Adventure of a Lifetime

Nothing like experiencing this with your Dad . We have been able to do this also . Would not have missed it for anything!
Congratulations on such an adventure. I do dream of an Alaskan adventure someday. If you don't mind what did your total hunt run you guys including flying the meat back or did you ship it?
Including flying the meat back ($75 per 100lbs on Alaska Air) the trip cost a total of $7k-$7.5k each. That's not including all of the new gear I convinced my wife I needed :)
Thanks for the comments everyone, it was and unbelievable experience to say the least and I feel pretty damn lucky to get to have gone with my dad! While the hunt wasn't "cheap" by any standard, it was way cheaper than doing a guided hunt. Hunting and calling moose is not difficult and in my opinion isn't something you need a guide for. Butchering the moose was by far the most difficult part, but again something you don't need a guide for.

I will definitely post up more pictures later today!

I have done a few DIY hunts while living here in Alaska and have to agree that hunting/calling moose isn't particularly hard. What is hard is identifying an area in AK that has good moose population that is isolated without a lot of pressure. This is the area I spend most of my time researching and so far have struggled a bit but have another trip planned this year.

Did you use an outfitter that helped identify a location? Based of the price it sounds like you may have. If doing a once in a lifetime hunt this would be the way to go. I may use a service to help identify a location if this year doesn't produce the results I'm hoping for. I have also focused on float hunting while trying not to pay too much for fly in services. This does somewhat limit me to the GMUs and areas I hunt.
Yes, the fee we paid the transporter was to fly us in and out (as well as our gear and any moose) to one of his locations. He sources his own hunting locations/landing strips and very particular about his hunters keeping them confidential, but obvious reasons.
I am sure the outfitter is very adamant on keeping his locations off the radar. Congratulations on the success and great photos. Again may choose the outfitter route if I don't connect on a decent bull this year.
This is on my bucket list and thank you for this story. Its been over a year and I bet the smile is just as big as it was last year.
Awesome story and pictures! And going with your dad is even more awesome. My buddy and I are going in 2021 with Tok. Super excited since it's our first time in AK. Can you (or anyone) pm me with some gear recommendation? we both have Sitka & Kuiu clothing, just was looking for some input.
Awesome story. Just sent it to my dad as we are looking at a moose hunt. We were thinking Newfoundland as it is a lot less than guided Alaska or Yukon. The more I read (especially stories like yours), thinking we should do something like you guys did.