6mm Creedmoor > 6.5 Grendel??? And... can Ruger American stabilize the Barnes 95 LRX?

I have no experience with the 6 creed. 6.5 grendel and 6 ARC is another story, I built my wife's first deer rifle as a 20in ar, there were no popular budget rifles chambered for it at the time. She liked the rifle and killed several deer with it and I even shot a couple. None over 200 yards all with a 120 eldm and a case full of varget, deer bled good and didn't run far if at all. When the 6 six arc came out I got on that band wagon built and AR wasn't super impressed untill I got a Howa mini action and I really like it I've now taken several deer with it, same story deer bled well didn't run far if at all, 108 eldm case full of varget. When my mother decided she wanted to start deer hunting at 70 asked about a rifle I steered her to a mini action in 6.5 grendel after having both. I don't think there is much advantage to one over the other I only sent her that way for ammo availability even though I load her ammo.
I hear all of that, and honestly, I would have done already gone with the Grendel :p My issue is velocity, I will be using copper monos, so Grendel in short barrel just doesn't seem like enough to push a 115 gr over 2000 fps out to 300 yards. Most of the stuff is calculated out of 24" barrel, I was looking for a 16-20"
I hear all of that, and honestly, I would have done already gone with the Grendel :p My issue is velocity, I will be using copper monos, so Grendel in short barrel just doesn't seem like enough to push a 115 gr over 2000 fps out to 300 yards. Most of the stuff is calculated out of 24" barrel, I was looking for a 16-20

I hear all of that, and honestly, I would have done already gone with the Grendel :p My issue is velocity, I will be using copper monos, so Grendel in short barrel just doesn't seem like enough to push a 115 gr over 2000 fps out to 300 yards. Most of the stuff is calculated out of 24" barrel, I was looking for a 16-20"
That makes your choice easy. 6 creed Barnes 95 lrx. Done.
I forgot Hornady has the ELD-VT line now.

I built my kiddo a 12.5” 6.5G because I had the components. I was shooting 120g gold dots at 2400 in this barrel. But snagged some 100g ELD-VT this weekend and loaded some up. Hoping to get close to 2600 in the short barrel. The BC on those are closer to 120g bullets so they hold energy well.

Will hold 1k ftlbs to 300yds where I hunt (and plenty of velocity).

To your velocity question….my 120g in a 20” barrel were shooting 2700fps.

I think you can get the velocity you want with handloads with 16-20” barrels.

Edit: ran #s on Barnes 120g at 2600fps (confident a 18” would get you there) and it holds 2000fps to 400yds.
I've been down this road with 2 daughters currently 9 & 11 yrs old.
Long story short 243 Win 80/85gr Barnes TSX/TTSX, 6 Creed 95gr Barnes LRX, or 6.5 Creed 120gr Barnes TTSX are my recommendations.

My then 10 yo shot her first 3 deer the year before last.
1st deer with a 6 creed 26' barrel 108 eldm @ 140 yards.
2nd deer with subsonic 350 legend 16" barrel 205 Maker @ 30 yards.
3rd deer with 6 dasher 20" barrel 105 bthp @ 185 yards.

All 3 were neck shots.

I regret getting AR's and building a 6 Dasher for them to start with because a 243 win or 6 Creedmoor doesn't recoil anyways. I hate that I got guns that were "perfect" for starter guns with "low" recoil when I found that they could handle a 6 Creedmoor just fine.

We shoot everything suppressed so the recoil and blast is reduced but even unsuppressed I wouldn't go smaller/slower than 243 win/6 Creed.

This year she shoulder shot a 9pt @ 104 yards.
6.5 Creedmoor Bergara Stoke
Barnes 120gr TTSX factory ammo
Chrono graphed at 2755 fps 20" barrel.

This will be their go to rifle from now on. She doesn't even notice any recoil with the suppressor.

6 Creed Deer.jpg

9 Point Stoke.jpg

9 Point.jpg
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.243 win or 6.5 CM since you don’t reload. If recoil is an issue, install a brake or a suppressor. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be for a 100 yard max shot.
Found this looking for solutions to my 6arc howa mini. I assembled it wanting to reach to 300 with factory ELD-x offerings. Well it has significantly more drop with the current annemic loading hornady is selling(doesn’t meet box velocity) than my 308 with Barnes 130ttsx. 6CM with the 95 LRX out of a Ruger gen2 20” sounds appealing.
Get a light weight AR15 with 16” barrel in 6ARC, suppress with a light weight 6” or less can and call it a day. The AR will be more adjustable to allow a better fit. It will also have less recoil than a bolt gun and of course allow follow up shots if necessary.
Found this looking for solutions to my 6arc howa mini. I assembled it wanting to reach to 300 with factory ELD-x offerings. Well it has significantly more drop with the current annemic loading hornady is selling(doesn’t meet box velocity) than my 308 with Barnes 130ttsx. 6CM with the 95 LRX out of a Ruger gen2 20” sounds appealing.
One of the members here actually convinced me to get into reloading. Looking to reload hammer bullets exclusively. I used to be a LRX guy but from everything I've been reading, here come hammer HHT and Absolutely Hammer offerings ☺️
One of the members here actually convinced me to get into reloading. Looking to reload hammer bullets exclusively. I used to be a LRX guy but from everything I've been reading, here come hammer HHT and Absolutely Hammer offerings ☺️
Yes. Reloading would be the other solution for me. But I don’t reload now and really trying to avoid delving into it even though I know everything can be made better through reloading. It’s just lots of money and time.