7mm PRC H1000 recipe? and/or bullet suggestions?


Feb 28, 2021
I just ordered a Seekins Havak PH3 in 7mm PRC.

While I wait for it to be shipped I am coming up with a game plan for building up a load.
I have 100 pieces of ADG brass and I would like to use H1000 as I have a few pounds of it and it seems to be obtainable in the future.

Anyone have a killer load, a secret recipie for the 7 PRC they would be willing to share?
I am not really sure where to start. My reloading books do not even have 7 PRC in them.

Thank you!
ADG brass ran thru PMA mandrel
H1000- 68.3 gr
180 ELD M
.0250 off of lands
mine is 3.320
Fed 215M
24 inch Nexus Gunwerks
69.2 gr h1000, 175 Berger elite hunter. 2950 with a 22” barrel with good terminal results so far. This is with Petersen brass
I started with hornady brass. Max charge I could run without ejector swipes was 67.2gr H1000, cci250 primers, 180 eldm. 2820 fps from a 24" barrel. Tried seating depths of 30, 40, 50, 60 thou and 40 was best (for eldm I had similar results in another rifle at this seating depth). 0.6 MOA groups. Great results on elk as expected.

Next, I'll be trying another load workup with ADG brass
I started with hornady brass. Max charge I could run without ejector swipes was 67.2gr H1000, cci250 primers, 180 eldm. 2820 fps from a 24" barrel. Tried seating depths of 30, 40, 50, 60 thou and 40 was best (for eldm I had similar results in another rifle at this seating depth). 0.6 MOA groups. Great results on elk as expected.

Next, I'll be trying another load workup with ADG brass
Very Very cool! This is encouraging. What dies are you using? Why did you go with ELDM over ELDX?

I am excited to get going on this project. I have brass and primers and H1000. Planning on starting with 175 grain ELD-X bullets they seem to be readily available.

I would love to try RL-23 but it seems to near impossible to source.

Ejector/pin swipes across the case head on bolt rotation and extraction; bolt turns, case doesn't.

Ejector/pin swipes across the case head on bolt rotation and extraction; bolt turns, case doesn't.

Huh. I've never seen that before. You lean something new everyday. Thank you for sharing.
Very Very cool! This is encouraging. What dies are you using? Why did you go with ELDM over ELDX?

I am excited to get going on this project. I have brass and primers and H1000. Planning on starting with 175 grain ELD-X bullets they seem to be readily available.

I would love to try RL-23 but it seems to near impossible to source.
Regular hornady dies, nothing fancy. I set them up to bump shoulders 0.002-0.003".

ELDM have been fantastic on game for me. You will see some threads here discussing terminal results and for me they have been quick killers when the shot is placed right. I don't think you will go wrong with the ELDX either.

I have also used accubonds and hammer hunters. Just seems like the ELDM do a great job for less cost, and they are phenomenally accurate especially if you are a reloader and can fine tune charge and seating depth for your rifle.
Seekins Havak Element 7PRC 22" barrel with suppressor. I am getting 3070 MV with 155 hammer hunters using H1000, Fed 215, and ADG brass. Hit pressure around 3150 but settled on a nice node at 3070. Just punching paper with this bullet so far, but shoots 5 shots under 0.5 MOA. Extreme Spread mid teens SD below 10. Powder charge just under 69 grains, 50 thou off lands.

Have not yet trued BC past 300 yds.

Very easy load workup. Tried H4831SC but was slower with worse accuracy.

Hope that helps