Adult Tonsillectomy

I had it done when I was 28, 100% worth doing. I really don't get sick now. To me it felt like I shallowed a hot piece of charcoal. Ice Chips, frozen fruits were my diet for a week. I didn't think it was that bad.
My surgeon asked me if I was ready for the worst surgery I've ever had.

I said worse than back, shoulder, knee, reconstruction? She said without a doubt.
I'd say not as bad as a back fusion with hardware, but an adult tonsillectomy runs close with the others and worse than knee.
I had the tonsils removed along with adenoids at around age 30. Miserable recovery. I actually regret that surgery because I don’t feel like it improved the sick time for me. Lost about 25 lbs of muscle from hardly eating for 2 weeks.
Still have mine, but my youngest had his taken out last year. He handled it fairly well in the first couple of days. After about the fourth day is when it hurt the worst for him. Just kept giving him ice chips and making sure he was hydrated.

Good luck!
I had the tonsils removed along with adenoids at around age 30. Miserable recovery. I actually regret that surgery because I don’t feel like it improved the sick time for me. Lost about 25 lbs of muscle from hardly eating for 2 weeks.

Juice has to be worth the squeeze for sure. I’ve got a couple little issues, it’s gonna have to get way worse before I submit to some sawbones and a filthy hospital.
Wife had them removed at age 30. She was pretty miserable for the first week, a bit better week two and doing well by week three. Glad I got to skip that one, two shoulder surgeries were enough for me.
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In anesthesia, in kids tonsillectomy’s really aren’t a big deal, fairly easy recovery. In adults they can be a lot more dangerous and also a bitch to recover from. Still doable though, good luck

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Had a peritonsilar abscess aspirated after horrible sore throat. They told me if it gets that bad again mine will need to go.

Turns out throat hygiene is a thing.
My wife had them removed a couple of years ago when she was 28. She was getting really bad tonsil stones every few days. The surgery went well but the recovery was painful

We had a scare a few days after the surgery. She had one of her scabs open up when she coughed and she started spitting up blood. The Dr told us to come to the ER if she had any bleeding. Just a few miles out of town I was on the phone with 911 because she was puking blood. By the time the ambulance met us on the side of the road she had almost filled about half of a small kitchen bowl with blood. It had lucky slowed down some and they got her to the hospital and took her in for surgery to re cauterize to stop the bleeding. They also pumped about a pint of blood out of her stomach that she had swallowed on the way. But all good now and no more tonsil stones!
My wife had them removed a couple of years ago when she was 28. She was getting really bad tonsil stones every few days. The surgery went well but the recovery was painful

We had a scare a few days after the surgery. She had one of her scabs open up when she coughed and she started spitting up blood. The Dr told us to come to the ER if she had any bleeding. Just a few miles out of town I was on the phone with 911 because she was puking blood. By the time the ambulance met us on the side of the road she had almost filled about half of a small kitchen bowl with blood. It had lucky slowed down some and they got her to the hospital and took her in for surgery to re cauterize to stop the bleeding. They also pumped about a pint of blood out of her stomach that she had swallowed on the way. But all good now and no more tonsil stones!
Scary situation! That is why this can be a dangerous surgery. Post tonsillectomy bleeding is no joke
I think the recovery gets harder as you get older. Maybe any surgery is that way. My brother had his taken out right before covid, and it was rough going for probably 2 weeks.