Administrative buzz phrases

Not me but from my wife's place of work..."Mental Health First Aid".
She manages a corporate animal hospital and the place is full of cry-babies who all seem to have some sort of self diagnosed and self proclaimed ptsd and/or anxiety. All of it is BS. It's just a culture of entitled whiners. She took over the place not long ago and soon found herself the captain of a hostile crew because she told them to stop complaining and get to work. The corporation actually provides their own in-house "social workers" and enables them all. No one wants to work unless they can set their own schedules and terms. It just doesn't seem sustaining for a bottom line. She hates it and is looking for something new where adult workers are expected to work and act like adults.
"We have to do our due diligence." Ugh.

"Do you have the cycles for this?" Double ugh.

So glad corporate murica is in my rear view mirror as of last July.

Haven't missed it for one nano second. Anybody want to guess what group/team I was part of? :unsure::D


P.S. A long shot to say directly related to this topic, but it is kinda sorta related and funny IMO. Had a coworker that worked for PetSmart before we worked together. In meetings, it was heavily frowned upon to use the phrases "not to beat a dead horse." and "kill two birds with one stone." I always get a chuckle when I think of that story and sure wished I work as PS.
I’m so glad I never worked in the corporate world. Not that there isn’t stupidity in my world ….manufacturing, construction, and maintenance. But the stupidity is usually accompanied by beautiful and often amusing verbiage.

“ useless as tits on a boar”
“All hat no cattle”
“Non illegitimus carborundum”
Let's reach out to...

I hate that phrase. Whatever happened to "contact"?

Others I hear on a daily basis from admin, usually preceding something disingenuous or that was ignored or botched at the top levels and falls on us to fix and/or put in extra hours:

Take care of you
Please sir, please ma'am
In those spaces and places
Since I've been rocking this chair
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In my inbox just now after a meeting was cancelled: “…give everyone found time.”

And as often “ok, that’s all we’ve got so we’ll end early and give you XX minutes of your day back.”