A God Thing - Elk Hunting Lesson from a 56 year old self-taught DIY'er


May 26, 2017
North Idaho
Ya, pretty rough. Conner had a pretty rough 8 years with a severe form of Epilepsy. My struggle hasn't been anything compared to what my wife went through and is still going through. But I have had multiple things happen that I can only describe as being led to by my own "Jay Birds". Too many to list, but I have to mention 2. First was finding a grief camp for families that have lost kids just weeks after his passing. I wasn't looking it just fell in my lap and there aren't many of these anywhere and it happened to be 30 minutes away! My wife wasn't getting out of bed, but we had three little girls 7, 5, and 2 at the time. It truly saved our family. #2 The next was being led on on Ironman journey. I never done so much as a 5k but someone had shared a Team Hoyt video (one of the most powerful things I've seen) and my wife mentioned she could see me doing it with Conner someday. Then I went to a local gym that happened to be giving away a tri package of coaching, a race entry, and a free membership. I was going for my last time as my Dave Ramsey class I was in said I needed to cut my only elective monthly membership dues out of my budget. 1.5 years later I finished Ironman Cda holding a sign my wife made saying "we did it together".


May 26, 2017
North Idaho
Dubz, no judgement here. I have been pretty cynical at a lot of times in my life. I can see your view point and have been there. Every time I see an NFL player point upwards after a touchdown I think "really, you think God helped you score that touchdown cause your somehow better than your opponent or He loves you more?". I have been in some pretty dark times in my own journey. If you ever want to talk I'd love to chat. For me its not so much a God thing, but what can bring you true happiness in this life. Stuff that is real and meaningful. Sorry if I sound too preachy, but feel like I have found some real solid foundational ground after struggling most my life.
Oct 28, 2021
Hmm. Seem to hunt just fine without believing in some big magic man in the sky. I wonder why.
What a shameful display. Why do you feel the need to disrespect someone like that? Would you say such a thing in person or is it just easy to do so with online anonymity? If this man was sharing a campfire with you, would you lash out like that?

Maybe we could be better than this. Maybe we can work on being an actual community that shares a passion and gives place for others to have differences. Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Gay, Straight, Male, Female………. Whatever. I only care about a person’s character. I’d share my fire with any of the above but would not do so with someone so willing to disrespect any of them.

We can be better.


Nov 25, 2021
Ya, pretty rough. Conner had a pretty rough 8 years with a severe form of Epilepsy. My struggle hasn't been anything compared to what my wife went through and is still going through. But I have had multiple things happen that I can only describe as being led to by my own "Jay Birds". Too many to list, but I have to mention 2. First was finding a grief camp for families that have lost kids just weeks after his passing. I wasn't looking it just fell in my lap and there aren't many of these anywhere and it happened to be 30 minutes away! My wife wasn't getting out of bed, but we had three little girls 7, 5, and 2 at the time. It truly saved our family. #2 The next was being led on on Ironman journey. I never done so much as a 5k but someone had shared a Team Hoyt video (one of the most powerful things I've seen) and my wife mentioned she could see me doing it with Conner someday. Then I went to a local gym that happened to be giving away a tri package of coaching, a race entry, and a free membership. I was going for my last time as my Dave Ramsey class I was in said I needed to cut my only elective monthly membership dues out of my budget. 1.5 years later I finished Ironman Cda holding a sign my wife made saying "we did it together".
I am sorry to hear about your son. I haven't lost a child myself but I have lost a nephew and I have seen what my brother and sister-in-law have been through. I know what I went through as his Uncle is nothing compared to what his parents went through and still go through or what any parent that has lost a child goes through. I just watched the "Team Hoyt-I can only Imagine" video and all I can say is that is a very powerful video. I also commend you for tackling and finishing The Ironman, I know people who have done them and they say it was tough. "Tough times don't last....Tough people do"


Nov 25, 2021
Dubz, no judgement here. I have been pretty cynical at a lot of times in my life. I can see your view point and have been there. Every time I see an NFL player point upwards after a touchdown I think "really, you think God helped you score that touchdown cause your somehow better than your opponent or He loves you more?". I have been in some pretty dark times in my own journey. If you ever want to talk I'd love to chat. For me its not so much a God thing, but what can bring you true happiness in this life. Stuff that is real and meaningful. Sorry if I sound too preachy, but feel like I have found some real solid foundational ground after struggling most my life.
I mean no judgement or disrespect to you. When you see that NFL player point upward after a touchdown, it has nothing to do with thinking God helped him score or that God loves him more. It is just giving God the glory for what that player just accomplished. Colossians 3:17 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


Dec 24, 2020
Athol, Id. USA
Ya, pretty rough. Conner had a pretty rough 8 years with a severe form of Epilepsy. My struggle hasn't been anything compared to what my wife went through and is still going through. But I have had multiple things happen that I can only describe as being led to by my own "Jay Birds". Too many to list, but I have to mention 2. First was finding a grief camp for families that have lost kids just weeks after his passing. I wasn't looking it just fell in my lap and there aren't many of these anywhere and it happened to be 30 minutes away! My wife wasn't getting out of bed, but we had three little girls 7, 5, and 2 at the time. It truly saved our family. #2 The next was being led on on Ironman journey. I never done so much as a 5k but someone had shared a Team Hoyt video (one of the most powerful things I've seen) and my wife mentioned she could see me doing it with Conner someday. Then I went to a local gym that happened to be giving away a tri package of coaching, a race entry, and a free membership. I was going for my last time as my Dave Ramsey class I was in said I needed to cut my only elective monthly membership dues out of my budget. 1.5 years later I finished Ironman Cda holding a sign my wife made saying "we did it together".
First, thanks for sharing. I can't imagine how crushing that experience would have been. I'm sure you have been a positive influence in others lives, and will continue to be.

We live in CDA and have seen the Ironman struggles. That "Team Hoyt" story was/is inspiring. Thanks for posting both videos.


Apr 16, 2018
I didn't read this whole thread but what I did read made me think of the song about everyone eventually speaks to God. Some go to church to find him. I tend to find him In the mountains and in my hay fields the most.


Jun 16, 2023
Being a 56 year old engineer who loves to teach people about the things I've learned (usually by making mistakes myself), I got to thinking that I have a few hunting lessons that I could share to help people realize not only how stupid I can be, but also perhaps keep people from making the same stupid mistakes themselves. So - I'm going to share a few examples over the next few days as I wait for September elk hunting to get here.

I spent 10 years archery elk hunting before I finally harvested a bull myself. One reason for the long dry spell is because I became the self appointed guide for my son and a buddy from church. This meant I was the caller and guy who was in the back most of the time trying to sound like a bull. One year I managed to call a 5x5 to within 7 yards for my church buddy that he scored on. It was epic. I also managed to call in a bull for my son one year that he shot at 20 yards as well. Anyway - one year my son was in college and couldn't go and my church buddy bailed 2 weeks before it was time to leave for the trip. I enjoy hunting with family and friends but love going by myself just as much. So I went by myself that year. In order to keep from turning this post into an article - I'll save the hunt story for another time and just tell you I shot a bull one evening and didn't find it until early next morning. I was super stoked! I wasn't sure I was going to find him and actually basically stumbled across him on my way back to the last spot of blood I found the night before (God thing #1). I snapped a few pictures and started breaking him down. As I started working on him I noticed the jay birds only took about 2 minutes to find me and join in on the celebration. They were picking at the gut pile before long and were very close to me as I worked. I kind of found it amusing. I eventually got everything into bags, got it hung and loaded up my pack for the first load. 3 hours later the first load was in the cooler with ice.

As I started back and into my hike about one hour, I started feeling bad. I thought I might be getting dehydrated. Since I was in a wilderness area with no one around, I took this pretty seriously. I decided I'd better turn around and go back to the car - which it did. I ended up going to town and got a hotel for the night. I got plenty of fluids and went back in the morning. Luckily it was a very cold night and the meat was in no danger of spoilage. As I hiked out to where the meat bags were hanging I just took in the beautiful day, the golden aspen leaves, and how fortunate I was. Nearing the spot where I had hung the meat the previous day I began intently looking for bears and the kill site. I looked and I looked and I looked. I could not find it. Then it began occurring to me just how similar these mountain draws looked - one after the other. It also occurred to me what an idiot I was for not marking the kill site on my GPS........my heart began to sink. Am I really not going to find the kill site again? Is the rest of this elk going to be wasted? Are the antlers going to get gnawed on by critters this winter?

I finally just sat down, took a breathe and said a little prayer asking that I find the remainder of this elk. When I was done praying I looked up and there was a jay sitting on a branch 10 feet away from me just staring. Then it hit me! Why don't I let the jay show me where the kill site is? I must be close! So, I patiently watched the jay as be began moving away from me one tree to another. As I followed, I noticed a couple of more jays begin to appear. Within 300 feet of following the jay I found the kill site, the meat and the antlers (God thing #2 or maybe 10?) !!!!! I was sooo relieved and happy!

Anyway - that was SUCH a fun trip! I harvested my first elk and with archery equipment by myself. I had felt the presence of God with me a lot that week AND I learned - DO NOT TAKE FOR GRANTED YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHERE THAT KILL SITE IS - MARK IT!!!!

One or two more lessons coming soon! Thanks for reading!
Right on!


Jul 4, 2022
Great writing,,
@ 62,, many years on the trail of life, battles/ marrages won an lost, I can say without question the spirit of God always feels very near in the high country,, I used to wonder why,,, who cares? It calms my being,,,an puts my soul at ease,,,

Shoot straight,,,,


Jun 25, 2023
Great story. Very cleaver to use the birds to help you find the kill site. I’m picking little tips wherever I can.
Dec 16, 2020
Great uplifting story! Thank you for your honesty, humility, and respect for others who have commented. I too believe in God, and I also find the mountains to be one of the places I feel the presence of my creator the most clearly. I've had many an answer to prayer over the years, and most of the memorable ones were during some outdoor adventure.

Chris B

Dec 20, 2019
Great story !
Respect and humility seem to be really lacking in today's world .


Aug 1, 2023
Thanks for sharing!

For the brothers who don't yet believe - you will come to your own conclusions, but wisdom requires that you SEEK understanding. That means you dive into the important questions so you can understand and make an educated decision. That means taking an honest look at your heart posture and your willingness to have your mind changed. Survey your pride and keep tabs on it so it doesn't blind you. If you do those things, for the most important question in life, then you've done your duty for yourself, but more importantly for the people you are responsible for.


Jan 19, 2017
I am a believer. Let me tell 2 stories about God on the mountain. My second elk archery elk hunt in CO, 3 of us packed in about 3 miles to camp in a beautiful meadow. The third day one of my buddies shot a 5x5 right at dark. We started trying to track him at daylight. After 2 or 3 hours we had found no sign. We started grid searching, I said a little prayer "God if you want us to find this elk, you are going to have to lead us to it." In less than 10 minutes I saw an just an arrow fletching sticking up out of a gully. There was the elk. We had passed within 30 to 40 yards of the bull several times. Was it a God thing, I don't know, but I have always believed so.
Second story, 4 of us were in the same area several years later, all believers. It is our practice to say grace before eating, at least before dinner. After several long days with not even an elk encounter, the question was asked would it be inappropriate to ask God for success. Three agreed it would not the other thought God had more important things to do, we prayed for success. The next day everyone had encounters with elk and one bull was killed. Again coincidence? I think not.