The bag doesn't have to be locked, just the hard case. For me, I would still put a TSA lock on the suitcase or duffel though.I’ve flown both oversees And out west with rifles in a pelican case and never had a problem. But next year I’m flying to Alaska with a handgun. The glock will be in a small pelican case packed inside a suitcase. Does the suitcase have to be locked. I’m asking because I’ve never really seen a locking suitcase or duffel bag
I have had my turrets changed too. Not sure why they do that, but it annoys the hell out of me.Its within the bounds of the rules, however last time I flew Delta out of MSP I'm pretty sure out rifle case got opened on every flight/connection. We had our knives and a few other odds and ends in with our rifles, I watched a couple cases go through and ours get singled out and searched and heard "false alarm" from the guy checking it. Not a big deal, but if they search your stuff and its jam packed in there a certain way that don't really care how it gets put back in there. The windage on mine was off about 14" after the flight, the other rifle was fine. Next time I fly I'm going to be a little gun shy about it.