Accupoint or s&b


Dec 28, 2023
Southwest oregon
Looking at replacing a vx 3 4.5x14.
I think I have read every scope eval and Q&A, I don't have a local retailer to look at the scopes I am interested in so I would appreciate some guidance.

Looking at the trijicon 3x9 with amber dot or the s&b classic 3x12. Rifle is a browning x bolt speed in 308. Used for blacktail in the high cascades. I have had rare shot opportunities to 450 yards, most much closer. Really looking for a clear view for counting points and total reliability. Capped turrets or locking turrets are a must for me. Also open to other options in the same price range.
I just got an accupoint 3-9 to put on a rifle that needed a scope. I havnt shot it yet since I just got it yesterday but after mounting it and playing around with it a bit I think it’s going to be a great scope.

I havnt used the other scope you asked about so no comparison but I’d but another accupoint 3-9 if a 1” set and forget scope was what I was after. I paid ~ 600.00 on euro optic for it.

You might also look into the shv 3-10.
Not stuck with 1 inch tube, I have a warne mountain tech rail on the way to replace the talley one peice mounts. The accupoint seems like a really good scope, just not sure if the schmidt or nightforce would be more clear.
Trying to get set so if I miss its my fault, had some issues with the vx3 that I never had with the vx2 2-7x33. That scope was great, other than non locking cds. The vx3 is hard to find the eyebox.
I bought the accupoint a few months ago and shot a couple deer with it this year. works great, good glass, no complaints. I love the lighted dot and it prob ruined me from ever having another scope that doesnt light up which I thought I didnt need. With that said if I was doing it again I would prob went with the 56 mm instead of my 40 tho I dont have a good reason why.
I have no experience with the s b so nothing to add there, tho Im sure they are amazing scopes.
Another vote for Accupoint, haven’t had the fortune of using an S&B though, I think other than limited adjustment range they are supposedly top notch. As for Accupoint, I have a 1-6 and a 3-9 with a green fiber MilDot reticle, and a 2.5-12.5 MOA dot reticle. So it’s fair to say I like them. The 1-6 especially. They have all been great except the 12 year old 3-9 did eventually start to have some windage tracking issues (move double the amount dialed sometimes) and Trijicon sent me a new scope no questions asked and all seems well with it.

On the 3-9 if you don’t mind the MOA turrets with a Mil-dot reticle (since the turrets are capped and I don’t “dial” with that scope, I don’t care) I think it’s about as good as it gets for a SFP 1” tube hunting scope. The 3-9 Credo passed the drop test with an asterisk, so could be an option also
Don't think you could go wrong with much of anything Trijicon for the money. I have a 3-9x40mm Accupoint, Credo and now Huron. As clear or better than any Leupold I've ever owned. And I really like their illuminated reticles. Had a Nightforce SHV 3-10X42 and it was a nice scope, but wanted something in mil. Have never looked through an SB Klassik.
Looking at replacing a vx 3 4.5x14.
I think I have read every scope eval and Q&A, I don't have a local retailer to look at the scopes I am interested in so I would appreciate some guidance.

Looking at the trijicon 3x9 with amber dot or the s&b classic 3x12. Rifle is a browning x bolt speed in 308. Used for blacktail in the high cascades. I have had rare shot opportunities to 450 yards, most much closer. Really looking for a clear view for counting points and total reliability. Capped turrets or locking turrets are a must for me. Also open to other options in the same price range.
This looks like a great option:
With a 308 and capped turrets I assume you are holding with some sort of dot reticle when shooting to the 450 yards you mentioned?

The 3-12 klassik has a mil dot reticle that i find quite useable, but I went to the adjustable elevation turret as I was not able to be as precise as I wanted past about 300 or 350 yards. I have not had any issue with the turret accidentally spinning, but it doesnt lock. Neither does the accupoint I think, so you may be looking at capped turrets on both. Im overall quite happy with it as a scope that crosses over fairly easily between a short-range woods scope, and a medium-range scope for western or open-country hunting. Not sure with your 308, but mine has enough elevation travel to get well past 450 with all of my centerfire rifles (3.2mils gets me to 500-600+ depending on cartridge and load, the 4.8 will add to that, and its a non-issue if you arent dialing).

I also have a trijicon credo 3-9. I assume glass is same or very close on the accupoint (???). I find the s&b glass a little sharper around the edges and a little brighter in low light. A few people here have mentioned having glare issues with the s&b when looking into the sun, I have not had that problem but that would be the only downside glass-wise. The trijicon glass is still quite good, I think you’d have to be awfully finicky about your glass to complain about it, and it has not limited me at all.

Edit: biggest differentiating factor is ffp vs sfp. If I were planning to use reticle holdovers I would greatly prefer ffp, and I would have a hard no to a sfp with more than 9 or 10x magnification if I planned to use holdovers.
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With a 308 and capped turrets I assume you are holding with some sort of dot reticle when shooting to the 450 yards you mentioned?

The 3-12 klassik has a mil dot reticle that i find quite useable, but I went to the adjustable elevation turret as I was not able to be as precise as I wanted past about 300 or 350 yards. I have not had any issue with the turret accidentally spinning, but it doesnt lock. Neither does the accupoint I think, so you may be looking at capped turrets on both. Im overall quite happy with it as a scope that crosses over fairly easily between a short-range woods scope, and a medium-range scope for western or open-country hunting. Not sure with your 308, but mine has enough elevation travel to get well past 450 with all of my centerfire rifles (3.2mils gets me to 500-600+ depending on cartridge and load, the 4.8 will add to that, and its a non-issue if you arent dialing).

I also have a trijicon credo 3-9. I assume glass is same or very close on the accupoint (???). I find the s&b glass a little sharper around the edges and a little brighter in low light. A few people here have mentioned having glare issues with the s&b when looking into the sun, I have not had that problem but that would be the only downside glass-wise. The trijicon glass is still quite good, I think you’d have to be awfully finicky about your glass to complain about it, and it has not limited me at all.

Edit: biggest differentiating factor is ffp vs sfp. If I were planning to use reticle holdovers I would greatly prefer ffp, and I would have a hard no to a sfp with more than 9 or 10x magnification if I planned to use holdovers.
I use a sig bdx to get holds or amount to dial.
Since you are asking about scopes, I assume you are referring to a BDX rangefinder? Does not really answer the question. I was wondering, since you specified a scope had to have either capped turrets or locking turrets, and neither of the scopes you listed have locking turrets, how you were using your scope. ie will you hold over using the reticle, or will you dial for elevation?

If you will hold over using the reticle I think the FFP klassik is a better choice, as the accupoint does not come in FFP that I can find. Since the reticle subtensions only work at max power and using at any other magnification requires both doing simple math AND coming off the scope to get magnification exact, I would personally work very hard to stay in a FFP scope, or at minimum avoid any SFP scope with a max magnification over about 10 (becasue I want to use the reticle at lower power than this somewhat frequently, and more mag than this I find very limiting in some cases).

If you will dial, and a locking turret is a must-have for you, then you'll need to unscrew the caps and dial on both scopes. I find the Trijicon turret underneath the cap much easier for this and its labelled so you can find your zero again , wheras the Klassik has none of that. Neither scope is really optimal for dialing if using the capped turrets. Personally, if you want to shoot past 400 yards I would get a good dialing scope with an exposed elevation turret and not worry about the locking turret. That could be the Klassik with the BDC turret, or another scope.
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I have had both, still have the accupoint but sold the Klassik to get a Schmidt bender Polar. All things said, the Klassik is better in low light, clarity but ............ cost more and does weigh more. Really depends on what exactly you want.
I have the Klassic 3-12x42 illuminated with the 3 dot reticle and prefer it over my 2.5x10x56 Accupoint. i don’t dial with these, just use the dots and hold over.
of the accupoints, I’ve got 1-4, 1-6, and 2x 3-9’s. For point, shoot, go, they’re my favorite. Never dialed them, although there is that option through Kenton. Not sure how the guts hold up.
I bought the accupoint a few months ago and shot a couple deer with it this year. works great, good glass, no complaints. I love the lighted dot and it prob ruined me from ever having another scope that doesnt light up which I thought I didnt need. With that said if I was doing it again I would prob went with the 56 mm instead of my 40 tho I dont have a good reason why.
I have no experience with the s b so nothing to add there, tho Im sure they are amazing scopes.
56mm Accupoint is hard or impossible to beat for the $
Looking at replacing a vx 3 4.5x14.
I think I have read every scope eval and Q&A, I don't have a local retailer to look at the scopes I am interested in so I would appreciate some guidance.

Looking at the trijicon 3x9 with amber dot or the s&b classic 3x12. Rifle is a browning x bolt speed in 308. Used for blacktail in the high cascades. I have had rare shot opportunities to 450 yards, most much closer. Really looking for a clear view for counting points and total reliability. Capped turrets or locking turrets are a must for me. Also open to other options in the same price range.
I bought an accupoint 1-6 with the green triangle for a walking around the woods rifle and absolutely love it. It’s spoiled me and I think I’ll have a hard time going with another type of scope. I am probably going to buy the accupoint or Credo 3-9 with the mil dot for my son’s rifle.
I’ve also been looking to get an LPVO work for closer, faster shots and also be reliable for 300-500 yds. I like that the Accupoint 1-6 doesn’t need batteries, and I’m ok with SFP because it will live at 1x with adjustments right to 6x for longer shots with more time. I wish it had and exposed locking elevation turret for precise dialing. Does anyone know if you can use components from other Trijicon scopes to make that happen? (You can do that with my Tract). Is there another scope that fits the bill?
I’ve also been looking to get an LPVO work for closer, faster shots and also be reliable for 300-500 yds. I like that the Accupoint 1-6 doesn’t need batteries, and I’m ok with SFP because it will live at 1x with adjustments right to 6x for longer shots with more time. I wish it had and exposed locking elevation turret for precise dialing. Does anyone know if you can use components from other Trijicon scopes to make that happen? (You can do that with my Tract). Is there another scope that fits the bill?
Kenton might make a turret for it.
I have the Klassic 3-12x42 illuminated with the 3 dot reticle and prefer it over my 2.5x10x56 Accupoint. i don’t dial with these, just use the dots and hold over.
Why? Brighter image? Can you see holes in targets at 100 yards with the.. I struggle with the vx3 4.5x14.