7mm prc, how short is too short?

I have shot 3 deer at 981 and 997 and 860, and one bear at 990. Coyotes not so much never can get them to stop running and screwing around. 1k is prob my max limit on living animals and conditions need to be right. I have passed on a bull elk and a bear that were at 1100, I felt it was too far and the envelope of a quick humane kill was too narrow.
That’s really remarkable, Mattman. You should be proud of your marksmanship. I’m not half the shooter as most of these guys who bombed the Backfire challenge.

For most of us mortals, 600 is something to aspire to. For that, a 16inch PRC sounds like the perfect do all rifle.
If I didn’t only shoot suppressed, I’d run longer barrels too…but I don’t, so I don’t. Personally, it’s just a lot more enjoyable to shoot with a suppressor, animals react completely differently to them than a braked or unbraked rifle, I don’t worry about ear when out in the field, and from a handling perspective the package is hard to beat. With the can on, the overall barrel length is 24”, and even that though is pushing the overall length limit for me.
If I didn’t only shoot suppressed, I’d run longer barrels too…but I don’t, so I don’t. Personally, it’s just a lot more enjoyable to shoot with a suppressor, animals react completely differently to them than a braked or unbraked rifle, I don’t worry about ear when out in the field, and from a handling perspective the package is hard to beat. With the can on, the overall barrel length is 24”, and even that though is pushing the overall length limit for me.
I agree, I only shoot suppressed. If it’s not suppressed I prefer not to even shoot it at this point. The guns do get long so I understand the barrel length issue.
Hornady podcast when they announced the 7prc said even though it was designed heavy for caliber high BC bullets that you can load lighter no problem
Ive shot 3 bucks and a bull with 155 terminal ascents out of a 7 rem mag. 2850-2100 impact velocities. Results were impressive. Bullet hits hard, open up big. Wouldnt overlook it if your planning a build with more wind/drop forgiveness
So, I have a 1/8 twist 7mm Rem Mag, shooting 180 gr VLDs close to 7mm PRC speeds. Am I wrong to use information from this thread for barrel length? I want to go suppressed and am thinking of cutting and rethreading my 24" barrel.
So, I have a 1/8 twist 7mm Rem Mag, shooting 180 gr VLDs close to 7mm PRC speeds. Am I wrong to use information from this thread for barrel length? I want to go suppressed and am thinking of cutting and rethreading my 24" barrel.
It will be pretty close. Figure the usual 25 fps per inch.