7 PRC Velocities / FACTORY Ammo

Watching this one carefully. Just put my 21" carbon six prefit on my kelblys and waiting for the stock. Looking forward to more federal loadings. I keep seeing the Terminal Ascent out there but always out of stock. Must not be out yet.
I picked up a 100 Ultralite LH with the 22" Proof barrel, and had 1 &1/2 weeks to shoot it before using it for elk hunting. I ran 3 different lots of Hornady Precision Hunter 1675 ELD-Xs through it. After 60 rounds, the average velocity increased to about 50fps, to measure 2850 on my CE M2 chrony. No overpressure signs. I proofed the factory loads out to 850 yards and found the ballistics to equate to 2900 fps using Hornady's 4DOF ballistics app. In the meantime, I worked up some handloads using StaBall HD and the ELD-Xs at the same COAL to compare. Accuracy and velocity was basically the same at my rifle's max load. I went over max and got a negligable increase in velocity, and a slight swipe. I then flew off to Colorado for second season elk, and I decided to go with the factory ammo because I had more rounds under my belt with them. I found the ballistic truing and the app to be spot on, as I crumpled a massive 7x7 bull ranged at 730 yards AMR.

I did call Hornady as I was breaking in the barrel, and they asked to send in some bullets. But I figured they're not going to admit their advertising was inflated. I also have heard that they were using different powders. So I deconstructed a cartridge and found 67.6 grains of an extruded standard cut propellant which could be RL-26 (I can't find that pixie dust anywhere, so I am guessing). I did not look like a blend.
If this was asked already I apologize. How much velocity would you expect to pick up with a 24” barrel vs 22”? Hornady states 3000fps with a 24” barrel. You’d expect sub 3000fps but how much?
If this was asked already I apologize. How much velocity would you expect to pick up with a 24” barrel vs 22”? Hornady states 3000fps with a 24” barrel. You’d expect sub 3000fps but how much?
I would expect about a 30-40fps increase.
I picked up a 100 Ultralite LH with the 22" Proof barrel, and had 1 &1/2 weeks to shoot it before using it for elk hunting. I ran 3 different lots of Hornady Precision Hunter 1675 ELD-Xs through it. After 60 rounds, the average velocity increased to about 50fps, to measure 2850 on my CE M2 chrony. No overpressure signs. I proofed the factory loads out to 850 yards and found the ballistics to equate to 2900 fps using Hornady's 4DOF ballistics app. In the meantime, I worked up some handloads using StaBall HD and the ELD-Xs at the same COAL to compare. Accuracy and velocity was basically the same at my rifle's max load. I went over max and got a negligable increase in velocity, and a slight swipe. I then flew off to Colorado for second season elk, and I decided to go with the factory ammo because I had more rounds under my belt with them. I found the ballistic truing and the app to be spot on, as I crumpled a massive 7x7 bull ranged at 730 yards AMR.

I did call Hornady as I was breaking in the barrel, and they asked to send in some bullets. But I figured they're not going to admit their advertising was inflated. I also have heard that they were using different powders. So I deconstructed a cartridge and found 67.6 grains of an extruded standard cut propellant which could be RL-26 (I can't find that pixie dust anywhere, so I am guessing). I did not look like a blend.
Belen, thank you for all the info. Could we get a photo of that bull?

This is the 180 match ammo. Average velocity was 2900. Out of a 22” proof barrel. Those were 6th 7th and 8th shot. I have 20 rounds through the rifle. Haven’t had time to shoot it more do any load work ups. The rifle is one I put together using a Terminus Kratos Lite. Manners LRH stock.
I did not have a chronometer to measure but we shot handloads that were tested with a chronometer at 3010fps. Measuring moa differences at 100, 300 and 600 yards and backing into velocity via AB app, we calculated 2850-2870 avg. this was not the most accurate measure but we’d send 2-3 handloads. Then 3-6 factory 175g eldx precision hunters and calculated the additional dialup needed and then solved for muzzle velocity with two 24” barrels that each had handloads made to achieve 3010fps (one at 68.7 grain, one 69 to reach the same velocity). I’m fine if I have to hunt the factory ammo as I have a profile now. It was consistent enough. Just a tad slower than advertised. Maybe it’s environmental factors. This may be a horrible way to compare two loads. But it’s all I had available.
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Tikka t3x with 22” Carbon6 Prefit. Headspace was perfect. Shot 11 rounds of 175 eldx precision hunters with a magneto sporter chronograph

Avg fps was 2795
ES 42
SD 13

With no time this year for my own load development I was hoping for more velocity out of the factory ammo but accuracy is plenty good. Here’s is the first 10 shots out of a brand new barrel after a bore sight. I expect this group will tighten in a few more rounds.


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You don't get larger group dispersion with the MS on the barrel? My groups always shift and open when using the MS.
20” carbon6 barrel shooting 180 eldm’s, H1000, ADG brass and federal 210M

First 5 shots thru the rifle got cleaned between each shot then the rest were a pressure test, then I picked a charge .5 below the first sign of pressure and loaded 6.

6 shots Through a labradar averaged 2853

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What did you end up with charge wise? I have a C6 20" 1:8 on a Tikka action. Working on load now.
What are most people seeing for velocity with a 24” barrel shooting 175 eld-x factory ammo?
Using handloads that were 3010fps and then following with factory eldsx 175g precision hunter - two 24” barrels we averaged 2850fps - but as said earlier we backed into this by dialing up after the handloads that were chronographed
Fierce Mountain Reaper w/ Suppressor
Hornady factory 175gr Eldx
24” barrel
1:8 Twist
Elevation: 950ft
This is a series of 5 shots fired in a row during the barrel break in consisting of a three minute cool down between shots:
I periodically chronographed shots after this and most ranged between 2,903-2,915 fps. The ammo was bought when it was first released from Hornady.
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I'm trying to choose b/t 22" & 24" for use with an omega 300. Was hoping to see 22" velocities averaging 2900+...
This will be my dedicated ”long range"/Western hunting rig & this thread is making me lean towards 24" now and just dealing with the suck hiking through thick stuff.
The federal eld x sounds like it might be the ticket though. Hopefully they don't back off their loads too.
Shot my first 20 rounds out of a 26” barrel today (Rem700 Long Range).

Average velocity from factory ELD-X was only 2850…kinda disappointing.