Debate aside, only a few people are getting this right, obviously those with AK experience. This isn't even about regulating the caliber so much as it is regulating the people who typically hunt with such weapons.
Very few sport hunters hunt with a .223, and even fewer with an AR. The majority of those that do in Alaska don't view hunting for sport at all. It's subsistence alone, and they will kill the protein they need by any means necessary, ethics be damned. This is an attempt to bring some semblance of ethics into populations that think nothing of them when looking to put food on the table. It's an attempt to legislate "spray and pray" tactics.
So what do you .223 proponents (and believe me I am one, in the right circumstances) want? You want a law that says you can hunt the biggest of big game with a .223 only if you use a 77gr SMK? But a 55 gr TSX is a no go? Get real. You can't be that granular, so you lean on the pragmatic. Just shoot something bigger. BFD. I see pragmatism in the proposal, especially when you consider what's "written" between the lines.
And I'm still taking the bow. It's obvious who the bowhunters are on this thread. I've simply seen well placed arrows kill more quickly and humanely than well placed small caliber bullets on large animals. Many times.