My son turns 12 a couple of months before elk season so he gets to hunt in Colorado's general season! First time for him for big game hunting. He's been shooting rabbits (and cleaning/eating them) on grandpa's farm for a few years now and has been on several hunts with me. But I'm just getting him started on bigger rifles. He can handle the 7mm08 - found a great deal on a kimber hunter in 7-08 a couple of years ago - not his gun (yet) but that's what he'll be using. Wish I had got to start out hunting and shooting a gun like that ! Anyways - thoughts/feedback on factory options for the 7-08 and elk. We plan on being close if he gets a chance and will most likely be going for a cow. Needless to say he's excited - and I'm a proud dad. Had always hoped he'd want to hunt with me and (at least for the time being) he does. Actually we're taking grandpa with us too - he's coming down from MN. And we're spending a week in elk camp with good friends of mine. Its going to be a really special time - regardless of how successful we are with harvesting an animal (or 3). Grandpa's 75 and going strong - but there won't always be opportunities like this. Man I'm pumped! Happy Easter!