The next day, started off much like the evening before, but after a couple hours the clouds started to lift and we were greeted by the Sun.
The Sun felt so wonderful after a long cold night and was welcome to dry the dampness off us.
What an amazing place to share with friends.
As we worked along the ridge line, Becca spotted these old cases. The mind can run wild thinking of those sheep hunters that have came before us.
The wind had shifted directions and you could sense the weather coming.
We sat and glassed for most of the day. I noticed some sheep moving off quickly and was sure something had spooked them. Before long Luke noticed movement and it turned out to be 2 other hunters climbing up to where we were at.
While is was disappointing to see other hunters, I can only imagine how they felt after climbing for hours and seeing not one, but four other sheep hunters already on top. We made sure to stand so they could see us and not waste anymore energy. We enjoyed a hot meal and decided to head back to base camp and move on down the drainage to see some new ground.