My wife had them removed a couple of years ago when she was 28. She was getting really bad tonsil stones every few days. The surgery went well but the recovery was painful
We had a scare a few days after the surgery. She had one of her scabs open up when she coughed and she started spitting up blood. The Dr told us to come to the ER if she had any bleeding. Just a few miles out of town I was on the phone with 911 because she was puking blood. By the time the ambulance met us on the side of the road she had almost filled about half of a small kitchen bowl with blood. It had lucky slowed down some and they got her to the hospital and took her in for surgery to re cauterize to stop the bleeding. They also pumped about a pint of blood out of her stomach that she had swallowed on the way. But all good now and no more tonsil stones!