A different Wy points question


Jun 18, 2020
Southwest Va
I thought I understood everything in the odds reports, but apparently not. Looking at past Non-res PP reports on antelope I see data for first choice applicants with 0 points that are awarded tags. How does that happen? With a party limit of 6 and the points taken to 4 decimal points, the minimum is still 0.1667 points, not 0. (That's 1 hunter with 1 PP and the remaining 5 with 0)
If there are still tags left when they get down to applicants with no points, then yes they will get a tag. This would only happen in areas with little to no public land.
So after the non-res PP draw what is left but the random? I checked to see if the number of tags awarded to 0 points matched the beginning random plus random special draw quota, but it did not. In fact, it there were more tags allotted in the PP draw to those with 0 points. How does someone apply in the PP draw with 0 points?
All applications are in the preference point draw, and all that don't draw there, go into the random draw.

But what you need to understand is any of the tags you could draw with zero points in the preference draw, are not really a tag you'd want to have. Unless maybe if you're hunting with an outfitter on private land.
How does someone apply in the PP draw with 0 points?
They apply the exact same way that everyone else does. They simply have the lowest chance of drawing vs anybody with >0 points.

As the other 2 posts point out. All apps go through the pp draw, whether 0 or 18.
When the draw gets to the 0 point pool, if there is quota left, they get a tag.
Thanks folks. It makes sense to me now. I was looking specifically at the 2019 draw data for area 103. I applied and drew a tag in the random that year, being 1 of the 61 first choice applicants to draw out of 71 applicants. An additional 103 tags were awarded out of 174 applicants with 0 PP in the PP draw. So, 174 minus 103 = 71, the number of applicants in the random. Even though I applied in the random, I went into the PP draw with 0 points first.
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You don't have a choice to apply in the random side. You apply in either the regular price or special price. All apps go thru the PP side, 1st choice active, then those who didn't draw, go thru the random side with their 1st choice still active. 75% of the tags are issued in the pp side, 25% in the random.