I'll bet you ten thousand dollars I can prove that has been the case for 12 years plus. Of course you are lacking gonads. I assume you know exactly where I live, but that only proves you know very little if anything about game populations in this area. For another ten thousand dollars, I show you where that pocket of sheep hides. Of course you got no gonads.
The bottom line is I have been hunting/guiding/flying in Alaska it for over five decades, and you whoever you are....are jealous, that I spent a lifetime flying my airplanes all over Alaska, doing game population surveys, and flying for many guiding companies, and ferrying planes back and forth from lower-48.
You might be surprised what a commercial pilot driving super cubs all over Alaska for four decades knows about where there are pockets of Dall Sheep.
Actually two other hunters (one was only 16 y/o) have both walked into this spot, shot full curl rams and out the same day. I have no idea who you are, nor do I care, but high probability, I was shooting Dall Sheep when you were in school, maybe diapers.
It must suck to be as insecure as you are.