A Sheep Dream Come True

The next day, started off much like the evening before, but after a couple hours the clouds started to lift and we were greeted by the Sun.


The Sun felt so wonderful after a long cold night and was welcome to dry the dampness off us.


What an amazing place to share with friends.


As we worked along the ridge line, Becca spotted these old cases. The mind can run wild thinking of those sheep hunters that have came before us.


The wind had shifted directions and you could sense the weather coming.



We sat and glassed for most of the day. I noticed some sheep moving off quickly and was sure something had spooked them. Before long Luke noticed movement and it turned out to be 2 other hunters climbing up to where we were at.

While is was disappointing to see other hunters, I can only imagine how they felt after climbing for hours and seeing not one, but four other sheep hunters already on top. We made sure to stand so they could see us and not waste anymore energy. We enjoyed a hot meal and decided to head back to base camp and move on down the drainage to see some new ground.
We made it back just as the rain started and I can say that the Sawtooth with Oval Stove was as fine a place right then as any 5 star hotel.


Flor made sure to pack the important stuff. :)


On the road again, no trailers this time. :)


As the day wore on it got colder and the rain got worst.


Flor was becoming quite the rafter.


The wet and cold got the best of us and a stop for a fire and additional layers was in order. A warm soup and drink sure helped warm the core as well. The 20 plus miles in one day was wearing us down and we were all eager for a place to camp.

The rain and clouds kept getting worst but we found a spot to camp and was glad to be off the water and was so looking forward to a warm dry place.


The Sawtooth/Stove combo again was so worth every penny it cost, especially on days like these.


With the clouds to the ground, not much to do, but make a nice camp.


With the rain threatening to turn to snow. Luke thought it was time to heat their tent as well.


I started lunch while the Beavers gathered wood.




What to do to relax in sheep camp and wait out bad weather??

Have a drink and poke the fire with great friends.


Maybe a hand or 2 of rummy.


Home sweet warm home.


With a break in the weather we took advantage and headed out to see what we could find.

Did you guys bring any meat home? It looks as though your eating all. Awesome story and pics

We did eat the backstraps from both Rams and had started working on the rear legs. Spent 12 or 14 days out this trip and had a lot of weather. Had plenty of time to do some cooking.
We moved up a side drainage and gained some elevation, before long we found a place to glass for a while and we spotted a Grizzly feeding in the river bottom. The season was open but we decided to just enjoy watching a bear do what they do.


Flor was really happy with the KU5200 and I admit I was missing having it for myself.


The wind picked up and clouds started to get thicker and lower, the wind had a cold bite to it and you could tell a cold front was moving in.


We discussed our options and decided to head back to base camp.

On the road again.....


Flor is using the Alpaca Explorer.


Becca is rocking the PR49


Luke and I were running BIG RIGS....

Our time on the river was over, time to pack over to the landing strip, going to be a long day.


First things first, have to care for all that wonderful protein.


Time to relax!!!!


The smile says it all.


Mr Luke,, packing wood!!!!


Miss Becca making cobbler.


I think the meat will be cool enough now. :)

Frosty stopped by,, tooooo sooooon, it is still August.


Blue clear skies at last, the plane is on its way.


After 12 amazing days, we heard the roar of the Beaver as it came over the mountain and landed on the strip and taxied up.

It was bitter sweet as we loaded the plane for the ride home. The hunt had been everything I could have hoped for and more. We were blessed with opportunity and were able to bring another sheep hunter into the fraternity or sorority in this case. :)

We came home with memories that will last a life time and this hunt will be relived over and over through the photos, video and the trophy we were blessed with.

We had a bit of all types of weather, but because we were well equipped and prepared we remained comfortable most of the time.

Flor now knows first hand and shared with us the fuel that feeds the fire that burns deep in the heart of every sheep hunter that takes to to high places in pursuit of one of the most majestic big game animals the good Lord ever created.

I thank you all for coming along and sharing our story. I especially thank Luke and Becca, for allowing us to tag along and for always being there to help us when we needed it the most.

I've been waiting for this one bro! Congrats for sure. I can't think of a more deserving and rewarding experience and to have Mrs Flor along I know that was super sweet.

I'll pack with you any day as long as it keeps you in the hills!!
I hope Rokslide is paying you for that contribution. Man thats some top quality hunt reporting with excellent photo's. They don't make too many folks of such high quality as you and the Moffats. I hope to hunt with Luke in 2014 in SE or up north for that matter.
Following this thread was as close to a dall hunt as I will probably ever experience. The write up was amazing, the pictures even better. Thank you for letting us live your hunt.
Great account of a great trip Stid!!!! Loved seeing all the pics again....brings back some very fun memories indeed sir! Very well done.

Shamefully i wont be off work until a week or more after you like being in the field next year :(