6cm or 6.5cm?

You missed the not reloading part.
I've got Unknown Munitions loaded 88's in 22 CM...just sayin'
^ This

Unless you were going to buy factory ammo in large same lot quantities, it is a crap shoot with some factory offerings, even some so called premium offerings.

Plus with Unknown, Copper Creek and others, you can return the once fired brass and they'll load it right back up.

6.5 would be my choice with factory 140gr Partions.
I have both and use ultra 7's on both. The 6cm will recoil very slightly less, with everything else equal. Very slightly. If you guys shoot a lot, you might appreciate the longer barrel life of the 6.5cm over the 6cm. Currently 6cm can be found a little easier and a little cheaper.

I think what's more important than the difference between the 6 & 6.5 will be the overall weight of the rifle and the stock/chassis used. Take the time and spend the money on a good stock/chassis that fits her and has modern features to support good fundamentals and manage recoil (high heel, vertical grip, proper LOP, proper grip-to-trigger distance, etc). The 10 - 11 pound range is a nice sweet spot for a rifle set-up that isn't tough to carry, but will be very shootable - especially in those cartridges.
In the 6.5 I was looking at the SIG Cross as a versatile option that we could both shoot. My other thought was a Ruger compact in 6.5. These offer shorter threaded barrels for the can. Or maybe a SS Tikka and having the barrel cut and picking up a compact stock or cutting one down an inch. I would rather do that for the stainless option over the blued compact they sell.

The 6 I was thinking of the CA Mesa FFT since it comes with a 20" threaded barrel and then picking up a youth sized 700 stock. I also have a Savage for her now with the stock spacer for reducing LOP so maybe a prefit 6.
I want to get something for my wife that she will not hate shooting. She shoots pretty well but doesnt "enjoy" it. She is definitely afraid of the recoil. She had a 7mm-08 but I sold it.

I am going to get her either a 6CM or a 6.5CM. I dont want to reload for this rifle and these offer a lot of good factory ammo.

I plan to have this rifle at 20" and it will wear a TBAC Ultra 7.

I am debating if the 6 is the way to go for comfort or if the 6.5 is the way to go for more energy down range. The .223 thread has me looking at proof the 6 is enough but my brain is saying bigger is better.

I looked up the ballistics of the factory ELDX for each and took 100fps off the box velocity for the 20" barrel.

6CM: MV of 2950 puts me at 2000 fps at about 650yds with about 950ft/lbs
6.5CM: MV of 2600 puts me at 2000 fps at about 550yds with about 1275ft/lbs

I am looking at the 2000 fps as the min velocity for the ELDX to do its job. This makes it look like the 6CM is more effective at a longer range. I would like for her to get proficient to 5-600. So, is the 6CM the way to go? She mainly hunts deer and cow elk every few years.

I have a 6 CM, a 243 and a 6.5 CM.
6.5 CM - moderate recoil, lots of ammo availability
6 CM - marginally less recoil, screaming loads, much less ammo availability than the 6.5.
243 - less recoil than 6.5 CM, very similar performance to 6 CM. Now and for the foreseeable future, it is significantly easier to find both quantities of and more factory loads are on the shelf than the 6CM.

For the hunters who don't reload, the 243 is the best 6mm option imo.
I have a 6 CM, a 243 and a 6.5 CM.
6.5 CM - moderate recoil, lots of ammo availability
6 CM - marginally less recoil, screaming loads, much less ammo availability than the 6.5.
243 - less recoil than 6.5 CM, very similar performance to 6 CM. Now and for the foreseeable future, it is significantly easier to find both quantities of and more factory loads are on the shelf than the 6CM.

For the hunters who don't reload, the 243 is the best 6mm option imo.
I have not seen the same with ammo. For instance Midway has 3 options in stock for 243 ammo and 8 options in stock for 6CM. My local Sportsmans has 2 options in stock for 243 (58gn and 73gn V Max) and 7 options in stock for 6CM. I almost picked up a 243 barrel but decided not to due to the shortage of ammo for it compared to the 6CM.
Are you taking her to a range with braked magnum calibers going off on either side of her? That might make it less enjoyable lol
I have not seen the same with ammo. For instance Midway has 3 options in stock for 243 ammo and 8 options in stock for 6CM. My local Sportsmans has 2 options in stock for 243 (58gn and 73gn V Max) and 7 options in stock for 6CM. I almost picked up a 243 barrel but decided not to due to the shortage of ammo for it compared to the 6CM.
I agree… 6 creed can be found everywhere.. 243 is few and far between
6 Creed all the way. I have two custom rifles chambered in it. One 18” and one 26”. I much prefer 108 ELD-Ms over the ELD-X. I’m not a huge fan of ELD-X, the ELD-Ms seem to perform a lot better on deer/hogs.

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I have a 6 CM, a 243 and a 6.5 CM.
6.5 CM - moderate recoil, lots of ammo availability
6 CM - marginally less recoil, screaming loads, much less ammo availability than the 6.5.
243 - less recoil than 6.5 CM, very similar performance to 6 CM. Now and for the foreseeable future, it is significantly easier to find both quantities of and more factory loads are on the shelf than the 6CM.

For the hunters who don't reload, the 243 is the best 6mm option imo.
That's the good thing about the 6mm creedmoor in a sense. No need for a dozen different loads when the 108 eld-m checks all the boxes.
tough one, there's a lot to love about the 108 eld-m and that 140 eld-m, those would be my top choices, .536 bc vs .646 bc and the .261 vs .287 sd, both adequate and the added sd/bc makes up the difference in the bit of velocity drop below 2000 fps impact for the last 50 yards to get to 600 for the 140...then you factor in the recoil energy difference about 14% less for the 108 and then factor in those cow elk the 140 looks better....

after all that I'd say just flip a coin, you're splittin c-hairs ;)

or just ask her how she feels about manbuns? 6cm is cooler

spotting hits be a little easier on the 6cm also, I'm leaning 6 on this but really do love the 140's paperwork in 6.5 and feel it's the underrated and possibly the most versatile factory ammo choice on the planet for playing in western hunting and range work, the 108 is hot on it's heels and makes maybe a touch more sense for your ask
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I'm sure it's different depending on where you are, but between PA before and HI now, I never see 6 CM ammo, and I always see 6.5 CM ammo on the shelves. For factory ammo availability concern only, seems like 6.5 CM has a clear advantage. If you will order your ammo exclusively online I'm sure you can circumvent that.

Also, the weight of the rifle plays a huge role in felt recoil. A sub-7 lb 6.5 CM setup's recoil is not negligible, but the non-superlite versions and bigger optics I'm sure help manage that as well.
I'm sure it's different depending on where you are, but between PA before and HI now, I never see 6 CM ammo, and I always see 6.5 CM ammo on the shelves. For factory ammo availability concern only, seems like 6.5 CM has a clear advantage. If you will order your ammo exclusively online I'm sure you can circumvent that.

Also, the weight of the rifle plays a huge role in felt recoil. A sub-7 lb 6.5 CM setup's recoil is not negligible, but the non-superlite versions and bigger optics I'm sure help manage that as well.

I was suprised by the people claiming 6CM is more plentiful than 243 in their area.

In my area, 6.5 CM and 308 are in a close race for most plentiful. After that, 243, '06 and 270 seem to make up the second most plentiful group.

In other areas, I could see magnums being much more common than they are here.

For more than a decade, my general strategy for choosing cartridges has been to pick the most commonly available option In my area.
Personally, I think the open grip, low comb & heel, and forend flimsiness of the Ruger Compact, Tikka, and CA are not good options. I would swap stocks immediately for any of those. I haven't owned, but after handling a few different Sig Cross's, I don't have a lot of confidence in their chassis to remain locked-up solid. You are also married with the Cross as there is basically zero aftermarket support.

I'd look at something like a Manners LRH and have manners actually build it with the correct length of pull and with the action inlet moved rearward for a proper grip-to-trigger length. If you're looking to share the rifle and/or if your wife is really short, something like a Manners CS/2 or an XLR Element with TLR2 may be a good option.

As far as ammo is concerned, I don't think it's even a question between a 6 CM and a 243. You get better options for cheaper with the 6CM. Apples to apples, the 103 ELDX is a better bullet than the 90 ELDX. From a very quick search, the 90 ELDX is going to be about $550 per case, and the 103 ELDX can be found at $330 per case. There's available options in 6 CM from Berger, Prime, several good offerings (that are available) from Federal. Heck, I think you'd be better off with a 6GT than a 243 in terms of factory ammo price, availability, and quality.

I'm starting to see 6.5 CM ammo prices come down as well. Cases of 143 ELDX can be found for about $375, 147 ELDM is $350 per case, availability is popping up for Berger 140 & 144, Federal loaded Berger 130's are around, etc.
My 6CM barrel shipped today. Where do you recommend looking for a good price on a case of ELDM? I see some good prices on Ammo Seek but dont know if the sellers are legit with all the fake ammo sites out there.
My 6CM barrel shipped today. Where do you recommend looking for a good price on a case of ELDM? I see some good prices on Ammo Seek but dont know if the sellers are legit with all the fake ammo sites out there.
I better get a tip for this one

I built a 24” 6CM that has become one of my favorite setups. I had the barrel threaded for brake and suppressor use but only use the suppressor now. It shoots 105 hybrids fantastic and they have dropped bucks amazingly well. Knowing what I do now, I would have gone with a shorter barrel. I’m leaning towards a 20” for my next build to be used easier in blinds and tree stands.


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