One thing to keep in mind is that there are several types of Goretex, and they are not all equal in their waterproofing, breathability, and durability. The Marmot Minimalist and the Knife Edge you list above are GoreTex PacLite, which is why they are in this rough price range (still under $200, but pricier than the PreCip). PacLite is a lesser grade (but lighter) 2-layer version of GoreTex, so be sure not to confuse it with regular GoreTex (the standard) or GoreTex Pro. They are going to be a bit more robust in waterproofing compared to the PreCip, but then you're also looking at a fairly big step up in price and a small step up in weight. I haven't tried the Knife Edge, but the Minimalist is nice, still pretty light, and packable (but lives up to its name, Minimalist, in terms of features, almost as minimal as the PreCip).
I don't know anything about the Badlands jacket.