AK moose: Float trip or Base camp. which do you prefer and why?


Dec 24, 2012
Delta Jct, Alaska
How big is your group?....and do you all want to take a moose?
What other options are you considering?
Flying to Alaska or driving?
Sep 13, 2012
Anchorage, Alaska
Both can be great. Biggest thing would be to call a bunch of air taxi's and ask the right questions to get info out of them. If you can do some leg work and have the right gear you shouldn't have to do an outfitted camp thing. It's crazy how much money they are charging for that sorta thing.

Spend that extra money to fly farther away from the crowds. Make sure to put in for some great moose tags for the draw. Good luck


Mar 25, 2014
This is something I'm interested in as well, albeit in a few years and probably in the lower 48. I own a nice AIRE raft (I run whitewater in the spring), and would love to use it in a hunt scenario. I have to imagine a float trip would be a really memorable experience (but both types of hunt would, obviously, be incredible).

Larry Bartlett

Rokslide Sponsor
Feb 13, 2013
Float hunts are great if you have that desire. It adds work and can have some low-water concerns if you go remote. Best for groups of 2-3 hunters max, IMO.

Drop camps provide good opportunity for small groups and you'll save raft rental costs.

Will depend on your budgets and skill level, as well as # of hunters in the group, your harvest goals, and general expectations.

If you go float vs drop, 2-man groups have the highest success. Plan, prepare, engage.

I noticed my book was recommended as a resource...much appreciated. However, hold off for a few months and you'll have access to my new book, titled Float Draggin' Alaska: The Expert's Guide to Float Hunting Alaska Rivers. A lot has changed in Alaska since I wrote A Complete Guide...mostly the volume of hunters on popular rivers.

Here's a cover image: 436 pages to help you plan and prepare for a DIY float hunt. This book ain't for softies. Much of what I wrote about will either offend you, scare you to death, or get you fired the heck up for hunting remote streams in Alaska. Comes with 2 free DVDs also.

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Jul 26, 2014
Eagle River, AK
Excited to see that something up to date is coming out that takes in to consideration the amount of new hunters and some more modern gear. Look forward to reading it and applying it!
Apr 8, 2014
At this time it looks like there will be about 4 of us give or take. One has been on a float trip with five others a couple years ago so is familiar with raft rental and flights, etc. Also have a friend that is a resident that is going to help with logistics, lodging, shuttle service, etc. We will be flying to AK and I am sure we would be happy if only one was successful, but the goal is to get a couple depending on logistic limitations. Looking forward to the book! Reading the responses thus far, seems like some prefer floats. Keep it coming, good info.


Oct 15, 2013
I like float hunting myself but have only done it a few times. The main reason I like float hunting is because you can get away from the masses and hunt on your own terms. I like at least 8-10 days to hunt and prefer the latter part of the season due to the rut and cooler temps but with that you might get some low water too. Larry know his stuff, i've used him for 1 moose float hunt and have done a caribou float hunt with him and a group of friends from his website. There is another float hunt in my future for sure and I can't wait to make it happen.
Feb 25, 2012
I'll 2nd that about Larry, listen to what he's got to say. He helped our group last year and it was a huge benefit, you might think about using his service.
Oct 22, 2014
I did a self guided float with three other guys. 160 river miles. 11 days. Great trip. I would do it again in a heart beat. Dropped off by Mag air out of Mcgrath. Barney is a great guy, great pilot. Our guide service, Willow air was horrible. They provided the rafts and picked us up. I would NEVER recommend them. Mean nasty hateful acting people that treated us like idiots. Mcgrath is where we flew out of. Great little town. I would go again, but hire Mag air for the drop off and pick up.


Sep 13, 2012
Pros and cons to both,, I prefer to float. You say GROUP, getting more than one moose from a drop camp will be more of a challenge than it would be on a float as you can simply cover more ground. Most drop camps tend to get reused and can get more pressure than river corridors, not that the rivers won't have other hunters. Larger groups can split up into smaller groups and leap frog down the river and meet along the way and at the takeout to provide more opportunity for all hunters or hunt as a group.

The cons are lots of setting and breaking down camp, moving meat in and out daily when floating and making a new meat pole each float day. Meat care will be much more difficult when floating than from a drop camp. Meat care may dictate how long you can hunt so other hunters may be effected. Think about a possible meat pick up, or how you will handle it along your hunt.

If I were coming up here blind I would hire a hunt planner,, Larry Bartlet planned my first moose hunt when I first moved to Alaska and I believe that was money well spent. Tons of details to navigate and it helps to have an expert help you along the way. Time to book air taxis for next season is NOW, and even now will be too late for the better rivers.

Nothing better than floating down a wild river, not knowing what is store around each and every bend, be it a logjam, Grizzly or Giant Bull Moose.

Good Luck!!!

First Float, Moose and Bou Larry B hunt.


2nd Float


3rd Float


Same trip another bull.


This year we almost got this big guy, we could have if we want to pack him, but in the end he won.


MEAT is what we really wanted and this guy was in the right place.


Hard to beat the view as well.



I vote to float.


Matt W.

Mar 2, 2012
Puerto Rico
Float hunts are great if you have that desire. It adds work and can have some low-water concerns if you go remote. Best for groups of 2-3 hunters max, IMO.

Drop camps provide good opportunity for small groups and you'll save raft rental costs.

Will depend on your budgets and skill level, as well as # of hunters in the group, your harvest goals, and general expectations.

If you go float vs drop, 2-man groups have the highest success. Plan, prepare, engage.

I noticed my book was recommended as a resource...much appreciated. However, hold off for a few months and you'll have access to my new book, titled Float Draggin' Alaska: The Expert's Guide to Float Hunting Alaska Rivers. A lot has changed in Alaska since I wrote A Complete Guide...mostly the volume of hunters on popular rivers.

Here's a cover image: 436 pages to help you plan and prepare for a DIY float hunt. This book ain't for softies. Much of what I wrote about will either offend you, scare you to death, or get you fired the heck up for hunting remote streams in Alaska. Comes with 2 free DVDs also.

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Sounds intriguing Larry! How long do we have to wait? ;) Also, what's the update on your 2015 Line?

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Larry Bartlett

Rokslide Sponsor
Feb 13, 2013
The book will go to print in a couple of weeks, so all you have to wait for are the two DVDs. I'm editing the 2nd film now, so I'm guessing 2-3 months for customer readiness.

2015 lineup of boats are being made now, scheduled delivery is late December.

Got the 2015 PR-49 HD model sample yesterday from the factory. Looks sweet. I'll update our website this week or next to include our full lineup of boats, which include the HD PR-49 option, the NEW Levitator raft, and the NEW Legend (book cover photo).

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 20, 2013
Eastern Utah
Larry I'm ready to preorder your book. I've really enjoyed your two others I've read. Pm me if you'll take preorders

R Miller

Mar 18, 2012
Its all good, really just interested in specs, images are just icing. Looking forward to seeing new boats. I'll be checking your site for the update.
Sep 22, 2013
Is either option better for the 1st time moose hunter? I am trying to get a hunt scheduled but Murphy's Law prevails every time...nobody will take a solo guy and the "partners" that have said they would go keep punking out on me. I know it can be pricey and suspect the cost is why they keep canceling. Arrggg!