Airline and Pack Question

AZ Vince

Jul 10, 2012
I purchased a new pack with an external carbon fiber frame.

I'm planning to go to Newfoundland next year for a moose hunt and won't be driving there. My question is, will the carbon fiber frame withstand the abuse the Baggage Apes will dish out and the normal wear and tear of airline travel?

I'm looking to use this pack as a meat hauler/extended backpack hunting pack. Would I be better served taking my internal frame Kelty to Newfoundland? It doesn't do as well for hauling meat but the first priority is getting the pack through the rigors of airline travel. What do you all say?

Man, I would hope it would be fine. I hate to think that the baggage handlers will be that much rougher then you would be on a rigorous hunt. I guess if you are really worried about it you could always stick it in some sort of box for protection, but you really shouldn't have to do that IMO.
How big is the frame? I am planning to take my Kifaru bikini or duplex frames as carry-ons for my Alaska trips. Granted, I won't have the packs loaded down but I will still be able to carry gear and electronics I want to keep in my possession.
i've flown with a pack many times. the danger are all the loose dangly parts. (i asked a cargo handler). i went and got a Backpack Security bag. it is fairly lightweight. i can drop a fully loaded pack into it, zip it up and padlock it closed. i traveled places i was afraid someone would hide drugs in my pack and make me an unknowing mule. i got mine at REI.

let me know if you need a pic of it.
Actually, when I have checked packs with dangling straps, I just ask them to use their tubs so the straps don't get caught in stuff.
I always throw my loaded backpack into a heavy duty contractor bag. This always seems to work pretty well with keeping the straps and everything together and away from getting caught up in anything.
Sometimes you can get lucky and they will give you a bag that they usually wrap the baby seats in. But I have ran into a few that were rude about it so now if I want it bagged I bring my own bag.

Also I have flown several times with my 26" duplex Kifaru as a carry on but you need to make sure you get a good seat or get on the plane before the bins fill up as it only fits length wise in an overhead bin and takes up the space of two carry on bags lol. I don't think your supposed to do it but I have several times.
When I don't carry mine on, I just put my pack in a large Cabelas nylon duffle bag and check it. Never had a problem. I did send a KU 3700 checked on it's own once and it came away unscathed but I wouldn't do it again. If you are going to check it, put it in something.
At the check in counter have the airline give you a big clear plastic bag for your pack. They give these out for large item with straps, buckles and accessories (think big packs, car seats and strollers). This helps them not get beat or caught on conveyors.
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Thanks all.
Now that I think about it, and read the replies, I see that I was more worried about the belts, straps, buckles, and whatnot. Sometimes the best solution is the easiest one, "Put it in something. " :)