7MM-08 Factory Ammo a Deal Breaker?

When it first came out I heard a lot of people very excited. Posted velocities were quite aggressive. Actual reports suggested significantly lower velocities.

That being said, to be fair I have not tried it.
I’ve used it with 168 Berger vld. I hit 2720 in a 22” barrel with an SD of 8.3 for 5 shots
For the long term, hopefully as the craziness in Europe calms down and ammo makers have to do something with any excess capacity they’ve built up the past few years, we’ll get more of everything on the shelves.

Short action cartridges under 30 caliber are all the rage, so it seems to be in a good place to stick around. If a 7mm creedmoor came out, over time it would put a dent in 7mm-08 sales, but the 08 just has a nice ring to it.

In most people’s mind I wonder if it competes more with the 308 or 6.5 creed?

I didn’t expect to get one, but a nice thin barrel popped up so it’s on the short list to get shooting this summer.
In most people’s mind I wonder if it competes more with the 308 or 6.5 creed?

I didn’t expect to get one, but a nice thin barrel popped up so it’s on the short list to get shooting this summer.

In my mind the Mighty -08 competes with the 7mm Rem Mag on down, for applications inside of 400 yards.

I think if we objectively look at the subject, nothing in the lower 48 is going to know the difference between these cartridges when shot through the chest inside of 400. Even angled shots, in my experience.

Not trying to change anyone’s mind, just stating an opinion based on experience.

But why? 6.5CM recoils less. Quality ammo costs less or the same. And will be more available moving forward.

I know you guys love the 7mm-08. I love my 270. But it doesn't make sense for a new gun for a youth.
You can load a 7-08 to where it recoils as light, or lighter, than a 6.5cm. Then you can scale up as needed, with a selection of bullets going from 110-197gr. You seem set on a 6.5cm, so be it. But the 7-08 isn't going away because YOU don't see a need for it. I don't see a need for a 6.5cm, but I don't care if a million people buy one this week. It's their money, and for now, it's still a free country.

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Maybe it's just my "factory-only" bias affecting how I interpreted the question, but even as it wanders into relative performance, etc, my impression is that reloading has very, very little to do with ammo availability over time, that ammo availability is driven almost 100% by relative sales volume of factory ammo, and relative sales volume of factory ammo is driven by marketing and by relative performance (recoil, load offerings, etc) of FACTORY ammo. I guess the point being that just becasue you can do X, Y or Z to a 7-08 as a reloader to make it compare similarly to another cartridge, that doesnt really affect people's factory ammo choices or availability that much, if at all.
I'm looking at buying a Sauer 100 7MM-08. I'm not seeing a ton of factory ammo options out there although there are some. I don't and won't load my own. Do people feel the ammo avaiability with this caliber might be a long term concern? I really want this caliber but if finding ammo is going to be a struggle I will likely just go with a 308. The rifle will primarily be used for deer and antelope at 400 yards max (mostly much closer). I considered the 6.5CM as well but am concerned about the barrel life. Thank You!

I haven't found a good reason to look for ammo at a gun store in a long, long time, given how excellent this is at finding what's available, for the absolute cheapest prices: https://ammoseek.com/ammo/7mm-08-remington

If there's anything the last 10 years has taught us about ammo, it's that if you wait to buy it until you need it, you waited way too long. Get a full supply of practice and hunting ammo in advance, just as part of the cost of owning a gun. My personal standards are a year's worth of practice ammo, and enough hunting ammo to take care of that gun if I needed to hunt with it as my only hunting rifle for several seasons. This has completely insulated me from needing to worry about ammo over the last few shortages.