9mm backcountry?

How so? I’ve got a couple red dots, but only on a 22 and 300 AAC. I shoot a few thousand rounds a year, mostly rifle and I’m far less competent with a handgun... do much better with my 1911 and GP100 but suspect the heavier gun and trigger offsets my flaws a bit.
It takes some work to be able to draw present and fire from a holster using a red dot. Just shooting with a red dot on a pistol is great, but getting it up and running can be difficult if you don’t have a good draw stroke. I’ve had one for about 4 years and I’m almost as fast with the RMR as Irons, but much more accurate with the RMR out to distance further than most shoot with pistols. You May be fine, but it was frustrating to shoot against a timer and be slower than you were, for me anyways.
Anyone seen any reviews on federal s solid core ammo line? Sounds like a dood choice for shooting hard cast!
Anyone seen any reviews on federal s solid core ammo line? Sounds like a dood choice for shooting hard cast!
I haven't been able to find any in stock. I've been excited about the line since they announced it's release. All the boutique ammo loaders load their ammo hot, resulting increased slide speeds and corresponding reliability issues. A heavy for caliber hard cast at a standard speed would penetrate more than adequately.
Yea I have been looking for it also. Don’t even see it on federal website. I wanna try it in my G20 10mm.
My suggestion is $55 Ameriglo in black. You want the irons to be invisible unless you need them. Keep in mind that RMR reliability is off the charts.

Are these the ones you're suggesting? Doesn't look like they have a black option for Gen 5?

I picked up a m&p shield a friend had new in box. Think it will fit nicely. I have 17oz binos in the fhf harness and add the gun to it, not much more than bigger binos in total weight. Light , efficient and hopefully effective if needed.
I carry a S & W Shield 40 on my Bino harness. It’s an Alaska Guides Creation harness with their holster. Similar to the FHF you plan to use. It works well. It’s the best combo, for me, of weight and power I currently own.
Shield 40 should be just fine 👍
This will work ideal:

Finally got around to making a move... picked up the 3.25 MOA on the Midway sale while finally getting a Magnetospeed (nice deal for the kit right now by the way). They had all black Ameriglo suppressor sights for the new 19 model so I should be all set. Any suggestions on setup/siting in would be appreciated.
Hi M_man

I will send you a PM.

Real quick are:

>Mounting the RMR is as simple as blue Loc-Tite on the screw threads --- just turn each till snug.
>Sight your RMR first so you can use the red dot to center the suppressor sights. When all done correctly the red dot will center on the front sight when aligned. [Note that you don't sight-in the suppressor sights.]
>Hard to do better than the 25 yard RMR target you can download from the T Rex Arms website. Click values are listed on the target.
>Though setting a Glock's front sight is easy, setting a rear pistol sight doesn't always go smooth, particularly with getting a rear sight perfectly centered (some are stubborn). If you struggle, consider having a local shop with a sight pusher tool set your suppressor sights, or at least that final nudge to center.
All set up! Just gotta find time to shoot... too much fishing this month. Thanks for the input I had to explain to my wife that the peer pressure was simply too much 🤣C2985089-065C-478C-8DB2-C71ED66E258E.jpeg
Side or rear activation and why?

I chose side because of my finger reach and pistol frame size (G19). I couldn’t make it work with an o light pl-2 mini and didn’t want something the size of an X300 or TLR-1. I didn’t like what I’d heard about the XC1’s. So that kind of contradicts my Surefire statement.

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I chose side because of my finger reach and pistol frame size (G19). I couldn’t make it work with an o light pl-2 mini and didn’t want something the size of an X300 or TLR-1. I didn’t like what I’d heard about the XC1’s. So that kind of contradicts my Surefire statement.

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Are you using this same setup for EDC? CCW? Finally picked one up and I really like it. It’s bright but compact and easy to operate. Now I just need to find some new holsters. Any recommendations for either CCW or backcountry carry?
I don't carry a 9MM in the front country and I personally would not consider one for the back country.