@robby denning,
More arguments are caused by Religion than Politics.
Therefore, the real
Question is: Why does Rokslide ban political posts yet allow Rokslide Forum to be used as a religious platform for posts with overt religious references? What Would Mods Do "WWMD?" if Muslims started continuously quoting the Koran, or continuously referencing thanks to Allah? What if Muslims or Jews or Athesists on the site were offended by and questioned these references into a debate? How's 'bout Atheists start making posts that question the existence of God in the title of their posts?
Why is ok to blatently reference God in the title of a post, but then not allow questions about those posts? I agree that one member's post was salty in the way it was worded, but how is that really different that the OP making a post with a direct reference to God that everyone else sees? Was it salty to make an open post about God and thaking him for what the OP took as some gift from him? If it's ok to post a direct reference to God, then why isn't it ok to poke back at that reference? Why do the mods jump so quickly to defend a religious post and take that side, rather than supporting the right to question it or feel insulted by it (although that post was salty)?
If you're gonna allow Christian posts and defend that poster, then maybe owners/mods need to eat your own dogfood and start allowing Political posts too and only defend the republican point of view.
Rokslide platform is years old and very mature now, perhaps it is time for the owners to revisit their posting guidelines. Maybe we need a sub-forum for postings with religious reference. That would be one step toward fixing this issue.
No offense meant, just asking direct, logical questions to address the issue at hand. Is this a religious forum or a hunting forum? Before I get burnt on the heretical cross, know that my uncle's a monk, my aunt started her own order of nuns and I do belive in God, but also in questioning direct/indirect preaching in public forums.